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SOCIAL IMPACT OF TELEPHONE / 911 OUTAGES. Bob Oenning, EMP Washington State E911 Program b.oenning@emd.wa.gov. Success is the Enemy. People Expect 100% Reliability Traditional switched networks deliver Telephone Networks set the standard It is newsworthy when they fail

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  1. SOCIAL IMPACT OF TELEPHONE / 911 OUTAGES Bob Oenning, EMP Washington State E911 Program b.oenning@emd.wa.gov

  2. Success is the Enemy • People Expect 100% Reliability • Traditional switched networks deliver • Telephone Networks set the standard • It is newsworthy when they fail • They even work when the power is out • Customers hold wireless to the landline standard • 911 is Always Available

  3. Psychology of 100% • You Become Invisible • Support for improvements is fleeting • Maintenance intervals get extended • Less staff get retained • Customers Forget Alternatives • Mitigation is not even considered • At Discovery of No Service • Attributes of Panic Become Evident

  4. 911 is The Critical Service • Has Been Sold Very Well • People expect it to work • First time, Every time • Regardless of the circumstances • When other services have failed • When 911 is Not Available • People begin to panic • The network can be impacted • It becomes a page one story • Elected Officials Promise to Fix It

  5. Today’s 911 Networks • An Integral Part of Telecommunications • Integrated with the switched network • Rely on the network for every element • Have complex interdependences • Details understood by few

  6. 911 Network Topology VoIPNot Included

  7. Outages Do Happen • Excavation Equipment • Localized, Maybe not • Hours to Repair • Human Error • Probably Not Localized • Quick Repair • Power • Situation Dependent • Can be Days

  8. 911 Network Topology

  9. Trends in Networks • Fiber Everywhere • Share with others • Increased capacity • All services on it • Distributed Elements • Fiber hubs • Cell sites • Large Capacity CPE Backhoe fade is shared BATTERIES HAVE LIMITED CAPACITY

  10. We Are Not Doomed • When Service is Disrupted • Have a contingency plan for 911 • Keep the public informed • Build a relationship with the press • Give elected officials something to do/say • Use the Visibility to Be Less Vulnerable • Collaborate with power companies • Get generators • Improve the Locate service

  11. We Are Not Doomed • When Service is Disrupted • Have a contingency plan for 911 • Keep the public informed • Build a relationship with the press • Give elected officials something to do/say • Use the Visibility to Be Less Vulnerable • Collaborate with power companies • Get generators • Improve the Locate service

  12. NG911 WILL BE BETTER • NO! • The big switched network doesn’t fail • The big internet has limits • The Internet is on the same facilities • The local ISP may not have a generator • The overload conditions just sound different • NG 911 Will Be Very Complex • Network management is essential

  13. Windstorm Examples • Planning has huge dividends • No generators at field sites due to zoning • Cable systems need power at lots of places • 911 can handle loads at 4x normal • Frustration generates 911 calls • Asking for help is a good idea • Sharing information is a good idea • Minor 911 problems get undeserved attention

  14. Questions ?

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