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Vicente Fernandez. ABC Book By: Tania Cortes. Tamarkin , Jeff. Vicente Fernandez . Billboard.Com . Web. 4 Apr. 2011. <http://www.billboard.com/artist/vicente-fernandez/24866#/artist/vicente-fernandez/bio/24866>. A. cting.
Vicente Fernandez ABC Book By: Tania Cortes Tamarkin, Jeff. Vicente Fernandez. Billboard.Com. Web. 4 Apr. 2011. <http://www.billboard.com/artist/vicente-fernandez/24866#/artist/vicente-fernandez/bio/24866>.
A cting • Vicente Fernandez began acting in 1971, and alsocomposed a hit soundtrack and stgarred in the hit movie, ‘La Leydel Monte’ in 1974. He starred in manymoviesthroughouthis life time. Somefamousmovies for examplewere: Todo Un Hombre (All A Man) and Por Tu MalditoAmor(For Your Damned Love). He had a passion for makinghisownmovies and for starring in them. Once he first starred in his first movieheloved the acting business. PorTuMaldito Amor. IMDb (The Internet Movie Database). Web. 19 Apr. 2011. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0258040/>
B aile (Dance) • Vicente Fernandez has hadsome of the best rated Bailes (dances) of all time. He fills up the clubs, stadiums, and locals. He get’severyone to dance withhissongs. People love going to seehimbecausehegives the best of the best. He makeseveryonewant to singalongwithhim. Siga el baile...siga el baile...Picasa. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/skWcPibeCWQrYW-d2bwZLw>
C harro • Vicente Fernandez is and has always been known as a Charro (Hispanic Cowboy that dresses in a neat style). He is known as a Charro because of the way he is dressed at his concerts. Also because of how he has his concerts, for example he loves to have his horses at his concerts while he sings. Only a true Charro does that. The Undisputed King Of Rancheras. Mun2. Web. 19 Apr. 2011. <http://www.holamun2.com/news/whodat/whodat-vicente-fernandez>
D ad • Vicente Fernandez has not onlyhad to take charge of his stages, but of hischildren as well. Evenwith a bigschedualhewasalways a father first. He took care and wasthere for his 2 boys and 1 adoptive girl. Both of his sons have followedhisfootsteps and have dedicatedthemselves to the world of entertainment. He is a good example in that as well. Un Dia Muy Especial. Teleprograma. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. <http://www.teleprograma.tv/telenovela/2009/especiales/alejandro_fernandez/alejandro_fernandez5/(image)/1>.
E L Hombre Que Mas Te Amo Album (The Man Who Most Loved You Album) • The Man Who Most Loved You has been hismostselling Album of all. He has one a Golden Award for it. It has been hislatest album he has had. Adding more feeling, more passion to it. It is as if hewanted to let people and his fans know thathestill has it. Sbme/U.S. Latin El Hombre Que Mas TeAmo: compare and buy | LetsBuyI. Let's Buy It.Com. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://www.letsbuyit.co.uk/product/73609132/world-folk-cds/el-hombre-que-mas-te-amo>
F ans (He loves his fans) • Vicente isknown for all the love he shows his fans. He shows hisappreciation for themgoing to his concerts. He likes to meetthem, take the time to greetthem, and takepictureswiththem. He isknown for tweetinghis fans back, and for taking the extra time to meetthem. Photos from Vicente Fernandez (Vicente Fernandez) on Myspac. Web. 1 Jan. <http://www.myspace.com/vicentefernandez/photos/45672251>
G Reat Inspiration was Pedro Infante • Hismotheroftentookhim to see the films of Pedro Infante, the king of MexicanBolero. Fernandez said « When I was 6 or 7, I would go see Pedro Infante’smovies, and I would tell mymother, « When I grow up, I’llbelikehim. » By age 8 hehadtaken up the guitar and waspracticinghissinging in the style of the rancherasingersheheard on the radio. He alwayslooked up to Pedro Infante, and alwayswanted to singRanchera’slikehedid. Pedro Infante - Historia Del Idolo 2 - Music, CDS, MP3 Download. Wood Stock. Web. 1 Jan. <http://www.woodstock.com/music-item/B000F8OIPU/pedro-infante-historia-del-idolo-2/>
