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Observational Cosmology. < 10 -35 sec. a(t) = a o /(1+z). CMB Studies: z ~ 1000 . Dark Ages: z > ~ 7 . Clusters z < 3. Large-scale Structure z < 0.5 . Theoretical Framework of Expanding Universe. Origin at hot Big Bang, Inflation, t 10 -35 sec
Observational Cosmology < 10-35 sec a(t) = ao/(1+z) CMB Studies: z ~ 1000 Dark Ages: z > ~ 7 Clusters z < 3 Large-scale Structure z < 0.5
Theoretical Framework of Expanding Universe Origin at hot Big Bang, Inflation, t 10-35 sec Light Element synthesis, t 3 minutes Matter/energy content: baryons, dark matter, vacuum energy Opaque Baryon-photon fluid Acoustic oscillations (gravity vs. photon pressure), gravity waves, … z ~ 1000: Baryonic matter becomes neutral, t ~300,000 years CMBR emerges with imprints of the conditions of the universe ~10 < z < 1000: Dark Ages Initial density fluctuations grow under gravity DM halos Baryons collect in DM potential wells z ~10: first stars, re-ionization z < 10: galaxy and (hierarchical) structure formation Small galaxies form first, mergers to form larger galaxies, groups and clusters, super-clusters and voids
Evolution of the Universe AMiBA TAOS SMA
Hubble Deep Field: Deepest picture! Most distant galaxy z ~ 4
Cosmic Microwave Background Remnant Heat of the Big Bang Universe expands and cools t ~ 300,000 year, T = 2700 K, p + e = H: Universe transparent to EM waves; Heat of Big Bang detectable as microwave 1965: Penzias and Wilson (1978 Nobel Prize) Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Existence of structure (galaxies) requires Anisotropy in CMB Search for anisotropy = Holy grail of physics for the next 27 years
Temp. = 2.725K (Homogeneity) Dipole T=0.0034K (Motion) Anisotropy T=0.000018K (Irregularity)
Planck Curve Heat of Big Bang ! Current Temperature = 2.725 K = –270 C Universe cooled upon expansion
Why Study the CMB ? Primary Anisotropy Geometry and Fate of the Universe:o = b + m + Baryon content: b Origin of Structure (galaxies, clusters…) Secondary Anisotropy Probing universe after recombination era Polarization Probing before recombination era Epoch of Re-ionization (after recombination)
CMB Experiments Space missions (All Sky Survey; low resolution) MAP (2001), PLANCK (2007) Balloons (area survey; intermediate resolution) BOOMERANG (1999), MAXIMA (1999), TOPHAT (2001), MAXIPOL (2001) Ground-based Bolometer Arrays on single telescopes (area survey, high resolution) ACBAR, BOLOCAM Interferometers (area survey, high angular resolution) CBI, DASI, VSA, AMiBA, SZA, AMI
Boomerang 從12/1998 到 1/1999 氣球在南極上空35公里處飛行十天 持續的陽光,穩定的氣流 1,000,000 立方公尺的氣球 由加拿大、義大利、英國和美國組成的 國際團隊 興建五年 (始於一九九三年)
宇宙的命運 宇宙的密度: = /(crit) Open ( < 1) Flat ( = 1) Closed ( > 1)
1 AMiBA: (AS/NTU) 90-GHz interferometer - CMB Secondary Anisotropy and Polarization 2CP violation + CDM Search:(NTU) 3 Theory: (NTU/AS)String Cosmology; Particle Physics implications of CMB and BBN data;Non-equilibrium phase transition; Quintessence; CMB polarization 4 OIR Telescope Access: (AS/NTU/NCU/NTHU) CFHT (4-m) via construction of WIRCAM; OIR complement to AMiBA 5 National Infra-structure: (NCU/NTHU/AS/NTU) Jade Mountain Lu-lin Observatory Important for Astronomy & Astrophysics in universities CosPA = Cosmology & Particle Astrophysics(MoE/NSC Research Excellence Initiative)
12/1997:TAW5 on Cosmology at NCU 09/1998: Specification Study of a SZE Array (unique at the time) 04/1999: Joint MoE Research Excellence Proposal - CosPA submitted 12/1999: Funding for CosPA approved 02/2000: S + T Review Meeting to ensure final AMiBA is unique Full Polarization capability for AMiBA AMiBA Development History
Principal AMiBA Science Goals High z Cluster Survey via SZE Distance independence of SZE Structure Formation History: b, m, 8 Cluster and Galaxy Evolution Missing Baryons via SZE IGM, Outskirts of clusters, Super-clusters, Filaments Polarization of CMB Unambiguous time signature of CMB Cleaner imprint of initial perturbations Degeneracy-breaking of cosmological parameters Determination of Epoch of Re-ionization
AMiBA Specifications 19-element (0.3/1.2m) Platform mounted (6m) Dual-channel 85 - 105 GHz HEMTs at 20K Full polarization capabilities 2’ highest resolution 44’ / 11’ FOV T = 7 K in 1 hour Site: Mauna Loa
Key Sub-systems Cryogenic Receivers: NRAO MIC HEMTs M-T Chen, W. Ho, HM Jiang (ASIAA), Mal Sinclair (ATNF), C.S. Institute (?) Development of MMIC InP HEMTs H. Wang (NTU), M. Sinclair (ATNF), Robert Hu (ASIAA) Photonic LO system Y-J Hwang (ASIAA), John Payne (NRAO) IF distribution T. Chu, Leo Lu (NTU) Analog Lag-Correlators: 20 GHz BW W. Wilson (ATNF), T-D Chiueh (NTU), J. Peterson (CM) Steward Mount/Platform R. Martin (ASIAA), P. Raffin (ASIAA)
AMiBA Timetable • System + Detailed Design 03.2000 ~ 12.2000 • Prototype: Parts Acquisition + Subsystems + Integration 08.2000 ~ 09.2001 • Prototype: Assembly + Testing at site 10.2001 ~ 12.2001 • Site: Permit + Preparation 01.2001 ~ 12.2001 • Production Fabrication 01.2002 ~ 6.2003 • Mount erection 07.2002 ~ 10.2002 • Commissioning 03.2004 ~ • Operations 04.2004 ~ 04.2009
Science Goals on target Needs to speed up schedule !
Evolution of the Universe AMiBA TAOS SMA
Uncertainties & the Future Intrinsic luminosity/Evolution of SNe Type Ia K-correction: emitted wavelength red-shifted by (1+z) Extinction by dust (intrinsic and Galactic) Selection bias (Scott-Mahmquist) Local Void (in-homogeneity) Gravitational lensing (affects apparent magnitude) Contamination by non-Type Ia SN SNe at z > 1; SN light red-shifted to IR: NGST etc
Space telescopes HST, NGST 10m class ground-based OIR telescopes Keck (2 x 10m), VLT (4 x 8m), Subaru (8m), Gemini (2 x 8m), Magellan (2 x 6m), LBT (2 x 8m),CGT (10m) Survey Telescopes AAT, CFHT, SDSS, FIRST, LAMOST Next Generation Plans CELT (30m), OWL (100m), NGCFHT (20m), … ALMA, SKA Telescope for the Early Universe
The Next Ten Years of Astronomy in Taiwan SMA (2002), TAOS (2002), AMiBA(2002/3) coming into operation Second Ten-Year Plan: 2002 - 2011 Planning proposal submitted and approved by NSC Workshop/meetings in Fall of 2001 Planning Report submitted in 2002