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Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Risk Mitigation - Centres of Excellence

Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Risk Mitigation - Centres of Excellence. The EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Francesco Miorin UNICRI. Jointly implemented by the EC JRC and UNICRI. CBRN CoE. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence (CoE).

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Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Risk Mitigation - Centres of Excellence

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  1. Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Risk Mitigation - Centres of Excellence • The EU CBRN Centres of Excellence • Francesco Miorin • UNICRI Jointly implemented by the EC JRC and UNICRI

  2. CBRN CoE Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence (CoE) An initiative funded by the European Union Jointly implemented by European Union (JRC) and United Nations (UNICRI)

  3. What is it all about? CBRN CoE: mobilizes national, regional and international resources to achieve the common objective of developing a coherent CBRN policy at the national, regional and international level.

  4. Country benefits Reinforcement of National CBRN policy. Membership of a CBRN network of experts. Enhancing coordination and integration through the establishment of National Teams. Needs addressed through specific projects. Maximize existing capacities in the region.

  5. CoE Regions CoE established in: South East Europe and the Caucasus /Ukraine (Tbilisi) South East Asia (Manila) North Africa (Algiers) African Atlantic Facade (Rabat) Middle East (Amman) Next steps: Eastern and Central Africa (Nairobi) Gulf Cooperation Council Central Asia (Tashkent – formal agreement under discussion)

  6. EU Member States CBRN Experts & Facilities CBRN CoE Network National CBRN Team National CBRN Team National CBRN Team Regional Secretariat International/RegionalOrganisations EU/UNICRI National CBRN Team National CBRN Team Regional Secretariat Regional Secretariat National CBRN Team National CBRN Team National CBRN Team National CBRN Team

  7. CoE Cycle of Activities

  8. Coordination at the national level National Focal Point National CBRN Team In charge of assessing needs developing a CBRN National Action Plan Coordinate drafting of project proposals

  9. Regional Secretariat Head of Secretariat Appointed by partner country Deputy Head of Secretariat Appointed by partner country Coordinator Administrative Support UNICRI full time available Regional CBRN Experts part time in the secretariat, part time in missions with EU-JRC-UNICRI experts Appointed by partner countries

  10. Regional Secretariat The Secretariat will be in charge of: • ensure liaison with all countries; • assist countries in assessing their needs; • analyze and elaborate project proposals; • assist in the implementation of projects in the Region; • monitor implementation of projects; • organize regular Round-Table Meetings of the NFPs.

  11. The Tbilisi RS • Responsible for 10 countries (Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine) • Located within the premises of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs • UNICRI Regional Coordinator: Francesco Miorin (miorin@unicri.it)

  12. The Tbilisi RS: Key achievements NATIONAL CBRN TEAMS (NTs) • NTs established in 8 partner countries • Over 120 governmental officers/ experts involved • NTs endorsed by top-level decision makers at the national level (established through decrees and orders of Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Ministers of Interior) • Over 15 workshops in support of the NTs performed by CoE experts

  13. The Tbilisi RS: Key achievements CBRN PROJECT PROPOSALS • Over 40 projects proposals prepared by countries in the region and submitted to the EC for funding • Frequent interactions between National Focal Points of the partner countries in the preparation of project proposals • Project ideas for your country? Contact your National Focal Point or Francesco Miorin (miorin@unicri.it)

  14. The Tbilisi RS: Key achievements CoE APPROVED PROJECTS • Ten (10) project proposals submitted by countries have been approved by the European Commission • Projects focus on training, provision of equipment and knowledge development • Thematic areas: border control, bio-safety and bio-security, CBRN first response, CBRN risk assessment, information management and data exchange on CBRN material • Implementation started on 1 January 2013

  15. Projects and implementing agencies

  16. Development of Project Proposals Proposing Country National CBRN Team National CBRN Team National CBRN Team Request Assistance International/RegionalOrganisations Regional Secretariat Project Proposal National CBRN Team

  17. New Project Proposals • National institutions are encouraged to draft project proposals to address their needs • Deadlines twice a year • Contact the National Focal Point of your country • Proposals must be prepared using the Project Proposal Form, available on the CoE Portal • No access to the Portal? Contact me (miorin@unicri.it)

  18. Strengthening Bio-safety And Bio-security Capabilities In South Caucasus AndIn Central Asian Countries An initiative funded by the European Union

  19. The Projects • Upgrading Infrastructure • Provision of equipment to the laboratory network of the Centre for Prophylaxis of Quarantine and Particularly Dangerous Infections, Uzbekistan • Repairs and provision of equipment to the laboratories of the Centre for Prophylaxis of Particularly Dangerous Infections, Armenia • Repairs and provision of equipment to essential laboratories in the Scientific Centre for Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Breeding, Armenia • Repairs and provision of equipment to essential laboratories of the Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology, Georgia • Renovation and bio-safety upgrade of the pathogen collection laboratory at the Biological Preparations Institute, Tajikistan

  20. The Projects • Training • Establishing the Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) in Tbilisi (Georgia) as a regional training centre for Southern Caucasus • Training of Armenian bio-safety personnel from organizations of the Ministries of Emergencies, Agriculture and Public Health (including CPPDI personnel) • Scientific English language training for scientific staff in Tajikistan

  21. The Projects • Research and Assessments • Development of a national livestock disease surveillance and control system - Scientific Centre for Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Breeding, Armenia • Molecular diagnosis of different diseases of agricultural plant seeds and products and genetically modified plants imported into Azerbaijan - Institute of Genetic Resource of the National Academy of Sciences • System for bio-safety assessment and surveillance of drinking water in Georgia - Georgian Sanitary and Hygiene Institute • Bio-safety and bio-security risk management system for Georgia and Caucasus – National Centre for Diseas Control, Georgia

  22. Thank You! UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute • CBRN CoE • South East Europe, the Caucasus, Moldova and Ukraine • Francesco MIORIN • Regional Coordinator • miorin@unicri.it

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