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Key changes?. Assessment. Creating an assessment. The scoring rubric. The exemplars. Scope Prompts & Purpose Rubric Exemplars Scale Reporting. What are R’s By category The layout Struc & Lang. notes R3 is not L3! Have a read Your thoughts. What How. Purpose Considerations
Key changes? Assessment Creating an assessment The scoring rubric The exemplars Scope Prompts & Purpose Rubric Exemplars Scale Reporting What are R’s By category The layout Struc & Lang. notes R3 is not L3! Have a read Your thoughts What How Purpose Considerations Making own prompt? Prompts Other prompts Prompt pack Administration Overview Generic exemplars Marking a script Scoring sheets Your thoughts Entering the data Viewing reports Reflections R3 does not equal R3 The table The ILP Considerations Suggested process Have a go Splashing in the Waves Depressing Dogs Third time lucky Evaluation Associates Reflections and Evaluation Other prompts Teaching and Learning Progress An assessment tool Suggestion for analysis
E-asTTle Writing – why more changes? • Both Mathematics and reading have been updated and recalibrated in the last two years. The writing was ‘out of sync’ with the others. • The original scoring rubric uses curriculum levels. Progressions in writing do not necessarily fit neatly into curriculum levels. • The previous rubrics did go down to Level 1, but these could not be recorded in e-asTTle and Year 1-3 student scores could not be inputted into e-asTTle. • The scoring rubrics were not well enough supported with exemplars and were difficult to use accurately even with moderation processes in place.
What are the key changes? – Scope of the Tool • The tool can now be used to assess writing from students in Year 1 through to Year 10. The previous version assessed from year 4 to Year 10. • In order to be assessed accurately by the new tool, students should be able to write at least one or two simple ideas. (Students who score in the lowest category for every element assessed are not well targeted by the assessment, as it may not accurately indicate the students’ skills and next learning steps.)
What are the key changes? - Prompts and purposes • The tool emphasises ‘prompts’ rather than ‘tasks’. • 20 open-ended prompts encourage students to choose subject matter relevant to their experience. • There is a range of prompts for younger or older students. • There are now five writing purposes, important to writing in general.
What are the key changes? - Rubric • There is now one rubric for all writing purposes. • There are seven elements of writing, similar to those in the previous version but with changes that require a shift in thinking by teachers. • There is a range of achievement categories on a continuum from R1 to R6/R7 for each element. • The tool is aligned to the NZ curriculum: • it reflects the intentions of the literacy learning progressions and national standards • it is not specific to a particular learning area • However mainly developed through an analysis of student responses to writing prompts.
What are the key changes? - Rubric Original Audience Awareness and Purpose, Content/Ideas, Structure/Organisation, Language Resources, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling Revised Ideas, Structure and Language, Organisation, Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, Punctuation, Spelling
What are the key changes? - Annotated Exemplars • There 76 annotated exemplars include a set of prompt specific exemplars and generic exemplars to accompany each writing prompt. • Prompt specific exemplars are examples of writing for the prompt being used. They show a range of abilities. • The generic exemplars are not necessarily for the same purpose or prompt. • The exemplars are actual samples of student writing, and are representative rather than ideal examples. • The annotated exemplars are essential tools for ensuring consistent scoring decisions.
What are the key changes? – Measurement scale • The scale provides a measure of writing proficiency and is linked to curriculum performance levels, allowing students’ scores to be reported within curriculum bands. • The new scale is not directly comparable to the previous e-asTTle Writing scale. Note: A conversion table is being developed to provide some comparison between scores in the new and previous versions.
What are the key changes? – Report formats • There are some minor changes to the report formats to accommodate the new rubric. • The introduction of + to clearly show error of measurement in scores.
Assessment – What E-asTTle writing assesses a student’s ability to independently write continuous texts across a variety of communicative purposes. These are: • Describe • Explain • Recount • Narrate • Persuade
Assessment – How • Up to 40 minutes • Scored using rubric and annotated exemplars (both generic exemplars and prompt specific exemplars). • Scoring rubric linked to literacy learning progressions but developed through analysis of student samples • Curriculum level is not part of the marking • When analysed a curriculum level for each element and overall score will be available
Creating a writing assessment - Purpose • Create Test – Customised Test • Choose the purpose first • Describe • Explain • Recount • Narrate • Persuade • Consider the students being assessed, the type of response that the purpose will deliver and the information you are wanting to acquire.
