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Notation . It hurts now, but will make things easier later. Vectors, Matrices and realizations. This course will be a bit heavy on notation. However, I will try to be consistent. Capital letters represent either matrices or random variables. Small letters will be for specific realizations.
Notation It hurts now, but will make things easier later.
Vectors, Matrices and realizations • This course will be a bit heavy on notation. However, I will try to be consistent. • Capital letters represent either matrices or random variables. • Small letters will be for specific realizations. • Vectors in bold type
Outcomes and Explanatory variables • Yij will represent a response variable, the jth measurement of unit i. • xij = (1, xij1, xij2,..., xijp) will be a vector of length p+1 of explanatory variables observed at the jth measurement. • j = 1,ni. i=1,m. • E(Yij)=ij, Var(Yij)=vij
Nesting Observations (measurement within individual) • Set of repeated measures for unit i are collected into a ni-vector Yi=(Yi1,Yi2,...,Yini). • Yi has mean, E(Yi)=i and ni x ni covariance matrix Var(Yi)=Vi. • The jk element of Viis the covariance between Yij and Yik, that is Cov(Yij,Yik)=vijk. • Riwill be the ni x ni correlation matrix of Yi.
Combining all observations into a big data set. • We will lump the responses of all units into one big vector Y=(Y1,...Ym) which is an N-vector (total number of observations): • Most of the course will focus on regression models of the sort:
Combining, cont. • We can write the model for the ith person as • and for the entire data as:
Example 1: Sex and drug/alcohol use YijXij1 id datentry sx24hrs drgalcoh fcondom mcondom 1. 10122 03 Nov 98 no yes -88 -88 2. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 3. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 4. 10123 04 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 5. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 6. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 7. 10123 04 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 8. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 9. 10123 04 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 10. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 11. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 12. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88 13. 10123 04 Nov 98 yes no 0 0 14. 10123 03 Nov 98 no yes -88 -88 15. 10123 04 Nov 98 yes no 0 1 16. 10123 03 Nov 98 yes no 0 0 17. 10123 03 Nov 98 no no -88 -88
Merits of Longitudinal Studies over X-sectional studies • Consider the model: • L represents the expected change in Y given a change in Xij relative to the baseline value (Xi1) - longitudinal effect. • C represents the expected difference in average Y across two sub-populations that differ by their baseline values, Xi1 - cross-sectional effect.
Only X-sectional Data • In a x-sectional study, only can estimate: • Can use cross-sectional data to estimate longitudinal effect only if C=L.
Other Merits of Longitudinal Studies • Other merits include is the ability to distinguish the degree of variation in Y across time for one person from the variation in Y among persons. • Efficiency
Method One for Dealing with Repeated Meausures - Basic Methods for working with a family of simultaneous inferences. Ref: Miller, R. Simultaneous Statistical Inference
If repeated measures are made "regularly" (in time, location, etc.) on the subjects, one can look at each measurement separately and perform a number of univariate analyses. • However, one should(?) account for the fact that several simultaneous tests/confidence intervals were performed.
Specifying the family of inferences. • The nonmultiple comparisonists who regard each separate statistical statement as a family is one extreme. • The ultraconservatives who have a single family consisting of every statistical statement they might make during their lifetime as they other extreme.
Global level of significance - or type I error (0) and global confidence level (C0). • C0= P(All the condifidence intervals, CI’s, in the specified family cover their respective parameters) • 0 = P(one or more type I errors in the specified family of significance tests) • k,Ck are the levels of significance and confidence levels for each member of the family k=1,..,K. • One finds the k (or Ck)that gives an 0(orC0).
Independent vs. dependent tests (CI’s). • One needs to specify whether the results of your set of inferences tests/confidence intervals are independent or dependent. • Statistical independence implies P(reject null on test j | result of test k) = P(reject null on test j).
Independent CI’s • Suppose there are K independent events, E1,E2,...,EK. • Let Ek be a confidence interval, then • P(Ek) = P(kth CI covers parameter of interest)=Ck • C0=overall confidence level = P(all K intervals cover their respective parameters
Independent CI’s, cont. • C0=overall confidence level = P(all K intervals cover their respective parameters • Using equal confidence levels for each inference gives:
Independent Tests • 0 = overall type I error probability = P(1 or more type I errors in K-tests) • 0 = 1-P(no type I errors in K-tests) =
Independent Tests, cont. • Using equal significance levels for each test, one can solve for k: • So, using this k will achieve the desired overall 0.
Dependent Events • Suppose now there are K dependent events, E1,E2,...,EK. • Global C0 and 0 are based on Bonferroni’s Inequality: • Hochberg & Tamhante (1987), Multiple Comparison Procedures.
Dependent CI’s • P(Ek) = P(kth CI covers parameter of interest)=Ck • C0=overall confidence level = P(all K intervals cover their respective parameters). • Using equal Ck,
Dependent CI’s, cont. • So, to achieve desired C0,such that C0 = 1-K(1-Ck) is equivalent to using: Ck = 1-(1- C0)/K
Dependent Tests • 0 = 1-P(no type I errors in K-tests) = • Therefore, 0 1-(1-Kk)=Kk.
Dependent Tests • So, using k = 0/K will achieve desired overvall level 0.
Homework 1 • For Example 2.2 in Crowder and Hand (pg 9), provide individual confidence intervals for the difference in mean response of Drug A vs. Drug B for the 4 time measurements. • In addition, what individual -levels would you need to give 0 = 0.10 for the test of the null hypothesis that the means in the two drug groups are the same. • Finally, define a global p-value.