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Homeland Security: The Past, Present, and Future Trends

Homeland Security: The Past, Present, and Future Trends. Young B. Choi Dept. of CIS & MS James Madison University. Homeland Security …. Agenda. Introduction Homeland Security History of Homeland Security Major Players JMU IIIA and GMU CIPP James Madison University IIIA

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Homeland Security: The Past, Present, and Future Trends

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  1. Homeland Security: The Past, Present, and Future Trends Young B. Choi Dept. of CIS & MS James Madison University

  2. Homeland Security …

  3. Agenda • Introduction • Homeland Security • History of Homeland Security • Major Players • JMU IIIA and GMU CIPP • James Madison University IIIA • George Mason University CIPP • Major Research Areas of Homeland Security • Information Analysis • Homeland Security Related Resources • Funding Sources for Homeland Security Research • Conclusions • References

  4. Homeland Security: The Past, Present, and Future Trends Abstract This presentation reviews the past, present, and future trends of Homeland Security. The research activities of relevant research organizations including the IIIA (Institute for Infrastructure and Information Assurance) of James Madison University and the CIPP (Critical Infrastructure Protection Program) of George Mason University are introduced. The annual Homeland Security Symposium and current technical trends based on the analysis of presented research papers will be identified. Outstanding and emerging research issues of Homeland Security will be proposed and discussed.

  5. Introduction Homeland Security Poster This is a great conversation piece. Black and white and photos of Red Dog, Little Dog, Little Wound, Red Cloud and American Horse and in back John Bridgeman Dated 1880. Price: $3.50

  6. Homeland Security • Definition: Wikipedia • The term homeland security refers to the broad national effort by all levels of government to protect its territory from hazards, both internal and external, natural and man-made. The term is most often used in the United States; elsewhere, national security has more usage. The term is also used to refer to the United States Department of Homeland Security itself [1].

  7. History of Homeland Security • 1st Century • The Sicarii Zealots; Assasins; Herod the Great • 5th Century • Attila The Hun • 1095-1099 • First Crusade • 13th Century • Ghengis Khan • 15th Century • Torquemoda • 1793-1794 • Reign of Terror • 1972 • The Munich Massacre • 2001 • 9/11 (September 11 Attacks)

  8. History of Homeland Security Source: URL=http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2008/02/img/homeland_security_timeline.gif

  9. Major Players • Federal Agencies • Universities • State and Local Agencies • Industry • Military

  10. Federal Agencies • Federal Agencies • U.S Department of Homeland Security • A government agency created in 2003 to handle immigration and other security-related matters. • http://www.dhs.gov • The Federal Facilities Council (FFC) • Established in 1953 as the Federal Construction Council. • It operates under the auspices of the Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE) of the National Research Council, the principal operating agency of the National Academies and the National Academy of Engineering. • Mission • Identify and advance technologies, processes, and management practices that improve the performance of federal facilities over their entire life-cycle, from planning to disposal. • http://www7.nationalacademies.org/ffc/

  11. Federal Agencies: DHS • Homeland Security Act of 2002 • November 25, 2002 • Officially created by the Homeland Security Act of 2002, this mega agency is charged with preventing and deterring terrorist attacks and protecting against and responding to threats and hazards to the nation. • The DHS • Mission: We will lead the unified national effort to secure America. We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats and hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrations and visitors, and promote the free-flow of commerce.

  12. Federal Agencies: DHS • Directorates of the Department of Homeland Security • Border and Transportation Security (BTS) • Emergency Preparedness and Response • Science and Technology • Information Assurance and Infrastructure Protection

  13. DHS Organization

  14. Military • Military • Air Force Intelligence • Army Intelligence • Marine Corps Intelligence • Navy Intelligence • Center for Contemporary Conflict • http://www.ccc.nps.navy.mil/rsepResources/homeland.asp#journals • Coast Guard Intelligence

  15. JMU IIIA and GMU CIPP • Universities • James Madison University IIIA • George Mason University CIPP • “Centers of Excellence” Program • University of Southern California (Nov. 2003) • Texas A&M University (Apr. 2004) • University of Minnesota (Apr. 2004) • University of Maryland (Jan. 2005) • Johns Hopkins University (Dec. 2005)

