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by Mohd Khairezan Rahmat supervised by Dr. Wing K. Au Dr. Jenny Aland Dr. Gregory Yates. UNDERSTANDING VISUAL ART EDUCATION (VAE) TEACHERS’ CONTINUANCE INTENTION TO INTEGRATE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT). Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Research Forum.
by Mohd Khairezan Rahmat supervisedby Dr. Wing K. Au Dr. Jenny Aland Dr. Gregory Yates UNDERSTANDING VISUAL ART EDUCATION (VAE) TEACHERS’ CONTINUANCE INTENTIONTO INTEGRATE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Research Forum
Contents Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum + ICT in VAE Classroom + VAE Teachers’ Uptake of ICT + Theoretical Framework + Research Methodology + MainResearch Findings - Measurement Properties - The Structural Model + Discussion + Conclusion back home forward
ICT in VAE Classroom Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum The appearance of ICT has offered significant opportunities for the VAE teachers to promote global, interactive and dynamic learning tools for students. The advantage of integrating ICT in VAE classrooms can be seen through its potential to promote a new way of perceiving and practising art (Taylor, 2007). ICT allow students to be responsible for their own learning as they can pursue their understanding by looking for information from sources other than their teachers (Gregory, 2009). Students who might not possess skills with traditional media can now focus more on the message and less on execution of art works (Phelps & Maddison, 2008). By encouraging students to exhibit their artworks on the Internet, they will be visually literate and critical member of society(Stokrocki et al., 2010; Fitzsimmons, 2008). back home forward
VAE Teachers’ Uptake of ICT Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Many researchers have indicated that ICT integration into art classroom is far from reaching its target (viz. Roland, 2010; Black, 2009; Courrege, 2007; Browing, 2006). Roland (2006) research on art teachers’ priority level of ICT integration in art classrooms indicate that majority (44%) of them consider ICT integration as moderate priority, while 33% stated ICT as a low priority in their instruction. Many art teachers are reluctant to embraced ICT into art classroom owing to the concern that it will decrease student creativity, artistic expression and understanding of art form (Wood, 2004). The present study aimed to investigate factors that might influence ICT integration among VAE teachers. back home forward
Theoretical Framework Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum The successful adoption of this technology depends largely on long-term viability and users’ intention to continue using it (Tervis & Economides, 2011; Burton & Gallivan, 2007). The construct of continuance intention (CI) from ECM was used to identify the changes in VAE teachers’ perception toward ICT integration after using it. Five constructs (PU, PEoU, FC, SI & ATT) were identified as factors that might influence VAE teachers’ intention to continue integrating ICT. A model of ICT integration for VAE teachers was formulated and tested based on findings of the study. back home forward
Research Methodology Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum A total of 887 VAE teachers in Selangor, a state in Malaysia, were targeted as participants of this study. Data were collected through an online questionnaire survey. The response rate of the study was 33.4 percent (296 respondents), considered acceptable for an online survey (Sekaran, 2010; Shih & Fan, 2008). All the item questions (6 items per constructs) were adopted from the TAM (Davis, 1989), UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and ECM (Bhattacherjee, 2001). The Partial Least Squares (PLS) of variance-based Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to analyse data of the study. back home forward
Research Findings Measurement Properties Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Three types of validity tests, namely; construct validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity, were conducted in analysing the reliability and validity of the measurement model. Results from construct validity test inform that all survey items were tapping into the same construct with the loading value greater than recommended cut-off values (Table 1). Table 2 indicate that all the constructs have met the recommendation of the convergent validity test. Referring to Table 3, all constructs have met the recommendation of discriminant validity test. back home forward
Research Findings The Structural Model Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum As shown in Figure 2, the strongest direct impact was found in the relationship between PEoU toward CI (B = 0.218, p<0.01). A significant direct impact was also found on the relationship between SI toward CI (B = 0.166, p<0.01) and PU toward CI (B = 0.165, p<0.05). The overall R2 value of the model was 0.213, thus indicates that the model explains 21.3% of the variance of the VAE teachers’ intention to continue integrate ICT. back home forward
Discussion Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Individuals’ perception of ease or difficulty toward integrating a proposed technology will mainly affect their future or continued usage. The effect of PEoU toward users’ CI has been confirmed when the explanatory power of ECM original framework was increased by 17% after inclusion of PEoU (Hong et al., 2006). Evidence from previous research also posited that PEoU as a direct determinant of individuals’ CI (viz. Sumak et al., 2011; Teo, 2011; Liu et al., 2010; Maarop et al., 2010; Wong & Teo, 2009; Teo et al., 2009). The MoE and courseware developer need to consider teachers’ expectations when designing teachers’ educational materials. back home forward
Discussion Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Opinions and expectations from peers and superiors are the environmental factors that influence teachers’ continued intention to integrate ICT. The significant relationship between SI and users’ intention to integrate technology has been proven by findings from a meta-analysis study (Dwivedi et al., 2011). The average correlation value was reported at 0.231. This finding is in accord with those from previous research related to the implementation of technology in education (viz. Dulle & Majanja, 2011; Teo & Lee, 2010; Zhou et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2009). Senior teachers need promote use of ICT among their colleagues, while policymakers and school administrators need to put forward guidelines concerning effective and beneficial use of ICT. back home forward
