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CCA. 2012 Collegiate Commissioners Association Football 7 Man Mechanics. U. SJ. BJ. FJ. HL. LJ. HL. LJ. 2012 CCA Mechanics Changes. Umpire Free Kick Coverage Watch the action on the kicker and the inside K players on your side near the center of the field
CCA 2012 Collegiate Commissioners Association Football 7 Man Mechanics
U SJ BJ FJ HL LJ HL LJ 2012 CCA Mechanics Changes • UmpireFreeKickCoverage • Watch the action on the kicker and the inside K players on your side • near the center of the field • SideJudgeFreeKickCoverage • - Watch the K players on your side nearthesideline • BackJudgeFreeKickCoverage • Watch the action of the inside K players on your side near the center • of the field • FieldJudgeFreeKickCoverage • - Watch the K players on your side nearthesideline • HeadLinesmanandLineJudgeFreeKickCoverage • If the ball is caught or recovered between the referee and your • sideline near the goal line, hold your position at the goal line • until it is no longer threatened
SJ FJ HL LJ HL LJ 2012 CCA Mechanics Changes • SideJudgeandFieldJudgePositioningFrom25–Goal • The SJ and FJ will now be at the goal line pylon when the ball • is snapped inside team B’s 25 yard line • HeadLinemanandLineJudgeMotionManResponsibility • If a man goes in motion, observe him if he is on your side of the ball • to ensure his motion is legal • HeadLinemanandLineJudgeReverseGoalLineMechanics • From the 3 yard line to goal line, both the HL and LJ move to the • goal line pylon at the snap • From the 5 yard line to 3 yard line, the LJ moves to the goal line • pylon at the snap and the HL reads the play and moves to the pylon • if appropriate
HL LJ BJ FJ 2012 CCA Mechanics Changes • FakeFieldGoalResponsibilities • When a fake field goal is attempted from a snap inside team B’s • 20 yard line, the HL and LJ will have the goal line • When a fake field goal is attempted from a snap onoroutside team B’s • 20 yard line, the BJ and FJ will have the goal line
2011 CCA Mechanics Changes • KeysFor “StackedReceivers” Clarified • When multiple receivers are “stacked” one directly behind the other • out wide in a formation, there are no formal keys assigned. Once • the ball is snapped, officials will pick up the receivers as they move • into their coverage zone.
HL 2010 CCA Mechanics Changes • HeadLinesmanMovesDownfieldUponReadingAPass • When the Head Linesman reads a pass, he should move slowly • and deliberately beyond the line of scrimmage to maintain focus • on the receivers in his coverage area. Rarely will this drift downfield • be more than 5 yards prior to the pass being thrown.
U U SJ 2009 CCA Mechanics Changes • No2ndHalfMeetingOfTheCaptains • Captains will no longer meet at mid-field to start the second half. • The decision of which direction the kickoff will occur shall be obtained • from the head coach either prior to the end of the 1st half or during the • mandated 3 minute warm up prior to the start of the 2nd half. • UmpirePositioning • The starting position for the Umpire is on the side opposite the tight end, • generally 5 – 7 yards (but not more than 8 yards) from the line of • scrimmage. For non-scoring kicks (punts), however, the Umpire may be • up to 10 yards off the line of scrimmage. • SideJudgeAndUmpirePositioningOnScoringKicks • When a “double Umpire” is used on scoring kicks, the starting position • for the Umpire and Side Judge is generally 5 – 7 yards (but not more • than 8 yards) from the line of scrimmage.
LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Walking The Field 5ManFieldInspection - Releases R And U To Talk To The Coaches Press Box X X X X X X X 2 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < < <
Pregame LJ BJ FJ SJ HL • HeadLinesmanAndSideJudge • Check the chains and down marker. • Find your chain crew and brief them. • Spot check the field with the chains (Make sure no 1st and Goal • from the 11 yard line). • Find your ball boys and brief them. • Secure the game balls and make sure the Referee checks them. • Introduce yourself to the coaching staff, especially the head coach. • LineJudgeAndFieldJudge • Find your ball boys and brief them. • Secure the game balls and make sure the Referee checks them. • Introduce yourself to the coaching staff, especially the head coach. • BackJudge • Be the police officer on the field. Patrol the 45 yard line zone and • look out for unsportsmanlike behavior. • - Help the Umpire with getting adornments removed.
U R FJ SJ Pregame • RefereeAndUmpire • Talk to the head coaches • Verify legality of equipment and players (Umpire) • Get the adornments off players • Approve game balls (Referee get with the LJ and FJ, HL and SJ), • remember that Spalding balls must be used in the post season • SideJudgeAndFieldJudge • Find out from the Referee and/or Umpire who the talking captain • is for your sideline’s team so you can line up the captains appropriately • for the coin toss
LJ BJ R U FJ SJ HL 1 Pregame Field Policing CoverThe45YardLineZone - Official CCA Version Press Box X X X X X X X 4 0 4 0 3 5 3 5 4 5 4 5 < < < < < <
LJ BJ SJ HL FJ 1 Pregame Field Policing CoverThe45YardLineZone - 4 Corners Version Press Box X X X X X X X 4 0 4 0 3 5 3 5 4 5 5 0 4 5 < < < < < <
T LJ BJ U R FJ SJ HL T 1 Coin Toss Press Box ProperPositioning Once you reach the hash, direct the captains forward then turn around and return to the sideline Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ K BJ U R FJ HL SJ 1 Coin Toss To Kick Off ProperPositioning Press Box Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
BJ Hands The Ball To The Kicker LJ K BJ U R SJ HL FJ 1 Kick Off ProperPositioning Press Box Count R Count K Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Onside Kick ProperPositioning Press Box Did Either Team Touch The Ball? Did The Ball Go 10 yards? Did The Ball Hit The Ground? Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Standard Play Press Box StandardPlayProperPositioning 20 Yards Score Board 25 Yards 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < < 20 Yards
LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Inside The 25 / 20 Yard Line 25 / 20 – 5YardLineProperPositioning Press Box At The Pylon On The Endline 1 0 2 0 3 0 < < < At The Pylon
LJ LJ BJ R U R SJ FJ HL HL 2 1 Approaching The Goal Line >5YardLineProperPositioning 5 - GYardLineProperPositioning Press Box 5 Yard Line 1 0 2 0 3 0 < < <
LJ BJ R U SJ FJ HL 2 Reverse Goal Line Mechanics 3 To G ReverseGoalLineMechanics3toG Press Box 3 Yard Line 1 0 2 0 3 0 < < <
LJ BJ U R HL FJ SJ 2 Reverse Goal Line Mechanics 3 – 5 ReverseGoalLineMechanics3to5 Press Box LJ Moves To G At The Snap 5 Yard Line 1 0 2 0 3 0 < < < HL Reads The Play And Moves To G If Appropriate
LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Pre-Snap Duties Press Box Counting Count Offense Count Defense Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ R U SJ FJ HL 1 2 Collapsing Box Coverage BoxingThePlayIn The “Accordion” Principle Press Box LJ and HL Hold Position Until The Ball Crosses The Line LJ and HL Square In At The Spot X X X X X X At The Snap, BJ, FJ And SJ Move Back All Officials “Accordion” In Score Board “Accordion” Principle - Dead Ball Officiating - Talk To Players - Break Up Confrontations - Make A Presence 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Long Run Down Sideline Press Box KeepRelativePositioning At The Snap, BJ And Deep Wings Start Backing Up Score Board 2 0 Trailing Official 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < < Get The Spot 20 Yards Assume Goal Line Position Clean Up Out-Of-Bounds Leading Official
LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Long Run Down Sideline Press Box KeepRelativePositioning - Don’t Run Over The SJ Or FJ 2 Yard Line Score Board 2 0 Trailing Official 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < < 20 Yards Assume Goal Line Position Leading Official Signals Touchdown
