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ePayments Training Presentation

ePayments Training Presentation. Last Updated April 2010. When does ePayments become Mandatory ?. Primary Term payments became mandatory effective July 1, 2009 Continuation payments became mandatory effective October 1, 2009

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ePayments Training Presentation

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  1. ePaymentsTraining Presentation Last Updated April 2010

  2. When does ePayments become Mandatory? • Primary Term payments became mandatory effective July 1, 2009 • Continuation payments became mandatory effective October 1, 2009 • It is expected that Online Refunds will become mandatory sometime in 2010.

  3. What is ePayments? • Facilitates payment of annual fees and rentals on sub-surface, petroleum and natural gas titles • Surface payments are managed by the Integrated Land Management Bureau in Fort St. John. They will not be included in the ePayments system at any time. • Is a web-based application that facilitates online payment using Pre-Authorized Debit functionality.

  4. What is ePayments? • ePayments is NOT an Auto-Debit system. • Clients initiate all transactions to their bank accounts. • The Ministry worked extensively with the Industry Work Group, including Data Vendors, to develop Phase 2 requirements. We incorporated many of the Group’s ideas to provide as much flexibility as possible to accommodate diverse corporate needs.

  5. Why? • Is part of the BC Governments’ initiative toward increasing e-Business. • Contributes to the BC Governments’ climate action plan by significantly reducing paper transactions and in turn reduces our carbon footprint. • Increased interest in BC’s Natural Resources has added to the ministry’s workload.

  6. Why? • Only one staff member is dedicated to managing payments and refunds for approximately 400 clients (over 14,700 titles). • Provides better financial management for industry by reducing duplicate payments, suspense account entries and default penalties.

  7. When? • Phase 1 - Primary Term Titles - is available now and came online in February of 2008 • Phase 2 - All titles, including those beyond their primary term – went online February 23, 2009 • Primary Term Payments became mandatory effective: July 1, 2009 • Continuation Payments became mandatory effective: October 1, 2009 • Online Refunds are expected to become mandatory sometime in 2010.

  8. When? • CAPLA sponsored training, in Calgary, is being offered. Please check the CAPLA website for dates. • On-line self-tutorials have been prepared and are available on the Ministry’s website: http://www.empr.gov.bc.ca/Titles/OGTitles/ePayments • To register for Personalized or Team Training:Carolyn.Desjardins@gov.bc.ca

  9. Contact Us & Access ePayments • Email: png.epayments@gov.bc.ca • Fax: 250-952-0331 • ePayments online: https://epayments.gov.bc.ca • BCeID: www.bceid.ca • FAQ & Further Information: http://www.empr.gov.bc.ca/Titles/OGTitles/ePayments • Rental & Fee PAD form: User Authorization page in ePayments and http://www.empr.gov.bc.ca/Titles/OGTitles/ePayments • Direct Deposit for Refunds Form:http://www.empr.gov.bc.ca/Titles/OGTitles/ePayments

  10. Before We Begin • The data in the Training Environment we will be accessing today is fabricated. There is no ‘live’ data. • There are a finite number of titles in the Training Environment. • Please select only 1 title at a time for any of the hands-on exercises.

  11. Before we Begin • Please do not access the training website after this training session.

  12. One More Thing… Please do not leave until the session is completed.

  13. CourseOutline • What You Need To Do Before You Logon • Choose a Company Administrator • Obtain a BCeID • Request a Subscription Code (or complete a Rental and Fee PAD form) • Banking Information • User Roles  • Key Screens (Screen Shots)  = Hands On

  14. Course Outline (2) • Detailed Feature Reviews: • All Titles • What You Can Do in All Titles • Background Colour Definitions • Summary • Title Details • How to View Title Details • Title Detail Tabs • Designated Payor • Nominate a Payor • Accept or Decline a Nomination • Hands On

  15. Course Outline (3) • Statements • Primary Term Statement • Default Notices • Pending Payments • Late Penalties • Payment Confirmation vs. Receipts • Continuation/Extension Statement  • Submission Requests Statement 

  16. Course Outline (4) • Managing Expiring Titles  • What is the Managing Expiring Titles screen? • Features • Radio Buttons – On Statement / On Submission • Radio Buttons – “Not 62” / “62” • How to add titles to the Continuation/Extension Statement from Managing Expiring Titles • Hands On 

  17. Course Outline (5) • Pending Submissions  • Submissions – General • Definition/Types • Where to View Submissions • Continuation/Extension Submission  • Hands On  • Split Lease Submission  • Split Lease Submissions are no longer encompassed by ePayments (discussion later) • Convert to Lease Submission  • Hands On 

  18. Course Outline (6) • Groupings • Open Submissions: • Submission Tabs: • Communication Log • Milestones • Payment Request • Titles • Submission LifeCycle

  19. Course Outline (7) • Cancellations  • Viewing Cancellations • Requesting Cancellation / Reversing Request • Hands On  • Refunds  • Questions

  20. Choose a Company Administrator • Does NOT have to be the same person as your BCeID business profile or account manager. • It should be someone who oversees or is directly involved in the payment process.

  21. BCeID is a Portal or Passport BC Gov Online BC Gov Online BC Gov Online Titles Division assigns Subscription Code BCeID BC Gov Online ePayments BC Gov Online

  22. Obtain a BCeID www.bceid.ca

  23. BCeID business profile or account manager for your company Assigns unique BCeID Username and password to Company Administrator Assigns unique BCeID Usernames and passwords to other Users (ePayments, etc.)

