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Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education. IISME Teacher Retention and Program Impact Study. Study conducted in 2001by Dr. Kathryn Sloane Weisbaum Surveyed 734 teachers who held IISME Fellowships from 1985-2000 58% return rate
Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education IISME Teacher Retention and Program Impact Study Study conducted in 2001by Dr. Kathryn Sloane Weisbaum Surveyed 734 teachers who held IISME Fellowships from 1985-2000 58% return rate 100 non-respondents traced to assess whether non-respondents’ answers differed Full report available on IISME’s website: http://www.iisme.org/SFOutcomesEvaluations.cfm Presented by Kaye Storm, Director of Special Projects, IISME, kstorm@iisme.org
Category of Teacher Average Annual Attrition Rate IISME Fellows Leaving Education* 2% IISME Fellows Leaving Classroom Teaching 4% California and U.S. Teachers Leaving Classroom Teaching (1999) 8% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Average Annual Teacher Attrition Rates (All categories include retirement.) *Categorizes counselors, administrators, technology and curriculum specialists, and district personnel as “still in education.”
Position Title Frequency Percent Selecting Item Classroom Teacher 343 93% Department Chair or School Administrator 159 43% Professional Development or Curriculum Development Specialist 130 35% Computer/Technology Specialist 71 19% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Positions in Education Held in Past Five Years
Frequency (n=281) Percent Selecting Item How did IISME encourage you to stay Offered me a professional challenge 227 81% Gave me new perspectives on my role as teacher 179 64% Increased my enthusiasm for teaching 166 59% Added income so I could stay in teaching 158 56% Gave me a breather to refresh for the fall 135 48% Affirmed my commitment to teaching 128 46% Offered me a professional support network 101 40% Increased my awareness of benefits of teaching 76 27% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education How IISME Encourages Fellows to Stay in Teaching in teaching? * * More than one category could be selected.
Area of Program Effect* Frequency Indicating "Some Effect”** Percent Indicating "Some Effect”** (N=332) Professional Self-concept 276 83% Knowledge of Careers 275 83% Professional Development 266 80% Commitment to Teaching 238 72% Access to Community Resources 233 70% New Class Content 229 69% New Teaching Strategies 170 51% Professional Advancement 163 49% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education IISME Program Effects *More than one category could be selected. **Respondents could select “weak,” “moderate,” or “strong” effect.
Sample Still in Education Still in Teaching Initial Respondents (n=326) 88.3% 78.8% Late Respondents (n=99) 79.8% 68.7% Combined Sample (n=425) 86.4% 76.5% Weighted Estimate for Population (n=734) 83.4% (+/- 2.2%) 73.5% (+/- 2.4%) Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Retention Rates
Number of Years in Education Number of Respondents in Cohort Number of Cohort who Left Education Percent of Cohort who Left Education 2 to 3 16 6 38% 4 to 5 36 3 8% 6 to 10 70 12 17% 11 to 30 202 15 7% 30+ 48 8 17% Missing data 53 14 26% Total 425 58 13.6%* Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education IISME Total Attrition Rate by Number of Years in Education *13.6% total attrition over 16 years equals 2% average annual attrition.
Did IISME serve as impetus to stay in teaching? Categories of Respondents Number Responding “Yes” Percent Responding “Yes” Still in Education 329 77% Left Education 43 67% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education IISME as Impetus for Staying in Education
Current Status Frequency (n=58) Percent of “Leavers” Took job in industry 18 31% Retired 13 22% Unemployed 7 12% Went back to school 6 10% Self-employed 6 10% Took job in education-related field, medicine, or religion 4 7% Did not report 4 7% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Career Choices for Those Leaving Education
Considering Leaving Profession? IISME Fellows (n=367) NSTA Sample* (n=1,365) Yes 32%** 38% No 58% 59% No response 10% 3% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Percentages of Teachers Considering Leaving Education *Nationwide survey of science teachers. **Over one-third who are contemplating leaving have 26+ years of teaching experience so they are close to retirement.
Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Why Teachers are Considering Leaving Education
Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Teacher Ratings of Quality of IISME Program
Increases in Types of Classroom Practice* Frequency of "Yes" Percent of "Yes" (n=332) Add examples & illustrations 234 71% Provide more career information 215 65% Add new content 186 56% Use more team/group work 176 53% Implement Education Transfer Plan 156 47% Use more problem solving 119 36% Connect students w/ industry 104 31% Improve classroom management strategies 34 10% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Classroom Transfer *More than one category could be selected.
Leadership Activity* Frequency (N=332) % Reporting Effect More professional development 152 46% Mentor other teachers 149 45% More professional networking 113 34% New leadership roles 109 33% New school programs 60 18% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Leadership Activities Pursued *More than one category could be selected.
Statement of Benefits* Frequency of “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” % Who “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” (N=189) There are important differences in what I gained each summer. 131 69% The professional benefits accumulated with each year of participation. 125 66% It is important to have this sort of professional development experience more than once for maximum benefit. 119 63% Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Rating Benefits of Multiple Fellowships *More than one category could be selected. (Only teachers with multiple fellowships responded to this question.)
Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Principals’ Perceptions of IISME Summer Fellowship Program Conducted December 2002 by Dr. Jennifer Benjamin as her Ph.D. dissertation Surveyed all public school principals whose teachers held IISME Fellowships in 2000, 2001 or 2002 80 respondents
Bringing Excitement and Relevance to Education Principal Survey Highlights The principals reported that, following their IISME participation: ·66% of their teachers integrated more technology into their curriculum. ·64% increased their content knowledge and continued to acquire information relevant to their field (this was significantly higher among high school teachers than K-8 teachers). ·57% strengthened their commitment to teaching. ·56% provided more access to career information and resources for their students. ·47% assumed more leadership roles in their school. ·46% challenged themselves to a greater degree intellectually and professionally.