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Generators 101

Generators 101. Form Mail LAMP Bubbles & Blanks End of Course Surveys. Form Mail. Allows for short answer/short essay types of questions only. Does not allow you to specify a custom numbering scheme. Form Mail. Has no answers text file associated with it.

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Generators 101

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  1. Generators 101 Form Mail LAMP Bubbles & Blanks End of Course Surveys

  2. Form Mail Allows for short answer/short essay types of questions only. Does not allow you to specify a custom numbering scheme.

  3. Form Mail Has no answers text file associated with it. As a result, it does not check responses for completion on submitting and does not contain data for correct responses.

  4. Form Mail Has printable Web confirmation. Email confirmation is only sent from the INDLRN listserv. Posts to formmail.cgi, outside of your course-specific space: <form method=POST action="/cgi-bin/DE/formmail.cgi">

  5. Form Mail SHTML file is named by LIF number supplied. Ex: If I enter the lesson number as 88 and the LIF as 21, the file will be named LIF21.shtml.

  6. Form Mail Hidden Inputs in Form Mail SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“subject” VALUE=“Course ID LIF #21”> This value will be used for the email subject. The initial value is the course name and number followed by the LIF number that you entered into the generator.

  7. Form Mail Hidden Inputs in Form Mail SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“return_link_url” VALUE=“courseid/homepage.shtml”> The value is where the user will be redirected upon completion, based on the course name and number you entered into the generator.

  8. Form Mail Hidden Inputs in Form Mail SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“return_link_title” VALUE=“Return to Home page”> This puts the words “Return to Home page” on the page it spits back to the student and that is then linked to the course home page for the student to click on.

  9. Form Mail Hidden Inputs in Form Mail SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“required” VALUE=“realname, email”> This value indicates that the inputs named “realname” and “email” must be completed by the user. Do not rename these inputs!

  10. Form Mail Hidden Inputs in Form Mail SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“recipient” VALUE=“INDLRN123@lists.psu.edu”> The value can be substituted with any desired email. A value must be given for the file to work.

  11. LAMP Quizzes Allow for multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. Do not let you specify how items will be numbered. However, you can specify a random order for questions using CASE or by specifying that option in the actual LAMP text files.

  12. LAMP Quizzes Answers text files are created and stored in the same course folder where the quiz pages will be stored. Multiple choice responses in LAMP quizzes can be checked when submitted.

  13. LAMP Quizzes Have printable Web confirmation. No email confirmation is sent, unless the results are passed on to an INDLRN account. Post to respondLAMP.cgi, outside of your course-specific space: <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/cgi-bin/ilquiz/LAMP/respondLAMP.cgi" … >

  14. LAMP Quizzes Each time the quiz is accessed, a CGI script uses these TXT files to rewrite the HTML quiz files to that directory. This is why the TXT files should not be deleted even after HTML files are created!

  15. LAMP Quizzes LAMP TXT Files: Each one-line question is preceded by a line identifying the question type (Ex: :TYPE:MC, S, or P) and the line “:QUESTION”.

  16. LAMP Quizzes LAMP TXT Files: For multiple choice questions, each answer line is preceded by the line “:ANSWER#:X”, where # is the answer number and X is 100 or 0, depending on whether or not the answer is correct.

  17. LAMP Quizzes LAMP TXT Files: Each item ends with the line “:POINTS” and a line with the number of points assigned to the question. A blank line then separates each question from the next one.

  18. LAMP Quizzes LAMP TXT Files: The last four lines are preceded by the # symbol. The first of these includes the course name and assignment information; the last one, the submission email.

  19. LAMP Quizzes LAMP TXT Files: Because some text editors use characters & line breaks that are not recognizable by the CGI script, some strange characters may appear on the quiz HTML page. For this reason, we recommend you have an IT or TT edit these files for you.

  20. LAMP Quizzes Because the HTML files are regenerated from the text files each time they are requested, you should not edit LAMP-generated HTML files to fix an error.

  21. Bubbles & Blanks Has four types of questions: multiple choice, short answer, essay, and file attachments. Allows you to specify attachments as optional, and you can number the questions however you like (ex: 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3.1, 3.5, 4i, 4ii, 5) .

  22. Bubbles & Blanks Each B&B quiz has its own answers text file associated with it, which is located in the lifdata folder of the course cgi-bin directory. (webct/server/cgi-bin/courses/[coursename]/lifdata/) As a result, B&B checks responses for completion and corrects multiple choice questions.

  23. Bubbles & Blanks Sends copies of submissions to student and recipient. Runs a return check javascript (number indicates number of questions to check) to make sure all required items are completed. Then, it posts to bbprocess.cgi in the course’s cgi-bin student folder: <form … method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/courses/nikki101fa04/student/bbprocess.cgi" onSubmit="return check(4)">

  24. Bubbles & Blanks The SHTML file is named by LIF number supplied. Ex: If I enter the LIF as 99, the file will be named LIF99.shtml. This file will depend on the LIF99.txt file in the course cgi-bin directory’s lifdata folder.

  25. Bubbles & Blanks Hidden Inputs in B&B SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“lifNum” VALUE=“04”> This value will be used to locate the answers text file in the course cgi-bin directory’s lifdata folder. In this example, the page will look for LIF04.txt, not LIF4.txt.