  16. Universities • DHS Scholars and Fellows Program • Disaster Mitigation • Emergency Response • Prevention through the Use of Technology

  17. Mission and Vision • A leader in Computer Security • One of the original seven Centers of Academic Excellence for Information Security Education by the National Security • In 2001, successfully competed for a grant through the Commonwealth Technology Research Fund to establish the Commonwealth Information Security • The Mission • Facilitate development, coordination, integration and funding of activities and capabilities of James Madison University to enhance information and critical infrastructure assurance at the federal, state and local levels. • The Vision • A society strengthened and enriched by increasingly dependable infrastructures fostered by a strong university role in leadership, interdisciplinary education, research and problem-solving.

  18. IIIA Model

  19. IIIA Foundation

  20. Strategic Attributes • Emphasize applied research • Provide services to faculty for proposal and project development • Coordinate student-faculty-staff research teams • Enlist interdisciplinary, product- driven approach and agile organization • Implement strategic alliances quickly • Connect physical and cyber security and assurance • Develop software • Simulate and test networks • Produce quality, deliverable- based grant and contract products on time • Perform community service • Maintain and expand outstanding political support and linkages • Advance curriculum development • Develop risk assessment tools • Leverage longstanding degree programs

  21. Strategic Alliances – Private and Non-Profit

  22. Strategic Alliances – Education and Government

  23. Critical Infrastructure Protection Project Core Research Areas • Health Infrastructure • Avian Flu Pandemic • Disaster Preparedness and Response • Modeling, Simulation & Visualization • Information Analysis Education • Community Resilience • Alternative Energy • Green IT

  24. Flu Pandemic Model • Principal: Ms. Patricia Higgins, JMU IIIA • Background: This model was created for public health professionals to better prepare hospitals and other treatment facilities for a possible pandemic flu outbreak. • Objective: Development of a modeling tool that can explore different patient surge scenarios and the impact on the standard of care of the hospital. • Approach: • Researched data on various historical flu epidemics to develop model • Integrated mathematical model with SEIR system dynamics model • SEIR – Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered • Stock and Flow model • Incorporated hospital based scarce resources • Nurses with specific skills • Hospital beds • Deliverables: • Software • Currently Visual Basic Application • Output • Number of patients over time in different wards • Number of scarce resource shortfalls

  25. BS Information Analysis • Department: Integrated Science and Technology • Program Scope: Prepares graduates to apply the principles of information analysis, synthesis and data mining to problems in national, international or business intelligence settings. • Knowledge & Skills: • Identify, formulate, analyze and solve complex, real-world problems • Access and critically analyze data from multiple sources • Use computer-based and mathematical tools to effectively analyze and display information • Three-tiered Approach: • Social/Political/Cultural Understanding • Advanced Critical Thinking • Tools and Technology • Concentrations: • National Security • Competitive Analysis Carrier Library

  26. 2008 - Newly Funded Research • WMD Training for Community Emergency Responders • Dr. Ronald Raab, JMU/ISAT • Engineering Development of RFID Disaster Bracelet System • Dr. Anthony Teate, JMU/ISAT • Hosting a Cyber Defense Competition • Drs. Brett Tjaden and Houssain Heydari, JMU/CS • Computerized Constructive Cartography and Communication Center for Pandemic Prediction and Response • Dr. Lincoln Gray, JMU/HHS • Improving the Efficiency of Energy End-Use • Dr. Tony Chen, JMU/ISAT

  27. WMD Training for Community Emergency Responders • Principal: Dr. Ronald Raab, JMU Integrated Science and Technology • Background: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standardized Awareness Training (AWR-160) is a FEMA/DHS course that standardizes the minimum WMD awareness level learning objectives that shall be included in all federal, state and local jurisdictions. • Objective: This course establishes a common baseline to ensure nationwide consistency in WMD education and training for first responders. • Approach: The course will be taught to all fire and rescue personnel in the city of Harrisonburg and the county of Rockingham. Delivery of the course for the city of Harrisonburg will be done for each of the three shifts, which consists of 4 engine companies and one truck company. • Deliverables: • Training for 11 companies with 3 shifts with a total of 70 personnel