LJ BJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Initial Keys Press Box ProSet Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Initial Keys Press Box DoubleWing Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Initial Keys Press Box TripsFormation Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Initial Keys Press Box “Stacked” Formation No Formal Keys Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 1 Initial Keys Press Box DoubleTightEnd Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ U R HL SJ FJ 4 Punt Mechanics Press Box PuntProperPositioning 45 Yards Score Board 2 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < < <
“Reverse” Mechanics LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 4 Press Box ReverseMechanics - Occurs On Punt And Interception Returns, HL/SJ And LJ/FJ Duties Flip R Has Goal Line Duty Signals Touchdown Assume Goal Line Position Leading Official Trailing Official 2 Yard Line Referee Shares Goal Line Duty (Don’t Get Beat) Score Board 2 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < < <
LJ BJ R U FJ HL SJ 4 FG And Try Mechanics Press Box FGAndTryProperPositioning 2 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < < <
LJ BJ R U SJ FJ HL HL FJ SJ 2 2 Measurement Mechanics Press Box Field Judge Clears Players Away And Secures A New Ball If Appropriate The Mechanics Of The Remaining Officials Are Exactly As In A NFHS 5 Man Crew 1 0 4 0 2 0 < 3 0 < < < Side Judge Takes Charge Of The Box
Penalty Enforcement Mechanics LJ BJ R U HL SJ FJ 2 PenaltyEnforcement - Checks And Balances (Opposite From NFHS) - CCA Holds The Official Calling The Foul Primarily Responsible For Making Sure The Enforcement Is Correct (Whole Crew Really Is) Press Box Line Judge Goes To Where The Foul Will Be Assessed To Offensive Holding Head Linesman Marches Off The Penalty With The Umpire From The Enforcement Spot 1 0 2 0 3 0 < < < All 3 Should End Up At The Same Yard Line With The Same Down
FJ SJ SJ During Game Responsibilities • SideJudge • Deals with all issues involving the game clock • Keeps the time on the field if the scoreboard malfunctions (NCAA) • Alerts the Referee of timing errors • SideJudgeAndFieldJudge • During time outs, take charge of instructing the teams to return • to the field at the 15 seconds to ready-for-play whistle by the BJ • Take chief responsibility for communicating penalty information, • time outs remaining, game developments, etc. to the head coach • Acts as the apprentice to the HL or LJ and assists them whenever • possible • - Help with ball rotation, those coming out from the BJ and those • going in to the U .
Odds And Ends • CCA7ManMechanics – SortOf • Use the positioning, coverage mechanics, keys, etc. • Ignore the sections of the book obviously addressing NCAA mechanics • such as throwing your hat when players go out of bounds, • the 40 second clock, etc. • Ignore the CCA “if in doubts”, they are opposite from the NFHS ones • because they have instant replay to fix their mistakes while we don’t • It’s only the mechanics, not the rules we are borrowing – it’s still NFHS rules • OfficialConferences • We now have 7, rather than 5 different opinions and views • Conference when you need to, otherwise keep your distance and positions • Numerous conferences make it look like you don’t know what’s going on .
Microphone Mechanics • SoundingAndLookingProfessional • Practice, practice, practice • Say the words even in games you don’t have a microphone on you • - Face the press box and STAND STILL • There is no need to yell, that’s why you have a microphone • Speak in a conversational and unhurried tone • Be informative and concise, but not ridiculously brief • “Rehearse” with the Umpire to know you have all the information before • making a formal announcement (foul, down, ½ the distance, etc.) • Basic information includes: • Foul • Offense or defense / Kicking team or receiving team • Yardage of the penalty • Down • Use “Prior to the snap” or “After the conclusion of the play” • rather than “Dead ball” • Never say the number of the player or the player’s position, but when • necessary you can say vaguely “the player involved” .