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Actiunea. Deplasarea in Suedia :3-10 martie Activitati: Seminarul C.I. Karadja Contacte cu marile biblioteci Biblioteca Universitatii din Stockholm Carolina Rediviva din Uppsala Biblioteca Nobel a Academiei Suedeze. http://www.biblacad.ro/Karadja.html
Actiunea • Deplasarea in Suedia :3-10 martie • Activitati: • Seminarul C.I. Karadja • Contacte cu marile biblioteci • Biblioteca Universitatii din Stockholm • Carolina Rediviva din Uppsala • Biblioteca Nobel a Academiei Suedeze F.G.Filip
http://www.biblacad.ro/Karadja.html Constantin Karadja, a European Diplomat of Swedish Descent În data de 9 martie 2011 se desfăşoară seminarul cu titlul Constantin Karadja,a European Diplomat of Swedish Descent organizată de Ambasada României în Suedia la Academia Folke Bernadotte.La eveniment sunt invitaţi din partea Academiei Române Acad. Dan Berindei, vicepreşedinte al Academiei Române şi Acad. Florin Filip, director general al Bibliotecii Academiei Române. Programul conferinţei conţine comunicările: - The Karadja Family in the History of Romania , susţinută de Acad. Dan Berindei - Constantin I. Karadja in the Collections of the Romanian Academy Library , susţinută de Acad. Florin Filip Cu acest prilej se vernisează expoziţia Constantin I. Karadja – Un diplomat european Organizatorii expoziţiei:Gabriela DumitrescuLorenţa Popescu
Reflectarea in Presa: Manifestarea a fost semnalată în presa românească din diaspora (de ex. http://www.rgnpress.ro/categorii/asociatii--ambasade/927-personalitatea-lui-constantin-karadja-omagiata-la-stockholm.html) presa română de limbă engleză (http://www.nineoclock.ro/index.php?issue=4882&page=detalii&categorie=culture&id=20110309-508634), unele medii electronice (http://www.amosnews.ro/Seminarul_cu_tema_Constantin_Karadja_a_European_Diplomat-29-65101)
Stockholm University Library • 4 milioane de vizitatori • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3iyQc-UjjA • Gazduieste biblioteca Academiei de stiinte • http://kvab.sub.su.se/kva/ipac/SearchForm.jsp • Face parte din sistemul LIBRIS al universitatilor de cercetare din Suedia • http://libris.kb.se/index.jsp • Prioritate acordata publicatiilor electronice F.G.Filip
Stockholm University Libray F.G.Filip
Uppsala : Carolina Rediviva • http://libris.kb.se/index.jsp • Inceput in 1620 ( Gustav Adolf) • Cladirea noua • Decizia in 1810 • Inaugurare 1834 • Cateva date : • http://www.ub.uu.se/en/About-the-Library/Facts-and-figures/ F.G.Filip
Nobel Library • http://www.nobelbiblioteket.se/web/nobellibrary.aspx • Din 1901 • 200.000 de volume F.G.Filip
Constantin I. Karadja in the Collections of the Romanian Academy Library F. G. Filip
CONTENT • C. I. Karadja • BAR-The Library of the Roumanian Academy • C.I. Karadja’s Collections in BAR • Conclusions • Bibliography F.G.Filip
C. I. Karadja: general facts • C. I. Karadja (1989-1950): a diplomat, historian, bibliophile, collector and generous donor • Of a Phanariote-Roumanian and Swedish origin • Learned Roumanian in the period 1916-1919 • Naturalized Roumanian in 1920 • Honorary Member of the Roumanian Academy (AR) since 1946 F.G.Filip
C. I. Karadja: a cultural bridge between Roumania and Sweden • “Life is completely different and although I feel at home in Stockholm, I have to admit that, at the same time, I feel very far from home and from my family!” (from a letter to I. Bianu, Director of the Academy Library); • The first articles published in Roumanian in: Revista istorica VI, 1920 • “The views of a Swede ( Johan Hedenborg) about our country”, p. 49-52; • “A traveller about us: Jacob Björnestahl”, p. 54-60 F.G.Filip
C. I. Karadja , Member of the Roumanian Academy: The Laudatio • “Mr. C. Karadja, Consul General, is not only an emeritus bibliophile, a renowned bibliographer, but also a diligent researcher … As a bibliophile, he has gathered a rich library of incunabula, of rare editions and of studies of the greatest utility …. Mr. C. Karadja has generously endowed our library with innumerable books of the greatest historical and bibliographic value. For these reasons, the undersigned propose the recognition of his merits by calling him in the Academy, as an honorary member” • (Radu Rosetti and 16 Academy members , June 3rd, 1946) F.G.Filip
C. I. Karadja, Member of the Roumanian Academy: The Answer • “I thank you deeply touched by your considerate words about my modest works of history (…). I receive your call with humility, as I envisage it the dearest to receive in my life, of being an honorary member of this first institution of culture of the country. This feeling of humility is accompanied by one of joy. I will no longer say like Ovid “Nitimur in vetitur semper, cupimusque negata”, as You, dear colleagues, have offered me more than I could have the right to crave as a result of my modest works.” • ( C. I. Karadja’s answer, June 6th, 1946) F.G.Filip