  28. RFID Hurricane Bracelet System Development • Principal: Dr. Anthony A. Teate, JMU Integrated Science and Technology • Background: According to FEMA, Hurricane Katrina displaced more than 330,000 families. Of these, over 182,000 victims moved into shelters across more than 20 states. Many of these individuals experienced considerable delays in ability to contact/reunite with their family members. • Objective: Research and final prototype development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) bracelet and tracking system with application to locating large numbers of individuals after a natural disaster. • Approach: • Develop and test “Missing Persons” aspect of DIBS software • Develop and test an interface with a secure login that allows authorities to locate a person’s identification data • Create a secure web-based application which allows family members to retrieve one another’s contact information • Deliverables: • Proposal in response to SBIR opportunities • Seek early stage investment from Angel Investors

  29. Hosting a Cyber Defense Competition • Principals: Dr. Brett Tjaden, Dr. Houssain Heydari, JMU Computer Science • Background: Cyber Defense competitions are important and challenging opportunities for participants to test their information security knowledge and skills in a realistic environment. JMU has participated in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition last year and plans to participate in the next competition. We would benefit from hosting a cyber-defense competition at JMU. • Objective: To develop the capability and host a Cyber Defense Competition at JMU in Fall 2008. • Approach: • Develop a team packet of relevant rules, guidelines, and schedule • Build the contest scenario • Acquire and configure network and virtual machines • Prepare participating faculty and students to participate and administer the competition • Deliverables: • Actual cyber defense competition for JMU students, prospective students, and possibly local or regional businesses • Lessons learned from competition

  30. Computerized Constructive Cartography Modeling • Principal: Dr. Lincoln Gray, JMU Communication Sciences and Disorders • Background: Modeling and visualization are key components to the IIIA research agenda and connects with emerging opportunities through the National Institutes of Health. The CCC method holds promise for predicting the spread of disease. • Objective: Development of a more realistic risk assessment tool for public health applications. • Approach: • Run improved CCC method demonstrations with improved visualizations • Develop manuscripts describing the CCC method • Develop and submit a proposal in response to current NIH RFP • Deliverables: • Improved website to highlight visualization of models • 4-5 manuscripts to be submitted in 3 months • Final proposal due to NIH by Sept. 15

  31. Efficient End-Use for Energy • Principal: Dr. Tony Chen, JMU Integrated Science and Technology • Background: • America’s security is threatened by dependence on foreign oil and fragile infrastructure (i.e. Trans-Alaska Pipeline System). • Most cost-effective option to replace imported fossil fuels is to use less energy • Latest efficient technologies estimated to save U.S. $300 billion/year overall • Objectives: • Assessment of the current status of customer implementation of energy monitoring systems • Evaluation of their effect on end-user behavior in conserving energy • Approach: • Monitor, collect and analyze data from all participants in a local power company’s Demand Response and Green Power Rate Programs • Students will work with Dominion Virginia Power company to assess and implement these two programs in the Central Shenandoah Valley • Deliverables: • Monthly progress reports • Final report on research results

  32. 2008 Symposium • Partner:National Academy of Sciences • Theme:To foster the development of public-private partnerships, IIIA’s 3rd annual homeland security research symposium illuminated successful collaboration between industry and government at the local, regional and national levels. • Keynote Speakers: • Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, MD-2 • Win the satellite war in space • Cyber security a top priority • Assistant Secretary of the Private Sector Office for DHS, Alfonso Martinez-Fonts • Public-private collaboration invested $5 million for more than a $2.5 billion return on investment to improve transportation of consumer goods from Canada to U.S. through Detroit. Vice Provost John Noftsinger with IIIA Fellow Dennis Barlow

  33. Homeland Security Textbook Understanding Homeland Security: Policy, Perspectives, and Paradoxes Dr. John B. Noftsinger, Kenneth F. Newbold, Jack Wheeler [2] Comprehensive exploration of the history of terrorism, the Department of Homeland Security, public policy issues, information analysis, critical infrastructure protection, risk communication, border & transportation security, and future trends. May 2007

