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PowerPoint. Assignment Overview. Competent users can…. Understand the features, uses, advantages , and disadvantages ofPPT. Competent users can….
PowerPoint Assignment Overview
Competent users can… Understand the features, uses, advantages, and disadvantages ofPPT
Competent users can… Open a slide show in presentationmode, navigate through the presentation, and use numbers onthekeyboard to go directly to a specific slide 24
Competent users can… Create a new slide show file
Competent users can… Use the outline feature to organizetheslide show
Competent users can… Select or create a background thatappearson all slides
Competent users can… Add slides to a presentation and move them within the presentation
Competent users can… Add text, graphics, photographs, and sounds to slides
Different Types of Images JPG PNG GIF
Competent users can… Embed video in a presentation Ribbon (Start Menu) PowerPoint Options (very bottom) Check “Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon” Go to Dev Tab, click “More Controls” button Scroll down to Shockwave Flash Object (select) Draw a box on your slide (video size) On YouTube, click “Share” Copy URL – delete “watch?” – change “=“ to “/” Autoplay command – “&autoplay=1” Right-click PPT box, go to “Properties” Paste URL into “Movie”, click OK Press F5 to view the Presentation
Competent users can… Create transitions (wipes, fades, sounds) between slides
Competent users can… Create links within the text or graphics to external resources/PPT/progs/Net
Competent users can… Use an LCD projector to display the presentation to a class
Competent users can… Understand basic rules of graphic design that apply when designing a PPT Death by PowerPoint
1. Have Something to say • Interesting Ideas • Useful Information (Still a dog)
2. Organize it (Tell them:) 2 Say it 3 What you justsaid 1 What you will say
3. Don’t let slides = show You, presenter = focus • Eye contact • Enthusiasm • Gestures • Vocal variation • Practice • Public spk skills
5. Use good design/format • Less = more (5/5, 6/6, 7/7) • Bigger = better (18pt, 36pt) • Cute vs. Plain • High-contrast colors • Simple background
7. Don’t just use text • Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibheuismodtinciduntutlaoreetdolore magna aliquameratvolutpat. Utwisienim ad minim veniam, quisnostrudexercitationullamcorpersuscipitlobortisnislutaliquip ex ea commodoconsequat. Duisautemveleumiriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputatevelitessemolestieconsequat, velillumdoloreeufeugiatnullafacilisis at veroeros et accumsan et iustoodiodignissim qui blanditpraesentluptatumzzrildelenitaugueduisdoloretefeugaitnullafacilisi. Nam libertempor cum solutanobiseleifend option conguenihilimperdiet doming id quod mazimplacerat facer possimassum. Typi non habentclaritateminsitam; estususlegentis in iis qui faciteorumclaritatem. Investigationesdemonstraveruntlectoreslegere me lius quod ii leguntsaepius. Claritasestetiamprocessusdynamicus, qui sequitur mutationemconsuetudiumlectorum. Mirumestnotare quam litteragothica, quam nuncputamusparumclaram, anteposueritlitterarumformashumanitatis per seaculaquartadecima et quintadecima. Eodemmodotypi, qui nuncnobisvidenturparumclari, fiantsollemnes in futurum.
8. Proofread • SpelingoRgRAMMARmistakeesloookwrse at larjesizez
Assignment • Title slide and conclusion slide • 15 slides in the middle • Video, graphic, sound (1 each) • Embedded YouTube video • Change the design template/background • Transition & Animation (1 each) • Use different slide layouts (5 at least) • Smart Art and Word Art (1 each) • Table, graph, chart (1 at least) • Rule of 7’s
Resources • Anchors • YouTube Embed