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Paschal Mystery & Our Life

Living as a disciple Following the model of Jesus Suffering Accept suffering keep faith in God. Paschal Mystery & Our Life. Living as a Disciple. Vocation: Our Call to Holiness Set apart to do service for God Live a morally good life Be a person of prayer

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Paschal Mystery & Our Life

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  1. Living as a disciple Following the model of Jesus Suffering Accept suffering keep faith in God Paschal Mystery & Our Life

  2. Living as a Disciple • Vocation: Our Call to Holiness • Set apart to do service for God • Live a morally good life • Be a person of prayer • Reveal God’s love through service • Works of Mercy • Corporal • Feed the hungry Shelter the homeless • Clothe the naked Bury the dead • Give drink to the thirsty Visit the sick or imprisoned • Spiritual • Comfort the sorrowful Teach the ignorant • Forgive injuries Counsel the doubtful • Pray for the living and dead Warn the sinner

  3. Aids to Holiness • God provides help to strengthen us • Teachings and example of Jesus • Intellect • Helps us to see and understand the natural order God has created • Helps us weigh decisions and evaluate outcomes toward good moral choices • Free will • Allows us to act on those choices • Grace • God’s supernatural gift that helps us respond to his love and restore us to original holiness and justice • Sanctifying: Grace at Baptism that points us to God. Heals sins and restores us to god • Actual: God’s support for us every moment of life • Sacramental: specific to each sacrament • Special: Associated with our state in life

  4. Aids to Holiness • Self-reflection • God given ability and responsibility to engage in self-reflection. We need to look into our hearts and examine the choices we have made and listen for an follow the voice of our conscience. • a God given sense of the Law of God • Formed and driven by Divine Law • The Church • God’s greatest gift to us in living holy lives • Sacraments unite us to Christ and provide the gifts and guidance of the Holy Spirit • Members give us strength and support on our journey • Provides the opportunity for prayer, education, community and service

  5. Members of the Church • Ordained Ministers • Deacons • Priests • Bishops • Consecrated persons • Religious communities • Laity • Married • Single

  6. Participating in Christ’s Ministry • Participating in Christ’s Priestly Ministry • Participating in Christ’s Prophetic Ministry • Participating in Christ’s Kingly Ministry

  7. Christ’s Priestly Ministry • Participating in Christ’s Priestly Ministry: United by Baptism and Confirmation we share in Jesus’ priesthood • Participate in worship especially Mass • Join with Jesus in offering his sacrifice to God • Daily prayer • Participate in Reconciliation • We ask for forgiveness and offer forgiveness • Offer sacrifice • Sacrifice time and comfort to share God’s love

  8. Christ’s Prophetic Ministry • Participating in Christ’s Prophetic Ministry • Spread the word of God • Actions • Words • Stand up for justice • Speak out for social injustices (ie. Abortion, war, poverty, etc.) • Organize help for people in need • Spiritual Warrior • Remind others of God’s law

  9. Christ’s Kingly Ministry • Participating in Christ’s Kingly Ministry • Serve the people of God • Personal moral behavior • Participate in service to others • Practice humility • Think of yourself as a servant to others

  10. Suffering • Making Sense of Suffering • Mystery that we cannot understand (Book of Job) • Messianic Mystery • Pathway to redemption and salvation “No pain, No gain” • Paradox of the Cross • Is accepting suffering a sign of weakness? • Sign of courage and strength • Courage and sacrifice give us what is valuable • Finding strength in times of suffering • Fortitude (cardinal virtue)

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