  34. Overview One of the first texts analyzing the historical, social, psychological, technological, and political aspects that form the broad arena of homeland defense and security.  Foreword: Sec. John O. Marsh, Jr. Publication: May 2007 Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Pages: 232

  35. Table of Contents • The Nature of the Threat (Historical Underpinnings) • What is Homeland Security? • Public Policy Issues (Security vs. Privacy) • Information/Intelligence Analysis • Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Security • Risk Communication, Psychological Management, and Disaster Preparedness • Transportation and Border Security Issues • Future Implications: Imagination, Integration, and Improvisation

  36. About the Book • Each chapter begins with a hypothetical “Table Top Scenario” • Chapters conclude with a “Case Study”-examination of issues discussed within the text • Provides a new expanded definition of terrorism • Areas of Emphasis • Bureaucratic and legislative initiatives • Critical infrastructure protection • Information/cyber security • Public health • Border and transportation security • Intelligence collection and dissemination • Balancing Security and Privacy Rights

  37. Innovative Approach • Historical Context • Social, psychological, technological and political aspects of homeland security policy • Humans as a Critical Infrastructure • Forecasting the Future of Homeland Security • Terrorism Defined • Terrorism is organized, politically, religiously, and/or socially motivated criminal behavior, meant to influence an audience, inflicted upon civilians or non-combatants, resulting in the incitement of fear and the deprivation of life, property, and/or freedom.

  38. Forecasting the Future • Fighting the Last War • Need for Education and Research • Opportunities for Business • Innovation: A National Imperative

  39. Three “I’s” of the Future • Imagination • Integration • Improvisation

  40. Endorsements • "To illuminate Homeland Security is an ambitious undertaking in a world where the topic often generates more heat than light. Through integration of governmental, business and academic perspectives, the authors succeed in providing the reader with a vital framework for understanding. I know of no other single source that provides students and policy makers with such a thorough, yet eminently readable volume."--Gregory Saathoff MD, Executive Director, Critical Incident Analysis Group (CIAG), University of Virginia School of Medicine • "Finally, a comprehensive and coherent textbook for the homeland security arena. The authors have undertaken a complex subject matter and distilled it into a presentable format that will have great utility from the classroom to the boardroom.  The balancing and integration of subjects that impact public and private sector organizations as well as academia provide the instructor and student with a unique text that will also serve as a ready reference long after the class has concluded."--Paul M. Maniscalco, MPA, Gilmore National Terrorism Commission, Chairman, Threat Reassessment Panel and State and Local Response Panel

  41. Customer Reviews • Amazon.com Customer Reviews • 'A Fine Effort for a Little Book'This short, little paperback covers the basics, even though it uses a broadened or widened definition of terrorism (e.g., socially motivated, incites fear). Historical details are kept to a minimum. Organizational issues closely follow the governmental dictum about how homeland security ought to be organized. The tabletop exercises at the end of each chapter are good. • 'A must read for students of homeland security, concerned citizens, and policymakers.‘"Understanding Homeland Security" is a comprehensive examination of the past, present, and future of homeland security. “Understanding Homeland Security" is well designed, very readable, and is an important read for anyone interested in homeland security.

  42. George Mason University CIPP • George Mason UniversitySchool of LawCenter for Infrastructure Protection (CIPP) • Nationally and internationally recognized as a leading facilitator and provider of infrastructure protection programs that help secure and defend the United States and its allies. • Mission • Integrates law, policy, and technology to conduct comprehensive infrastructure protection, resiliency, and security research relevant to U.S. and international security. • Provides critical infrastructure stakeholders with valuable analysis of the cyber, physical, human, and economic frameworks of the United States’ critical infrastructures.

