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Ovate Pontic. Pontics -FPD components that replace missing teeth and restore function and apperance compatible with continued oral health and comport. Pontic design. Tx plan 단계에서 미리 결정 Esthetic ⇔Hygiene Pontic space Residual ridge contour. Biologic considerations.
Pontics-FPD components that replace missing teeth and restore function and apperance compatible with continued oral health and comport
Pontic design • Tx plan 단계에서 미리 결정 • Esthetic ⇔Hygiene • Pontic space • Residual ridge contour
Biologic considerations • Pressure free ridge contact • Cleansible ridge surface
Pontic design classifications • Mucosal contact -saddle( ↔ridge lap) -Modified ridge lap • No mucosal contact -sanitary(fish belly) -modified sanitary(arch) -bullet
Modified ridge lap pontics • Convex ridge surface-cleansible • Esthetic ploblems -black triangle -unnatural emergency profile • Lingual food trap • Possible Phonetic difficulties
Ovate Pontics • More accurate duplicate of emergency profile • Esthetic and cleansible ridge surface • Positive pressure
Historical Background • Porcelain root tip pontic-anecdotal resistance; Reichenbach • Brill has made use of long porcelain roots for fixed bridgework (1 to 2 mm from the base of the extraction socket) apparently with good clinical results • Tissue reaction about porcelain root- histological evaluations by Dewey and Zugsmith(1933); “…revealed tendency of epithelium to cover wound surfaces from the margin, not only in simple extraction wounds but also in empty sockets into which porcelain roots have been imbedded.”
smaller extraction wounds were completely covered with a delicate epithelial film in approximately1 week; Loos and Gross, 1933 • Clinical and histologic findings showed the hyperpressure from smooth, polished and glazed convex metal ceramic pontics with excellent plaque control does not introduce inflammation to the adjacent tissues. However, if flossing the areas of hyperpressure does not take place, inflammation is inevitable.”; Tripodakis and Constantinides, 1990
Biologic rationale • After extraction, fibrin clot begins to form • Epitherial cells migrate from wound margin to center area • Thin layer of epitherial cells diffrentiates into stratified squamous epitherium • Highly polished ovate pontics can act as matrix for stratified squamous epitherium
Indication • Tooth Fx due to trauma, caries • High esthetic demand • Intact buccal plate • Refusal for implant therapy
Pontic extention • 3mm from most apical tissue in normal ridge • High bone crest-less pontic depth • Low bone crest- more extended pontic is needed(greater tissue support) • Too much extended potic may result in poor tissue healing.
Tissue surface preparation • Provisionalization immediate after tooth extraction • Surgical correction of residual ridge -electrosurgery -high speed round bur
Clinical procedure -evaluation of pontic space, bone crest level, and esthetic demand -Dx wax up and provisional restoration -teeth extraction and adjust of provisional restoration -epitherialization and remodelling of socket surfaces
Case report • Name; 김재준(M/45) • C.C;이가 흔들린다 P.I ; root Fx on #21 congenital missing state of #12 diastema(≒2mm) Tx plan;3-unit FPD(Modified ridge lap) 3-unit FPD(ovate pontic) Implant on #21