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Ostriches . By: Michelle Moore Brandi B ormann. Ostrich Cells.
Ostriches By: Michelle Moore Brandi Bormann
OstrichCells Ostriches have animal cells. The main parts of an animal cell is the nucleus, cell membrane, and cytoplasm. An ostrich has many types of cells examples like blood cells, skeletal cells they move your bones and many more. Cells attract to tissues.
Reproduce A male ostrich makes hissing sounds to attract harem or female ostrich. Both males fight the winner gets to breed with all the females. She then lays her eggs in about an 30cm- 60cm hole. Ostrich eggs can weigh up to 1.3kg and the ostrich lays the largest eggs. They hatch after 35-45 days.
Traits from their parents Ostriches are ratites, flightless birds that have one flat breastbone other than a keeled or curved breastbone like birds of flight. They have a simple wing bone structure, strong legs, and no feather vanes, making it unnecessary to oil the feathers. Therefore, ostriches have no preen gland that contains preening oil. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world, with long legs and necks. They run really fast.
Grow and Develop • Maturity takes about 3-4 years. • Life spanned is about 30 to 40 years. • Height- Male- 6.2 to 9 feet – Female 5.7 to 6.2 • Weight- Male-220 to 287 – Female 198 to 242 • Eats seeds, grass, bushes, and it forage on trees.
What Ostrich eat? Ostriches are omnivores. They usually eat plants sometimes they eat bugs like locusts . It also eats small animals like lizards. Ostriches can eat things that most other animals can’t. They usually don’t need water cause they get most of their water from the plants they eat. Sometimes ostriches swallow stones or rocks so it helps grinded up the food. Ostriches eat 3 times a day just like us!
Respond to the environment When Ostrich are approached by danger they run. Surprisingly they don’t stick there heads in the sand! If they are sitting on the nest they stretch their head out and put it in the grass.
Stable invironment A male ostrich will dig a large hole up to 6 to 8 feet wide and 2 to 3 feet deep in the sand for the nest / eggs. An ostrich's first response to fear is to run. Not only do they not stay to protect the eggs, they attempt to detract a predator to follow them. Due to the fact that they can run sustained speeds of about forty miles per hour, most predators are quickly lost and the eggs are safe.
http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/ostrich/reproduction.html http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/biobookanimalts.html http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-ostrich.html http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/ostrich.htm
http://animals.jrank.org/pages/379/Ostrich-Struthionidae.htmlhttp://animals.jrank.org/pages/379/Ostrich-Struthionidae.html http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090322083526AAaJ0us