  43. George Mason University CIPP • Core Functions of Mission • Facilitate basic and applied multi-disciplinary research in critical infrastructure protection, resiliency, and security and defense issues, identifying policy and operational gaps not adequately covered elsewhere; • Provide timely and focused research, analysis, recommendations, and follow-on activities; • Provide a forum where stakeholders – all levels of government, industry, academia, and the private sector, both domestic and international – share insights, seek solutions to problems, interact with other experts, gain access to decision-makers, bring about corrective action, and receive recognition for their work; • Convene critical communities for collective action, especially in areas where such coordination would not otherwise occur; • Encourage sensible security by balancing aspects of national security, homeland defense, and disaster response with concepts of federalism, economic efficiency, globalism, and personal freedoms; • Collect knowledge about CIP issues, practices, and developments that will facilitate research, policy making, and private action; • Collect, integrate, and analyze knowledge about CIP in this University, among academic, public, and private-sector organizations in this Nation, and among our allies; • Perform outreach activities and facilitate information exchange and outreach among stakeholders;

  44. George Mason University CIPP • Core Functions of Mission • Present formal programs for training and education, including professional development of current and future leaders in the field; • Produce research papers and periodic publications that are recognized domestically and internationally as that of an independent, credible authority; • Open avenues for the development of mutually beneficial international relationships; • Provide subject matter expertise and skilled, cost-effective administrative and logistical support in the development and execution of preparedness exercises and simulations; • Evaluate cross-government agency activities; • Using Mason’s pre-eminence in law and economics, evaluate homeland security activities from a market-economy perspective; and • Stimulate innovation and invention in CIP by analyzing the issues from an independent perspective.

  45. Center for Infrastructure Protection Concept Structure Director & PI Mason CIP Coordination Group External Advisory Board Communications Team The CIP Report Editor (tasks: outreach, public affairs, comms., events, private sector and international coordination) Management Support Team Associate Director Chief of Staff Financial/Resource Manager Admin. Assistant to the Director Ed. & Training Research & Technology *Program Manager A **Program Manager B **Program Manager C **Program Manager D Cyber Energy Health Economics Comms. Industrial Base Food-Ag IT Chemical Foreign Invest. Water Energy Transportation Risk Law & Policy The staff should grow to 25-35 with expanded projects and financial resources. **Activated to support resources and demand *The Interim Step

  46. An example of a University Relationship Funding formula: SPP and CHHS will share direct funding, and the CIP will receive limited direct funding as it provides instructors and other resources. All three bodies will receive indirect funding as appropriate. • Lead the program • Develop curriculum • Provide instructors SPP: CHHS: • Co-lead the program • Develop curriculum • Provide instructors Working together to establish the master’s program in Health, Emergency Response, and Public Policy. DVA • Support the program • Assist with curriculum development • Provide some instructors • Recruit sponsors • Provide outreach to government, private sector, and academia CIP : CIP CHHS DHS Private Sector Academia SPP DOD SMEs

  47. State and Local Agencies • State and Local Agencies • Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (OSLGCP) 2005 • Jurisdiction of The Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) • The Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) • Establishment of The Offices of Community Preparedness, and State and Local Government Coordination

  48. Industry • Industry • To lead the effort of engaging business, DHS created the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) as the clearing house and coordinating body for these activities. • The DHS has also actively sought “innovative and unique” concepts and technologies from the private sector by issuing unsolicited proposals from businesses for the purpose s of contracting.

  49. Major Research Areas of HS • Homeland Security Research Areas with Codes [3] • 01 Explosives Detection, Mitigation and Response • 02 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences • 03 Risk and Decision Sciences • 04 Human Factors Aspects of Technology • 05 Chemical Threats and Countermeasures • 06 Biological Threats and Countermeasures • 07 Food and Agriculture Security • 08 Transportation Security • 09 Border Security • 10 Immigration Studies • 11 Maritime and Port Security • 12 Infrastructure Protection • 13 Natural Disasters and Related Geophysical Studies • 14 Emergency Preparedness and Response • 15 Communications and Interoperability • 16 Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization

  50. Intelligence Analysis • Intelligence • The process, which produces a product through a series of six steps (Richelson 1999, 8) • Collection of data • Processing this information • Integration with other data • Analysis of what has been assembled • Evolution of the data • Interpretation by the analyst(s) • Information analysis (IA) and the use of intelligence is not only practical in combating terrorism, but is also utilized in law enforcement; disaster planning and response; competitive analysis; and strategic planning

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