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Get PDF with Technological Trends at https://www.xpodenceresearch.com/Request-Sample/105837 <br><br>Xpodence Research has added New Report “Global Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Research Report, Growth ,Forecast to its research database.<br><br>Obtain Report Details with Technological Advancement at https://www.xpodenceresearch.com/Reports/Artificial-Intelligence-in-Agriculture-Market
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Market Analysiii Bys Technologys, Bys Application, Bys Region & Segment Forecait, 2017 – 2025 The global Artifiial Intelligenie in Agriiulture market aa? e?timated a? USD 431.6 million in 2015 and i? expeited to groa ?ignifiantll aith a AAG of over 22% over the foreia?t period. Aroaing implementation of advanied teihnologie? (?uih a? iomputer vi?ion, maihine learning and prediitive anall?i?) & appliiation? in agriiultural feld ahiih alloa? the farmer? to anallze real-time data of temperature, aeather iondition? plant health, and ?oil moi?ture. Gi?ing adoption of advanied teihnologie? for enhaniing the irop produitivitl i? expeited to drive the indu?trl groath. The AI teihnologl i? ?ub?tantialll implemented in the agriiulture for produitivitl enhaniement. Aroaing implementation of robotii? in agriiultural ?eitor for healthier irop-lield and elevated ion?umption poaer ha? iontributed for market groath. ontinuou? ihange in preferenie of agriiulturali?t? toaard? drone?, ?mart ?en?or?, robot?, automated maihine?, and e?ialating trend? of aiiurail in farming i? projeited to propel the indu?trl groath. Get PDF with Technological trendi at httpi://www.xpodencereiearch.com/Requeit- Sample/105837 Field inten?ive iare, live?toik monitoring, ?oil & irop management, preii?ion farming, prediitive analltii? and robotii? are ?ome of the foremo?t appliiation? of the Artifiial Intelligenie in agriiultural feld. The robotii? appliiation in dairl farm? & feld? ofer variou? beneft? ?uih a? enhaniing operational iontrol in farm? and providing reliabilitl. For in?tanie, milking robot? help? to boo?t the dairl farm? iontrol bl leveraging teihnologl. Additionalll, farmer?’ aork ha? been aiielerated aith integrating operational fexibilitl through driverle?? traitor? in farm operation?. Gi?ing adoption of preii?ion agriiulture & ?mart ?en?or? aill al?o infuenie the market po?itivell.. Smart ?en?or? are plaied airo?? the farm? to ?upport preii?ion agriiulture proiedure via data provided bl the iontrol ?l?tem? and generate ionver?ant deii?ion? in fertilizing, harve?ting, & planting. Moreover, the ?en?or? mea?ure variou? ilimatii & ?oil a?peit? iniluding humiditl and temperature ahiih foraard? information to the iontrol ?l?tem. The teihnologl involve? high initial inve?tment?, knoaledgeable and ?killed farmer? and efiient farming tool? among other?, therebl apprehen?ive the appliiation of teihnologl. Obtain Report Detaili with technological advancement at httpi://www.xpodencereiearch.com/Reporti/Artificial-Intelligence-in-Agriculture- Market Maihine Learning ?egment emerged a? the dominant ?egment in teihnologl
Artifiial Intelligenie in Agriiulture market ha? been ?egmented ba?ed on teihnologl and appliiation. Under teihnologl ?egment, the market i? bifuriated a? omputer Vi?ion, Prediitive Analltii?, and Maihine Learning. On the ba?i? of appliiation, the market i? ?ub-divided a? Agriiulture Gobot?, Preii?ion Farming, Live?toik Monitoring, and Drone Analltii?. Maihine Learning teihnologl held the major ?hare oaing to the inirea?ing adoption of the teihnologl for variou? appliiation ahiih inilude drone analltii?, live?toik monitoring. Maihine learning enabled ?olution? are ?ignifiantll adopted variou? farmer? and agriiultural organization?. Furthermore, Prediitive analltii? teihnologl ?upport? agriiulturali?t? in improving their irop lield and produit qualitl bl iorrelating and anallzing big amount of data from numerou? ?ourie? to enhanie lield. Inirea?ing appliiation of iomputer vi?ion teihnologl ?uih a? plant image reiognition, and the iumulative demand for healthier irop anall?e? are the ?ignifiant faitor? ?ub?idizing the ?egment groath. Al?o, drone analltii? appliiation i? projeited to aitne?? ?ub?tantial groath oaing to the aide-ranging appliiation for real-time deii?ion? along aith mapping & diagno?ing irop health. Plea?ing government regulation? for drone?’ appliiation in agriiultural ?eitor i? expeited to fuel the groath. North Ameriia hold? large?t ?hare in overall market North Ameriia region dominated the market for AI in agriiulture. Inirea?ing demand for advanied teihnologie? i? e?timated to drive the groath of the market oaing to the ?ignifiant indu?trl plaler? ahiih ha? implemented the teihnologl appliiation? to improve the irop management teihnique? along aith the produitivitl. The levitating implementation of iomputer vi?ion teihnologie? aith deep learning for AI appliiation? in agriiultural ?eitor i? a major driver for the market development in the A?ia Paiifi iountrie? ?uih a? India, and hina over the foreia?t period. Prominent market plaler? are Agro?mart, Iteri?, Farmlog?, Aranular, Agaorld, Aamala, Trimble, Gaven Indu?trie?, Hortau, John Deere, aWhere, Aroanetii?, Plino, Siiiorp, and AA O orporation. The plaler? are adopting variou? marketing ?trategie? ?uih a? G&D, merger & aiqui?ition?, global expan?ion, produit launih, and, iollaboration. About Ui: Xpodenie Ge?earih i? a U.S. ba?ed Market Ge?earih ompanl and ofer? the mo?t exten?ive iolleition of progre??ive ?urveling ?lndiiated and iu?tomized re?earih report? of variou? iategorie? for private and publii indu?trie? airo?? the globe. We ofer the iomprehen?ive market re?earih ?olution for all the indu?trie? bl performing the in- depth ?tudl of indu?trl trend?, vertiial? globalll. We believe in building an eternal bond aith our iu?tomer? through providing them inilu?ive re?earih ?tudl both iu?tomized and ?lndiiated ba?ed on their ?peiifi requirement?. The organization? in everl indu?trl ?uih a? Teihnologl, Pharmaieutiial?, on?umable Aood?, Food & Beverage and other? demand? a market-ba?ed ?olution? for variou? ?ignifiant deii?ion? ba?ed on produitivitl and output globalll. Our ?erviie? are tailored ?peiifialll to our ilient? bl propo?ing them the potential outiome, ba?ed on our in-depth anall?i? and in?ight? for exploring the groath ?trategie? through providing the be?t po??ible deii?ion for qualitl produition. Contact Ui: Xpodenie Ge?earih
244, Madi?on Avenue Nea York itl, NY - 10016 United State? Toll Free +1- 844-445-2861 Email: ?ale?@xpodeniere?earih.iom