Discussion Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Individuals may continue to use a proposed technology if they believe that by using it will help them to gain more desired benefits. PU has consistently shown up to be the most robust predictor of individuals’ technology acceptance (Lai et al., 2012; Bhattacherjee, 2001). The effect of PU as predictor toward individuals’ intention to adopt technology has consistently shown up in previous researches (viz. Lee, 2010; Ho, 2010; Kim et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2008; Gibson et al., 2008). School administrators could provide and accommodate teachers’ need for professional development and ménage existing resources to support teachers’ development. back home forward
Conclusion Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Teachers’ perception on the usefulness and ease of ICT use are dynamic, do not remain static are subject to situation influences. Teachers may soon experience limitations if they not keep abreast with advances in the relevant technologies. The MoE and school administrators could perhaps organize continuing professional development to keep abreast with more advanced skills and knowledge on the use of ICT. The present study implied that an understanding of teachers’ perceptions and positive influences are likely to established longer-term integration of ICT. back home forward
Constructs Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Perceived Usefulness (PU) The extent to which the VAE teachers’ believes that using ICT will influence their decision to integrate ICT into the VAE classroom. Perceived Ease of Use (PEoU) The extent to which the VAE teachers’ believes that using ICT in the VAE classroom will be free of physical and mental effort. Social Influences (SI) The extent to which the VAE teachers’ perceives that other important persons believe he or she should use ICT in the VAE classroom. Facilitating Conditions (FC) The extent to which the VAE teachers’ believes that organizations, technical infrastructure and ICT policies exists to support their decision to integrate ICT into the VAE classroom. back home forward
Constructs Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Attitude (ATT) The extent to which the VAE teachers’ positive or negative feelings to integrate ICT into the VAE classroom. Continuance Intention (CI) The extent to which the VAE teachers’ intention to continue integrate ICT into the VAE classroom. back home forward
Adopted from TAM Perceived Usefulness (PU) Perceived Ease of Use (PEoU) Adopted from ECM Attitude (ATT) Continued Intention (CI) Adopted from UTAUT Facilitating Conditions (FC) Social Influences (SI) Research Model Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Figure 1: The research model back home forward
Questionnaire Items Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Perceived Usefulness (PU) Using ICT in my job would enable me to accomplish task more quickly Using ICT would improve my job performance as art teacher Using ICT would develop my students’ creative expression Using ICT would increase my students’ art production skills Using ICT would increase my students’ motivation in learning VAE Using ICT would increase my students’ access to research across the world Perceived Ease of Use (PEoU) Learning to operate ICT would be easy for me I would find it easy to get ICT to do what I want to do My interaction with ICT would be clear and understandable I would find ICT flexible to interact with I would be easy for me to become skill full at using ICT I would find ICT easy to use back home forward
Questionnaire Items Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Social Influences (SI) I need to integrate ICT to be seen as a good VAE teacher My students’ encourage me to use ICT in arts classrooms My colleagues have encouraged me to integrate ICT in arts classrooms My students’ parents encourage me to integrate ICT in arts classrooms My school administrator has encourage me to integrate ICT in arts classrooms State and government education department policies have encouraged me to integrate ICT in arts classrooms Facilitating Conditions (FC) I have sufficient resources to integrate ICT in arts classrooms Technical support is available for me to use ICT effectively The school administration of my school have been very supportive The state and government education department have provided a strong support To date, I feel I have been given many opportunities to develop ICT skills In general, teachers have been well provided with ICT support back home forward
Questionnaire Items Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Attitude (ATT) I have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to working with ICT I am confident tat I can help my students to use ICT successfully in classroom Working with ICT is so enjoyable and stimulating Once I start working with ICT, I find it hard to stop I feel excited about having to learn new ICT skills I able to cope if things go wrong with ICT ICT Integration (ICTInt) I frequently use computer in planning my instructions I use computer for administrating students record (e.g. databases) I often use internet for browsing information and generating ideas I use content-specific software during my instruction I use graphic and multimedia applications software in arts classroom I often use Web 2.0 tools for haring comments back home forward
Questionnaire Items Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Continuance Intention (CI) I will continue to use ICT for preparing effective teaching materials I will continue to use ICT when teaching in arts classrooms I intend to use ICT in the future for increasing my students’ ability to produce digital artworks I will consider using ICT for promoting virtual learning in arts classrooms I will consider using ICT for participating in on-line art exhibitions I will continue using ICT for promoting quality teaching and learning in arts classroom back home forward
Construct Validity Test Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Table 1: Weight and factor loading of constructs back home forward
Convergent Validity Test Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Table 2: Crobach’s alpha coefficient, composite reliability and the AVE of constructs back home forward
Discriminat Validity Test Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum Table 3: Correlation of latent and square roots of AVE of constructs back home forward
Perceived Usefulness (PU) Perceived Ease of Use (PEoU) 0.165* 0.218*** Continued Intention (CI) R2 = 0.213 Social Influences (SI) 0.166** 0.041 Facilitating Conditions (FC) 0.085 Attitude (ATT) The Structural Model Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Research Forum *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 Figure 2: The structural model back home forward