The Library: general information • Founded on August the 6th, 1867, one year after the foundation of the Roumanian Academic Society. • Mission: gathering and preserving the national fund of manuscripts and printed documents illustrating the Romanian and universal history, culture, and civilization. • Characteristic features : • An encyclopaedic library ( model: BNF); • Beneficiary of the Legal Deposit since 1885; • Legal Status: a national library. . F.G.Filip
The Library:collections • BAR shelters over 14 million library units. • 10,000 volumes of manuscripts, over 500,000 correspondence and archive records; • 138,000 engravings and drawings; • about 300,000 photographs; • 53,112 cartographic documents; • 190,000 coins, medals, and engraved stones and 40,000 stamps; • 55, 000 musical scores, 20,775 AV items; • 5,3 million monographs; • almost 7 million serials. F.G.Filip
The Library: the new building F.G.Filip
The Library: modernization • The Library in the Information Society era • Access facilitated for everybody, from any place of the world at any time since 1992 through the website (www.biblacad.ro); • The most recent project is „Europeana Library” which is funded by the European Commission and started in January his year. The consortium of the project includes also the Library of the Uppsala University. • Several images from the website of the Library follows: F.G.Filip
Canon of Penitence(12th Century) F.G.Filip
A. Dürer F.G.Filip
G. Rossini’s partiture F.G.Filip
V. Hugo F.G.Filip
Napoleon writes to Maria Walewska F.G.Filip
C. I. Karadja Collections: figures • More than 400 historical records from the 15th century onwards, mainly Moldavian ; • 15 rare books (3 incunabula in the original, 8 in photocopy or in facsimile, 4 post-incunabula); • Several Roumanian, Latin, Italian, French, German manuscripts from the 15th to the 18th century; • A collection of letters signed Constantin Karadja is part of the archive Nicolae Iorga, the great historian. F.G.Filip
C. I. Karadja Collections: rare books • Content: printed in various fonts, with historiated initials, decorated with lavish miniatures in colour and gold, with text in full page or in columns, with engravings describing scenes or delineating portraits of high beauty and refinement. • Form:in exquisite original leather gilt impressed bindings or in parchment or velvet, with golden schnitt, some of them with Baroque silver locks. • Annotations:inked inscriptions and marginalia, ex-libris and supralibros enhance their value by adding information about their temporary ownership or readers. F.G.Filip
Johann Saubert, “Historia Bibliothecae Reip. Noribergensis”, published in Nüremberg by Wolfgang Endter, 1643, 214 p. with stylish engraved frontispieces. F.G.Filip
Jeremia II, Patriarch of Constantinople,“Censur oder Urtheil der Orientalischen Kirchen…“, published at Ingolstadt by David Sartorio, 1583, 268 f., parchment covers with stamped medallion and frame, an inked inscription on the back of the front cover. F.G.Filip
“Livre d’heures”, parchment, adorned with 15 miniatures on engravings of saints and scenes of the Apocalypse, the Annunciation, the Crucifixion, the Nativity, the Flight to Egypt etc., issued in Paris in 1520, bound in garnet velvet with silver locks. F.G.Filip
Padre Giacomo Fiorelli, “La monarchia d’Oriente, Comincia da Constantino’L grande. Nell’Anno CCCXXX (330). E termina in Constantino Paleologo. Nell’Anno MCCCCLIII (1453)”, published in Venice by Domenico Milocco, an in-folio issued in 1679. F.G.Filip
Franciscus Philelphus, “Epistolae familiares”, printed in Venice by Ioannem de Cereto alias Tacuinum de Tridino in 1498, on paper. F.G.Filip
C. Sallustius Crispus, “Cum veterum Historicorum fragmentis” printed in Lugduni Batavorum (Leyden), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1634, original leather binding and golden schnitt. F.G.Filip
Manuscripts A 17th century German manuscript “ Eineß träurig Anfangs...”,(about the siege of Vienna by the Turks in 1683).Provenance:the Monastery of Minorites in Kaltern, Upper Tirol, with parchment binding, a calligraphed text in black ink, page with impressed frame. F.G.Filip
Latin manuscript 130, Letter of the Bishop Leonardus Chiensis of Mitilène (Lesbos), onthesiege and fall of Constantinople,(circa 1500) F.G.Filip
A Roumanian manuscript, nr. 5545, atranslation of a French manuscript from his own library, entitled History of Altidalis and Zelida by Vincent Voiture dating back the 18th century. F.G.Filip
Acknowledgements. The author acknowledges the contributions of his colleagues of the „ Manuscripts and Rare Books” Department, Mrs. Gabriela Dumitrescu and Mrs.Lorenta Popescu, to preparing this document.
The full text can be found and downloaded from the web site of the Library of the Roumanian Academy at URL http://www.biblacad.ro/CIKaradja%20V5.pdf • A virtual version of the displayed rare books, manuscripts and correspondence is available on: http://www.biblacad.ro/karadja%20expo2.pdf . F.G.Filip
Thankyou for your attention http://www.biblacad.ro/FlorinFilip.html F.G.Filip