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Delivering more and better water and wastewater services by advancing utility performance

Supporting Water Operators’ Partnership in Asia. Delivering more and better water and wastewater services by advancing utility performance. Briefing for Global CoP January 2009. Background.

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Delivering more and better water and wastewater services by advancing utility performance

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  1. Supporting Water Operators’ Partnership in Asia Delivering more and better water and wastewater services by advancing utility performance Briefing for Global CoP January 2009

  2. Background • United Nations Secretary General’s Advisory Board on water and sanitation (UNSGAB): Compendium of Actions: structured program of cooperation thru WOPs • ADB Program (RETA 6396) aims to: • Improve operational performance of water utilities • Foster the exchange of information and experiences between and among them • RETA activities: • Establishment of water utility networks • Continuous Improvement Benchmarking • Twinning • Technical trainings

  3. NETWORKS • SEAWUN – South East Asia • HQ in Hanoi, Viet Nam, 68 members, formed 2002, chair Malaysia • SAWUN – South Asia • HQ in Mumbai, India, 23 members, formed April 2007, chair Karachi Water and Sewerage Board • CASCWUA – Central Asia • HQ in Kazakhstan, 12 members , formed November 2007 chair in Shymkent • EAWUN ? – East Asia • Interest Issues include : staffing, affordability, business plans, delivering member benefits, sustainability

  4. Twinning Targeting 10 twins Deal includes technical visits , personnel and info exchange Process covers diagnostic, work plan, specific subjects (NRW etc), targeted results, firm agreements Progress : Phnom Penh Cambodia – Binh Duong Haiphong- Da Nang Viet Nam Male , Maldives - Thimphu, Bhutan Jamshedpur, India – NWSDB, Sri Lanka City West Water, Australia – Cebu, Phil Ranhill Malaysia – Davao, Philippines PNSB Malaysia – Karachi, Pakistan Korea Water – Dhaka WASA, Bangladesh Issues: Identification of Experts Korea , Australia, Malaysia , Japan , within Europe and Russian speaking utilities

  5. Benchmarking (CIB) • Subjects – NRW, Billing/Collection/ Tariff process • 3 + 3 month cycle for each WUN • Use of utility teams trained through CIB workshops • Augmented by technical workshop on subject - NRW • Targeting at least 40 utilities across three networks Progress : SAWUN workshop - Nov 2007 SEAWUN workshop – Feb 2008 CASCWUA – workshop – Mar 2008 Follow up workshops and on site support - Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Philippines Issues: Change program – not data collection Substantial barriers to introducing change Very slow take-up - maybe too difficult for most utilities

  6. Technical Training Target subjects – NRW, Billing/Collection, Tariff process Complements the benchmarking and twinning programs Events – 2 NRW workshops, 1 leadership forum

  7. Plans for 2009 3rd NRW training workshop Training on tariff setting & customer service Training on energy efficiency (Central / West Asia) Continuation twinning – 10 Continuation CIB Twinning Forum (Korea February 2009) - Expert twins 8 - Recipient twins 8 - Others: ADB, USAid, ?

  8. Plans for 2010-11 Water Operator’s Partnership 2nd Phase - Twinning is central: 20 twins – 2 years duration Training (technical and CIB/change management) - continuous: through twins • Workshops Target beneficiaries • Twinning partners • Utility members • Others – self funded

  9. Partners needed Supplementing twinning Identification of expert twins Expert twins Training institutions

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