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WP4 – Demonstration Missions. Laura Beranzoli Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. Demo Missions WP4. Standardisation & Interoperability WP2. Science Objectives & Observatory design WP3. Implementation Strategies WP5. Socio-economic Users WP6. Education & Outreach
WP4 – Demonstration Missions Laura Beranzoli IstitutoNazionalediGeofisica e Vulcanologia ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
Demo Missions WP4 Standardisation & Interoperability WP2 Science Objectives & Observatory design WP3 Implementation Strategies WP5 Socio-economic Users WP6 Education & Outreach WP7 Networking WP1 WP4 – Demonstration Missions Joined Executed Research Activities • strengthening the collaboration inside the ESONET consortium • integration/interoperability of the scientific and technical methodologies, data sharing and management, monitoring capabilities, infrastructures, etc. ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
ESONET Demo Missions towards “permanent” installations 1nd Call: 2nd Call: LIDO AOEM (ARCOONE+MASOX) LOOME MODOO Marmara-DM MOMAR-D ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
WP4 – Demonstration MissionsTime-line 2007 1st Call issue1st Call deadl. Feb. May Jun. Dec. 2008 Grant Agr. 1st DM start2° Call issue 2° Call deadl. Jan. May Jun. Sept. Dec. 2009 Grant Agr.2nd DM start Jan.May Jun. Sept. Dec. Present- day 2010 ALL DMs Completed Jan. May Jun. Sept. Dec. ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
WP4 – Demonstration MissionsScientific and technological Areasin close cooperation with WP3 Geosciences Physical Oceanography Biogeochemistry Marine Ecology Sensors for underwater observatories Increase of the observatory capabilities Sea operation systems and methodologies Data Management and Infrastructures ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
LIDO - Listening to the Deep-Ocean ESONET site: Eastern Sicily & Iberian Margin Objectives: Scientific long-term monitoring of earthquakes and tsunamis (GEO-HAZARD) characterisation of marine ambient noise with special focus on marine mammals (BIOACOUSTICS): Technological Extension of the present capabilities of the observatories in the Eastern Sicily site (NEMO-SN1) and in the Gulf of Cadiz (GEOSTAR revised for NEAREST pilot experiment) Establishment of a first nucleus of a regional network of homogeneous multidisciplinary seafloor observatories. ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
LOOME Long-term Observatory On Mud-volcano Eruption ESONET site: Håkon Moby Mud Volcano, Barents Sea Objectives: Scientific: follow events of eruption with sensor package aimed downwards (acoustics), at the sediments surface (t-strings, chemo-sensor-strings, camera), and in the water column (CTD, scanning sonar) Technological: test integration of these sensors, and endurance. ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
MARMARA-DM ESONET site: MARMARA SEA Objectives: Scientific: to contribute to the establishment of optimized permanent seafloor observatories for earthquake related hazards (including landslides and tsunami) monitoring in the Marmara Sea To characterize the temporal and spatial relations between fluids and seismic activity in the Marmara Sea (MS) Technological: To test the relevance of long-term seafloor observatories for an innovative monitoring of earthquake related hazards To propose the technological option (cable, buoys, etc) that is the most adapted for the Marmara Sea ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
MoMAR-DMonitoring the Mid Atlantic Ridge, Demonstration ESONET site: Azores Objectives: Scientific: To study the temporal variability of active processes such as hydro-thermalism, ecosystem dynamics, volcanism, seismicity and ground deformation, in order to constrain the dynamics of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal ecosystems Technologic: To deploy a multidisciplinary acoustically linked observing system, with satellite connection to shore To demonstrate the overall management of this system during 1 month even if its operation will actually continue during 12 months. ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
MODOO - Modular and mObile Deep Ocean Observatory • ESONET site: Porcupine Abyssal Plain Objectives: Scientific: Ocean circulation, mixed layer dynamics, benthic boundary layer dynamics, link surface and deep ocean, biogeochemical cycling in water column and sea floor, Deep Sea marine life, lateral transfer of matter, sinking particles, monitoring seismic activity Technological: Integration of multiple sensors, increase observatory capability with new data transmission system, telemetry data and real time quality control ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop
AOEM - Arctic Ocean ESONET Mission ESONET site: Arctic Ocean Objectives: Scientific Demonstrate and deploy observatory lander technology for dissociating hydrate studies in high-latitude, but warming Arctic Ocean shelf sites. Technology Design and evaluate data acquisition and real-time transmission methodologies for Fram Strait oceanography, including an acoustic network for future ocean tomography and glider navigation and docking. Develop the scientific and policy case for the Arctic ESONET site to become a sustained cabled observatory network within ESONET / EMSO initiatives, and Norwegian SIAOS and EU ESFRI programmes. ESONET NoE - 2nd All Region Workshop