H onorable • Vicente Fernandez is an Honorable man. Everyone pays him respect. Whilehewasperformingat the Grammy’sheshowedeveryonehecanstillsingeventhough the years have passed. Everyonestood up to clap for himwhenhewasfinished. He is and willalwaysbe one of the greatest latin singers. Vicente Fernandez singing with mariachi Picture Of Vicente Fernande. Brown Planet (Musica Latina Fansite). Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://www.brownplanet.com/vicente-fernandez/vicente-fernandez-singing-with-mariachi-picture/>
I nspiration • He is an inspiration to many people out there. Beforehiscareerstartedheworkedcleaningshoes. He helped people out with the little money hewouldearn. He always put family first beforeanything. He uses his money now to help everyonehecan. He has startedfoundations. wish to meet the king of rancheros vicentefernandezjuan age 11. Make A Wish. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://www.wish.org/stories/sports_entertainment/music/juan_vicente_fernandez>
J oyful • Vicente Fernandez is a veryjoyfulperson. He isalwaysvery happy and cheerful. He doesn’tgetupsetwiththepapparazzilikeotherartist. He isalways happy to talk to them. He issuch an outgoing, funnyperson. You alwaysfeellikeyou have knownhimsinceforeverwhenyou talk to him. Vicente Fernandez - Pesar De Todo. Music Near. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://www.musicnear.com/Vicente-Fernandez/Pesar-De-Todo-B000002DNE.htm>
K nown as ‘El Idolo de Mexico’ • Vicente Fernandez is known as ‘El Idolo de Mexico’ (The MexicanIdol) and ‘El Rey’ (The King) throughout the Latin world. Vicente Fernandez startedhiscareersinging for tips on the street, has become a Mexican cultural icon, recording more then 50 albums and contributing to 40 movies. Eversincehe first startedhiscareereveryonelovedhim. El Idolo De Mexico. Amazon . Web. 19 Apr. 2011. <http://www.amazon.com/El-Idolo-De-Mexico/dp/B00138JBRG>
L yrics • Chente’s lyrics have rangedfromsad love meaningfulsongs, to happy alive. Wecan all seewhat type of personheis by whathis lyrics talk about. He has writtensongs for the people who are special to him. He has writtensongs for hisadopteddaughter, and his sons, and hiswife. He has writtensongs for hisfather and his fans as well. Music Notes. Photo Bucket. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://s810.photobucket.com/albums/zz23/cutiegonebad/BG/?action=view¤t=background.jpg&sort=ascending>
M exican • Vicente Fernandez is a Mexican. He wasborn in Huentitan El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico. He spent the earlyyears of his life on hisdad’s ranch in the outskirts of Guadalajara. Hiswholecareerstarted in Mexico. Vicente Fernandez has always been proud of hisher and wherehecomesfrom. That iswhymany call him « Mexico’sIdol ». Mexico Vacations. Big Destinations. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. <http://www.bigdestinations.com/mexico-vacations.htm>.
N ever Gave Up HisDream • He alwaysbelieved the hewouldmakeit as a singer one day. He never let down hisdream of singinginto the microphone infront of millions all around the world. He alwayswanted to beheard by everyonehecouldget to. He knewhewould one day go fromcleaningshoes and singing in the streets to becomingfamous. He nowbelieveshewillkeepsinginguntilhisdeath, nothingwill stop him. Believe in life. Believe in love. Believe in peace.Scenic Reflections. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://www.scenicreflections.com/download/38212/Believe_Wallpaper/>
O riginal • Vicente Fernandez has hisown style of music. He has come up withhisown lyrics as well. He neverlikes to copy anyone. That iswhyheis the one and onlyking of the « Rancheras . »
P erformances • Vicente Fernandez isknown for hisamazinglypowerful and dedicated concert performances. He once took the stage evenwhenhefound out of hisfather’stragicdeathjust a few minutes before. His fans appreciatehis efforts, which have been known to result in performances lasting betweentwo to four hours long. His performances are unforgetableto anyonewho attends to them. He loves his fans and shows hisappreciation by givingthem the best show ever. Vicente Fernandez Concert. Brown Planet (Musica Latina Fansite). Web. 20 Apr. 2011. <http://www.brownplanet.com/vicente-fernandez/vicente-fernandez-concert-picture/>.
