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ho'oponopono. We carry inside us as parts of the Unconscious Mind, all the significant people in our lives. Ho'oponopono makes it "all right" with them .
ho'oponopono We carry inside us as parts of the Unconscious Mind, all the significant people in our lives. Ho'oponopono makes it "all right" with them. The process of Ho'oponopono is to align with and clean up our genealogy as well as to clean up our relationships with other people in our lives. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
a way to solve problems • Ho'oponopono is a process for solving problems. • It does more than just solve problems - it's a means for getting aligned with existence. • ho'oponopono is both simple and complex. • Most important of all, ho'oponopono is a big help for anybody caring enough to apply it. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. Ho’oponopono originated from Hawaii and was originally taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. Morrnah was a healer and in 1983 she received a great honor by being designated as a living treasure of Hawaii. She was teaching Ho’oponopono to small and large groups of people as well as to hospitals, colleges and even to United Nations personnel. She also founded “The Foundation of I” to promote principles of Ho’oponopono around the world Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len • Dr. Hew Len was the student of Morrnah Simeona and practitioner of updated Ho’oponopono technique. • He was the first person who got documented and confirmed proof of the healing miracles of ho’oponopono process. • Dr. Hew Len observed Hooponopono healing powers himself when Morrnah Simeona healed his daughter from painful bleeding shingles (skin disease) that she suffered from for more than a decade without anyone or anything helping. • Being university-trained physician he decided to look deeper into the process that Morrnah Simeona was using. He signed into her seminar in 1982 managed to complete the training. He was staying and learning from Morrnah all the way till 1992 when she passed away. Paying utmost attention to her teaching and practices Dr Hew Len managed to simplify and improve Ho’oponopono process even more and with amazing results. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Dr. Hew Len’s experiment • From 1984 till 1987 he worked as a staff psychologist for Hawaii State Hospital overseeing high security unit housing male criminally insane patients. • Now, to make things clear – these are the type of guys you don’t want to turn your back on. These guys committed murders, rapes, assaults and due to their degree of “insanity” were locked into psychiatric high security facility. Violence against each other and staff members were common. • Fast forward to 1987 (3 years later) wrist and ankle restraints were no longer used in this facility. Violence almost ceased to exist, only involving mostly new patients. New off-site activities were introduced to former violent patients. The spirit and order in the unit was greatly improved and eventually the whole unit was closed because there was no need. People just got improved, healed and released or moved into other non-violent wards. • This all was documented, described by multiple witnesses and personnel. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Dr. Len’s experiment • According to Dr. Hew Len, he did not do any therapy or counseling with patients • He did not attend any staff conferences on patients • He practiced updated Ho’oponopono process daily, that included accepting 100% of responsibility for everything being experienced by him. • Dr. Hew Len improved and practiced updated Ho’oponopono process every day and this process caused the most miraculous transformation within the most challenging environment within 3 years Access Learning and Healing Solutions
What happened in 3 years? “I didn’t heal them. I healed part of myself that created them”. • That phrase alone explains the most important presumption of Ho’oponopono: You are 100% responsible for everything. • Everything and everywhere! And it means not only your personal screwups and your personal successes. It means if someone somewhere did something and you became aware of that – you are 100% responsible for that. • Ho’oponopono is not your free ticket to guilt trip. • Being 100% responsible is not the same as feeling infinitely guilty for miseries. It’s reminder of your creative powers and gentle welcome to return back to your inner nature. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
It's all about you The key aspect of ho'oponopono is: • Everything comes from you. • This is referred to as 100% responsibility, and it means that every problem you experience is happening because of you. • It's a safe bet that ho'oponopono wasn't intended to win popularity contests, because telling someone they are responsible for every problem that's experienced is a sure way to meet up with some strong resistance and also rejection. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
It's all about you • Individual responsibility is almost never meant to convey absolute individual responsibility. • In fact, some people who take up responsibility will place blame on others very quickly. • This may seem completely reasonable to these people and to many others too; but placing blame like this is in opposition to the ho'oponopono belief system. • In ho'oponopono the problem is never with someone else - it's in you. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
constant cleaning process • Cleaning is the actual Ho’oponopono practice. • You clean yourself from subconscious garbage – programs that run your life without your participation. • Actual Ho’oponopono cleaning process consists of repetitions of the following phrases: • I Love You • Please forgive me • I am sorry • Thank you • These phrases repeated will ignite the self transformation process for the practitioner. • This is exactly what Dr. Hew Len did to invite divine transformation powers for his surrounding during his work at Hawaiian mental hospital. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Responsibility of ho'oponopono • Can a person not accept 100% responsibility and still practice the ho'oponopono method? • Yes. But the belief here is that seeing circumstances as being caused by external events, while at the same trying to use ho'oponopono, is neutralizing the method's effects. • You simply can't apply ho'oponopono in full, and probably not even close to full, if you're looking external for causes. • Responsibility is too key to how ho'oponopono works. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Responsibility is not Blame • For those who might reject ho'oponopono 100% responsibility, it may help to know that 100% responsibility in ho'oponopono is not the same as blame. • You don't need to blame yourself for problems - just know that problems you experience are there for you to resolve. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Getting to the issue • Putting ho'oponopono into practice is not difficult, though it can take discipline. • Problems are going to come up, and maybe even come up a lot. The way to resolve problems with ho'oponopono is to use ho'oponopono and to keep using it. Sticking to it brings the resolution and an enhanced life experience overall. • The results from using ho'oponopono on a consistent basis can be quite incredible. So how to use ho'oponopono? Access Learning and Healing Solutions
How to apply? • Ho'oponopono can be applied through different processes. • Mentally saying 'I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you' is a ho'oponopono process. • Drinking what's referred to as blue solar water -- tap water poured into a blue glass bottle and set in the sun or under a non fluorescent light for an hour or more -- is considered to be a ho'oponopono process. • The key to these and any other ho'oponopono process is consistent application. The more you put ho'oponopono to use, the more you can experience life changing results. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Who do you say these phrases? • Essentially you just say them. No need to feel anything special, imagine anything, or otherwise to complicate this process. • The process is as simple as breathing. When you breath in and breathe out – you clean your body from processed “polluted” air and enrich it with fresh, oxygen rich, good energy air. • All this happens without you mixing breathing with any complicated practices. It just happens and your body gets constant supply of oxygen. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Just do it • You repeat these phrases just like a mantra and the cleaning process happens. You may clean life situations, places, relationships and of course financial situations. • When something comes to your awareness – you accept 100% responsibility for that and repeat the cleaning process. • No guilt trips. No intellectualizing. No judgements. You clean. Divinity does the rest. Divinity = God = Infinite Intelligence =______________ (insert you favorite term for “higher” power here). • Ho’oponopono cleaning is letting go and letting God. Access Learning and Healing Solutions
Ritualistic Process • Bring to mind anyone with whom you do not feel total alignment or support, etc. • In your mind's eye, construct a small stage below you • Imagine an infinite source of love and healing flowing from a source above the top of your head (from your Higher Self), and open up the top of your head, and let the source of love and healing flow down inside your body, fill up the body, and overflow out your heart to heal up the person on the stage. Be sure it is all right for you to heal the person and that they accept the healing. • When the healing is complete, have a discussion with the person and forgive them, and have them forgive you. • Next, let go of the person, and see them floating away. As they do, cut the aka cord that connects the two of you (if appropriate). If you are healing in a current primary relationship, then assimilate the person inside you. • Do this with every person in your life with whom you are incomplete, or not aligned.The final test is, can you see the person or think of them without feeling any negative emotions. If you do feel negative emotions when you do, then do the process again. Access Learning and Healing Solutions