  26. Bubbles & Blanks Hidden Inputs in B&B SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“title” VALUE=“Assignment Submission Form”> <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“coursename” VALUE=“BB 101”> These values, along with the lifNum, will become part of the subject of the email submission.

  27. Bubbles & Blanks Hidden Inputs in B&B SHTML Files: <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“recipient” VALUE=“INDLRN123@lists.psu.edu”> The value can be substituted with any desired email. A value must be given for the file to work.

  28. Bubbles & Blanks B&B TXT Files: Since questions may be numbered any way you like, the TXT file contains the numbering you specified.

  29. Bubbles & Blanks B&B TXT Files (Multiple Choice Questions): For multiple choice questions, the line includes the question number and the letter of the correct response, separated by a triple colon (:::) separator.

  30. Bubbles & Blanks B&B TXT Files (Short Answer/Essay Questions): For short answer and essay questions, the line includes the question number and the value “none”, separated by a triple colon.

  31. Bubbles & Blanks B&B TXT Files (File Attachment Questions): For file attachment questions, the line will include the question number, the triple colon separator, and the word attach...

  32. Bubbles & Blanks In this example, a student submission would be named by the student’s user ID followed by “Bbanswer”, as in “lnm105BBanswer.doc”. B&B TXT Files (File Attachment Questions): … followed by another triple colon separator, and the the text that will be used to rename the uploaded file.

  33. Bubbles & Blanks B&B TXT Files (File Attachment Questions): After the file name, there is another triple colon and a list of accepted file types (or the word “any”). Another triple colon follows with the words “required” or “optional” to indicate whether or not the upload is required.

  34. Bubbles & Blanks Because some text editors use characters & line breaks that are not recognizable by the CGI script, some strange characters may appear on the quiz HTML page. For this reason, we recommend you recreate the entire quiz in the B&B generator or you have an IT edit these files for you.

  35. End Surveys End of Course Surveys depend upon the eoc_survey.shtml file in your course directory, eocheader.html and eocform.html files in a common cgi-bin directory on our server, and a database outside of our control. You only have access to the eoc_survey.shtml folder.

  36. End Surveys The eoc_survey.shtml file has the following components: a directive to include eocheader.html several hidden inputs (with or without a drop-down list of instructors) a directive to include eocform.html

  37. End Surveys <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/DE/eoc_survey/eocheader.html" --> The eocheader.html file provides the title and instructions.

  38. End Surveys Hidden Inputs in eoc_survey.shtml: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CourseTitleandNumber" VALUE="NIKKI0101 01WB" SIZE=17 MAXLENGTH=20 border=0> The five-letter course name (“NIKKI”), four-digit course number (“0101”), one-letter suffix (“ “), and four-character version number (“01WB”) form the course title and number value.

  39. End Surveys Hidden Inputs in eoc_survey.shtml: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CreditType" VALUE="NC" SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2> The value will be CR or NC, depending upon whether or not the course is a credit course.

  40. End Surveys Hidden Inputs in eoc_survey.shtml: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="College" VALUE=”ED" SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2> This value will be a two-letter college code. (AA, AG, BA, CM, etc.)

  41. End Surveys The value is the four-digit ID of the instructor. This hidden input only exists if you have indicated that there is only one instructor. Otherwise … Hidden Inputs in eoc_survey.shtml: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="InstructorID" VALUE="1234">

  42. … a drop-down list appears for courses with multiple instructors. End Surveys <p><SELECT NAME="InstructorID"> <OPTION SELECTED VALUE=""> (Please select your instructor) <OPTION VALUE="1234">Nikki Masssaro Kauffman <OPTION VALUE="5678">Laura Kauffman </SELECT>

  43. <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/DE/eoc_survey/eocform.html" --> End Surveys The eocform.html file provides the body of the survey.

  44. End Surveys End-of-Course surveys post to an area outside of your course-specific space: <FORM action="http://tango.outreach.psu.edu/tango/DE/course_survey.taf" method="POST">

  45. End Surveys Another Reason Why CASE Rocks: CASE will be auto-generating the End-of-Course Surveys--WOOHOO!!!

  46. Quick Reference

  47. Quick Reference *Edit this file at your own risk!!!

  48. Quick Reference Why is this form mail quiz not working? Check hidden input named “required” for this value: “realname, email”. Make sure hidden input named “recipient” exists andhas a valid email address. Make sure there is an input named “email”, to get sender’s email address.

  49. Quick Reference Why is this LAMP quiz not working? Check your text file in BBEdit or TextWrangler for errors in syntax, line breaks, and special characters. (See LAMP section for help). Make sure last line of test file is the # symbol followed byba valid email address. Check Assignment settings in CASE: Assignment Type, LAMP, data File Name, # questions, etc. (Assignment Type determines folder location of .txt and .shtml files.)

  50. Quick Reference Why is this Bubbles & Blanks quiz not working? Check your text file in BBEdit or TexWrangler for errors in syntax, line breaks, and special characters. Check “lifNum” and “recipient” hidden inputs. Make sure there are inputs named “studName” & “emAddress” to supply script with sender’s email. Check form onSubmit=“return check(#)”. Check MIME types for attachments: https://courses.worldcampus.psu.edu/cgi-bin/nikki/MIME/simpleMIMEs.html.

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