Creating a writing assessment - Considerations • When choosing a prompt consider possible sources of difficulty • Level of abstraction • Complexity of the structure eg. Narrative harder than description or recount • Topics better suited to some age levels – 5 in slightly simpler language as most likely to be used by younger students (the recounts and 3 describes) • Can use more than one prompt to cater for and engage students, but probably wise to do so at different times
Creating a writing assessment – Can you make your own prompt? Yes and No • Yes the rubric can be used to assess teacher’s own prompts. • However, DO NOT put the scored results for your own prompts into e-asTTle as the difficulty of the ‘made up’ prompt is unknown. • ‘Teacher made’ prompts should assess continuous texts using the five purposes as this is what the rubric was developed for. e-asTTle training area
Creating a writing assessment - Prompts See other prompts here
Creating a writing assessment – Test creation Once a prompt has been chosen the prompt pack is created. It includes: • Admin instructions • Student booklet • Glossary • Rubric • Annotated exemplars
Creating a writing assessment – Test administration • Don’t forget to assign tests to students – cannot put results and generate results until this is done. • Your turn – please spend time reading the administration guidelines
The scoring rubric – What are R’s • The progressions for each element within the scoring rubric is by category - not curriculum level • R means Rubric • Do not use the rubric in isolation – use it in conjunction with the specific exemplars, the generic exemplars and the Structure and language notes.
The scoring rubric – by category • Using student samples and the literacy learning progressions the rubric has been able to capture stages of skill development in writing. • A little like children’s art?
The scoring rubric – like categorising children’s art Controlled scribble Random scribble Pre symbolism 3 dimensional space Realism Symbolism
The scoring rubric – the layout The focus Definition Category Descriptor Notes Generic exemplars – for this element only
The scoring rubric – Structure and Language notes • These notes are prompt specific i.e. The notes vary depending on which purpose is being written • Check carefully that these notes relate to the prompt/s being used. • For example the prompts ‘Adult and child’ ‘Girl’ ‘The Market’ ‘Stick Insect’ and ‘Dogs at the beach’ use the same structure and language notes
The scoring rubric – R3 is not Curriculum Level 3! *** Representative diagram only
The exemplars • 76 exemplars in total. There is a set of generic exemplars as well as exemplars specific to each prompt • The exemplars are not exemplary items. They represent actual samples of student writing • The annotated exemplars provide excellent comparative reference points for ensuring consistent marking.
The generic exemplars • These show typical attributes at each category level for each element. • They are not overall score exemplars. e.g. NOT an R3 exemplar but show characteristics for each element. • For example: The Adventerous Dog
The scoring rubric – Have a read • Your turn – please spend 10 -15 becoming familiar with the scoring rubric using the glossary and definitions as reference material. • Make sure you look at the Structure and Language notes for ‘Dogs at the Beach’. • Highlight bits which are important or you will need to remember.
What we found out about the scoring rubrics - Key points from the group
Marking a script – Considerations • Use the rubric, structure & language notes, prompt specific exemplars and generic exemplars to make decisions • Age is irrelevant! Mark it for what it is. • Mark the script in front of you, not what you know about the student who wrote it. • You can only use the evidence in front of you. e.g. If technical words are not there, there is a limit to how far you can score in spelling. • There is no scoring rubric for neatness of handwriting! • Beware of ‘proximal marking’. i.e. Mark each element independent and separate from the other elements. • It is possible to be at R6 for spelling and R2 for punctuation.
Marking a script – Suggested process • Read the text right through • Go to one of the seven elements and read the descriptors and notes. Get a feel for which category it may fit. • Check against the prompt specific exemplars for comparative qualities. • Still not sure? – use the relevant generic exemplars as another check.
Marking a script – Have a go • The script being given to you is an annotated exemplar. • Have a go at marking it and then we will discuss the difficult decisions • We will then compare to the annotated scores.
Have another go – same prompt, different sample! Depressing Dogs • Have a go at marking and try and come to agreement over scores for each element with a partner. • Remember to use the rubric, structure and language notes, generic exemplars and specific exemplars to help with your decisions
Third Script – Your choice • Choose one of the recount or narrative scripts and mark by yourself or with a partner. Once complete we will get into ‘script groups’ and analyse and scores and debate. • Don’t forget to use the group scoring grid.
Entering the data • Checkpoint No.1 – have you assigned it? • Change the date to represent when the actual sample was taken rather than the date the data was entered • Put the attitude and seven element scores onto e-asTTle • Click save after each student • Reports are ready!
Viewing reports – R3 does not equal R3! *** Representative table only What are the implications for you?
Use to improve teaching and learning • This is an assessment tool. • “The primary purpose of assessment is to improve students’ learning and teachers’ teaching as both student and teacher respond to the information that it provides.” • Therefore we take the information from these samples to identify areas for improvement and deliberate teaching to support the student in his/her learning.
Use to improve teaching and learning • Suggestion – use the curriculum level scores to indicate needs and areas for future teaching because R scores not enough by themselves will be misleading. • Once this is determined go back to the rubric to identify the progression needed. Then use documents such as the literacy learning progressions to support you in the teaching of this element. • Example: Sentence structure R3 – 2A • Use the rubric to see the demands of R4 to get a sense of progression for this element.
What now for you and your school? • Is this a tool that can add to the improvement in teaching and assessment of writing in your school? • Is it useable and manageable? • Alternatives?
Evaluation • Please spend a minute or two reflecting on this seminar and how it has helped you come to terms with the revised writing tool. • Your feedback helps us to evaluate our own performance and provides us with information on how to improve the experience for others in the future. • Thank you