  24. Summary - BCeID • You can and will need to share your BCeID Username with your Company Administrator, but you should not share your BCeID Password with others. • If you are sharing BCeID Passwords, you are not using the system securely and you will not be able to identify who, in your company, conducted specific transactions, should you request that information.

  25. To ensure staff coverage, we recommend you: • Create a generic email account in your corporate email application that all ePayments Users can read; • Assign the generic email address to all Users within ePayments from the User Authorization screen; • ePayments is able to identify and adapt to duplicate email addresses by sending only one message • Without a generic email address all users will receive the same emails; the generic email address will only receive one.

  26. Request a Subscription Code If you send in a signed, original Rental and Fee PAD form, you do NOT need to send in a letter requesting a Subscription Code. The Ministry will issue the code, based on receipt of the form. On Company Letterhead: 1) Full Legal Company Name(s)2) Company Administrator’s: * Name * BCeID Username * eMail address Date Carolyn Desjardins or Brenda Jennings Titles & Offshore Division 6th floor, 1810 Blanshard Street Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 Dear Sirs: RE: Subscription Code Request Please issue a Subscription Code for the following companies: Company A You will receive 4 Subscription Codes for this particular request. You must enter each subscription code when prompted. Company A Inc. Company A Ltd. Company A Oil & Gas Ltd. Company A Energy Ltd. Please send to our ePayments Company Administrator, Mary Smith; email: Mary.Smith@companya.ca; BCeID: MSmith. Sincerely, Mary Smith Senior Land Administrator Company A

  27. Summary – Subscription Codes Request a Subscription Code - Send: • Your company’s full legal name(s); • Company Administrator’s name; • Company Administrator’s BCeID Username; and • Email address. Send request on company letterhead via email (.pdf) or fax to 250-952-0331 • ePayments will email your Subscription Code to you.

  28. Banking Information Before you can make Payments, you must: Send to the Ministry:A signed, original Rental and Fee Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form, for each legal company name. You must send a new PAD form to the Ministry whenever your banking information changes. Separate form for each company name

  29. Roles • Company Administrator • Assigns roles to other users; can view, add or change banking information; can perform all functions in ePayments. • Payment Administrators • Make the actual payments. • Land Administrators • Initiate submissions to continue titles beyond their primary term and convert to lease. • Viewers • Have View Only access – financial and/or senior staff that are not required to conduct transactions.

  30. Company Administrator Logs on to ePayments https://epayments.gov.bc.ca

  31. Prompt to Enter Subscription Code

  32. ePayments Main Page

  33. Click on User Authorization

  34. Enter any Additional Subscription Codes

  35. Company Administrator Adds unique BCeID Usernames to ePayments User Authorization Screen

  36. Add New Users

  37. User has a Role for More than One Company When Users require access to more than one company, they will be prompted to choose the company and User Role, each time they sign on to ePayments. You can only sign on to one Company under one User Role at a time, but you can open more than one internet browser…

  38. Add Banking Information Before you send your PAD form to the Ministry, enter your Banking Information and Contact information into epayments. Click on Company Info. • Enter your banking information into ePayments • Send your original, signed PAD form to the Ministry • The Ministry will verify your entry against your PAD form

  39. Enter your Banking Information You must enter all the required * fields and click on Save. If you do not enter all the required fields, the information you entered will not be saved. When the Company Admin gets to the banking information, enter the Code first, then the Transit Number, then Click on the Magnifying Glass to populate the Name and Address fields for your bank. Enter the Account Number and click on Save. Only the Company Administrator can Add, View or Change the banking information. It is invisible to every other User Role.

  40. Summary • Company Administrator: • Obtain unique BCeID Usernames and passwords for all individuals requiring access to ePayments • Request a Subscription Code on company letterhead, AND/OR complete and submit a Fee and Rental PAD form • Sign on to ePayments and enter Subscription code when prompted • Enter additional Subscription Codes • Add Users and assign them Roles • Enter Contact and Banking information

  41. Other Info – Company Administrator • One Company Administrator role per company. • It is your responsibility to manage the Company Administrator account. • i.e. Contact the Ministry immediately when your Company Administrator leaves the company, as they will retain full access to ePayments until it is removed. • The Ministry will remove their access and assign the new Company Administrator with the Company Administrator role. • You do not need a new Subscription Code to access ePayments when your Company Administrator changes.

  42. Hands On • Log on to the training site written on the board. • Use the training Username and Passwordyou were assigned at beginning of training. • e.g UA1 passworda • Look around the site

  43. Hands On Add Other Users Once you are logged on to the company you’ve been assigned: • Add yourself as a New User • Edit the Email address • Delete the New User

  44. Screen Shots!

  45. Help is Available! • Click on the Help? Icon in the top right hand corner to view: • User Manual • Glossary of terms • Frequently Asked Questions • This Training Material

  46. If something appears to be missing…, use the scrollbars.

  47. Allow Pop-Ups ePayments has a lot of “pop-up” screens Set your Browser to “allow pop-ups”

  48. Allow emails from ePayments! • Make sure your email systems allows emails from epayments@gov.bc.ca! • If you’re not getting emails from ePayments and you think you should be, please check your SPAM filters first and contact your IT department, before contacting the Ministry.

  49. Server Error – Don’t Give Up! • If you get a Server Error, don’t give up! • Inactivity for 30 minutes will cause a Timeout. • Sometimes ePayments has finished the task you requested anyway. • For example, if you create a submission and get a server error, go to where the Submission should appear to see if it appears anyway. • In any event, please let the Ministry know you’ve received a server error message.

  50. Use the Breadcrumb trail, not the back button This is the breadcrumb trail You could lose what you were working on!

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