Q uinceaneras • The music of Vicente Fernandez canbeplayedatQuinceaneraparties. People have alwayslovedhimand theyenjoy dancing to hismeaningfulmusic. "QuinceaneraParty Ideas - Quiero Mis Quinces Party Ideas forQuinceanera - Mis Quince Mag." QuinceaneraDresses and Cakes - QuinceaneraSongs, Hairstyles and PlanningTips - Mis Quince Mag. Web. 21 Dec. 2011. <http://www.misquincemag.com/quinceanera-picture-stories/party/quinceanera-party-quiero-mis-quinces>.
R ercordings • During the next 35 years, Vicente Fernandez recorded 50 additional albums. All have been certifiedGold or Platinum. He has won the BillboardMexicanRegional Male Artist of the Year 5 times. He has been nominated for a Grammy as well. Vicente ispassionate about his job and career, with all that love heis able to createsongs to reacheveryone. Vicente Fernandez - 3rd Annual Latin GRAMMY Awards - Press Room. Life. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. <http://www.life.com/image/93396566>.
S urviver of Cancer • When the doctorfoundthat Vicente Fernandez had cancer itdidn’t scare the artist. The onlythingherespondedwas ‘The hard thing I have alreadyovercome, whichisbeingborn. Dyingis the only sure thingwe have.’ He was a very brave man to be able to still go throughwithhis tour around South Americawhileknowing about his cancer. He wentthroughsometreatments and nowhedoesnt have cancer anymore. He is an inspiration for how calmlyhetookthings. Cancer Survivor Tile Prostate Cancer shirt. Gifts For Awareness. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. <http://gifts4awareness.wordpress.com/>.
T apatio (a Mexican restaurant) • El Tapatiowas the first gig Vicente obtained. He washired to singthereevery weekend. He loveditbecausehewouldbedoingsomethingheenjoyed and loved. He workedthereuntilhefinallybecamefamous. He thoughtthatmaybe one day a producerwoulddiscoverhimat the restaurant. El Tapatio Mexican restaurant is seen on Saturday evenin. News Miner. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://newsminer.com/bookmark/12550857>
U nlikely to Be Mad • Vicente Fernandez has been known to neverbemad or upset. He isalwaystalking to his fans in a happy manner and alwaysgiving interviews to the paparazzi. He neverletsanything or anyoneupsethimand always has a smile on his face. "Vicente Fernandez Tickets - Cheap Vicente FernandezConcert Tickets Schedule Tour at TicketsInventory." TicketsInventory Tickets : Buy Tickets forConcerts, Sports, Theatre and More Online at TicketsInventory.com. Web. 21 Dec. 2011. <http://www.ticketsinventory.com/concert/vicente-fernandez-tickets/>.
V eryEmotional • Vicente Fernandez has been known for beingemotional. Whenheperformshe has let a few tearsfall, and whenhetalks about hispast and hisfather’sdeathhecan’t help but cry. That shows us how muchhe cares about the people in his life and career. He may look like a tough man, but insideheisverycaring. Tears Tears. Sulekha. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://aalapana.sulekha.com/albums/allphotos/slideshow/151585.htm>
W Onderful Voice • EveryoneknowsChentebecause of hisgreattalentedvoice. He is able to sing in stadiumswithout a microphone. Eventhoughtmanyyears have passed of himperforming, hisvoicestillsoundslike new. Hisappearancemay change but hisvoicewillalwaysbe the grand vocalswe first heard of Chente. Whoeverhearshimsingwillneverforgetit. Chente live on stage Picture Of Vicente Fernandez. Brown Planet. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://www.brownplanet.com/vicente-fernandez/chente-live-on-stage-picture/>
X -perienced • After all, wecan all say Vicente Fernandez is an experiencedperson. By having to start off with a small job thatdidn’t let himearnalot, to having a career, fromsinging in the streets to singing in stadiums. He has overcome Cancer, and the loss of hisbelovedfather. He isveryexperienced in life and thatiswhyheisn’tafraid of everdying. pero no se pudochentever nota era bonito pero no se pudochent. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <http://www.elsiglodetorreon.com.mx/v3/bin/foto.php?570860>
Works Cited • Landers, Mike. «Vicente Fernandez- Greatest Hits. » LOWRIDER.13 June 2010:2.Print. (Magazine) • MusicianGuide.Billboard April 27,2006. Billboard Latin Music. Web.April 7,2011. (Website) • Pineda, Octavio. « Vicente Fernandez Revela Su Lucha Contra El Cancer. » PALABRA Bogota Columbia, 23 June 2003: 2.Print. (Newspaper)