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Oracle Retail Stores Roadmap: Improving the Customer In-Store Experience

Oracle Retail Stores Roadmap: Improving the Customer In-Store Experience. Alexander Pellow Solutions Director – Stores & Commerce.

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Oracle Retail Stores Roadmap: Improving the Customer In-Store Experience

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  1. Oracle Retail Stores Roadmap: Improving the Customer In-Store Experience Alexander PellowSolutions Director – Stores & Commerce

  2. The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

  3. Program Agenda • Oracle Solution Footprint • Trends & Business Drivers • Retail Vision • Roadmap

  4. Oracle Solution Footprint

  5. Oracle for Retail Solutions, Infrastructure, Technology for Profitable Growth advanced retail science core retail foundation commerce anywhere MerchandisePlanning & Optimization Marketing & Loyalty service plan Store Operations Management Product Development, Sourcing & Manufacturing fulfill make Merchandise Operations Management Commerce sell buy Business Intelligence & Analytics Supply Chain Planning & Optimization market move Corporate Operations Supply Chain Execution Middleware Database Operating System Virtual Machine Servers Storage

  6. Oracle Retail Stores Point-of-Service Mobile POS Back Office Returns Management Store Inventory Management Central Office Mobile SIM

  7. Trends & Business Drivers

  8. Market Trends Mobile in retail is now a $5.7 Billion business worldwide and one that continues to grow rapidly. It is the single fastest moving trend in retail since Internet was added to the stores– IHL Group, 2013 In-store inventory management is critical to precision retailing – Forrester Wave: Point of Service, Q2 2012 Retailers’ biggest challenge is in how to merge the digital and physical worlds into one seamless experience that is more compelling than a digital pure-play – Retail Systems Research, 2012 47% of companies have difficulty delivering an integrated experience– Oracle E-Commerce Trends for 2012 52% of retailers plan to integrate inventory access, order placement and streamlined checkout functionality into employee facing mobile solutions – Aberdeen Group, 2012 75% of consumers say the #1 reason they visit a store is “to see the product before they buy it.” – Oracle Retail Cross-Channel 2012 Report: The Consumer View, 2011 100% of retailers believe that maintaining a single brand identity across all channels is important – Retail Systems Research, 2012

  9. Business Drivers Converged Commerce Commerce Anywhere Content Explosion Cloud Services Business Empowerment Mobility Global Expansion Targeting & Personalization Operational Optimization Regulatory Compliance

  10. Retail Vision

  11. Components of Vision CONVERGED COMMERCE IntelligentInventory Connected Interactions ASSISTED SELLING One Brand ENDLESS AISLE REAL-TIME INVENTORY Targeting & Personalization Consistent Experience Actionable Store Insights COMMERCE ANYWHERE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES Mobile retailing Commerce in the “Cloud” EVOLUTION OF PAYMENTS Globalization SELF-SERVICE PRODUCT SEARCH Lower TCO Collaborative Shopping

  12. Components of Vision CONVERGED COMMERCE IntelligentInventory Connected Interactions ASSISTED SELLING One Brand ENDLESS AISLE REAL-TIME INVENTORY Targeting & Personalization Consistent Experience Actionable Store Insights COMMERCE ANYWHERE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES Mobile retailing Commerce in the “Cloud” EVOLUTION OF PAYMENTS Globalization SELF-SERVICE PRODUCT SEARCH Lower TCO Collaborative Shopping

  13. Commerce Anywhere

  14. Commerce Anywhere Retailing Plan Service (Acquire/Return) Fulfill Commerce Demand & Orders Buy / Order / Return STORES NATIONAL DC Merchandise Financial Plan …& Take-with Shop… STORES Channel Planning Store Pickup eCommerce REGIONAL DC CUSTOMER Home Delivery Assortment Plan Catalog Call Center Space Plan VENDOR COMMERCE ANYWHERE FULFILLMENT ORCHESTRATION mCommerce Pricing & Promotions

  15. Real-time Inventory

  16. Visibility Provide much needed visibility onto inventory levels at stores to facilitate endless aisle concept for “commerce anywhere” Accuracy Enable Retailers to maintain accurate real-time inventory for no-disappointment retailing Optimized Fulfillment Provide flexible options for retailers’ fulfillment needs to execute optimized “commerce anywhere” operations Intelligent Inventory Provide broadest coverage to handle all & every aspect of store inventory leveraging technological advancements Real-Time Inventory Vision TCI/TCO Visibility Accuracy Optimized Fulfilment Intelligent Inventory

  17. Mobile Retailing

  18. Mobile POS – Handheld Edition • An out of the box mobile solution on the Oracle Retail Stores Solutions platform • Clean, easy to use interface • Flexible branding • Web-based deployment & management • Architected to run on multiple platforms • Internationalized solution • Rapid implementation and extensibility in alignment with Point-of-Service strategy • Highly scalable architecture

  19. Mobile POS – Tablet Edition • Addresses customer demand for point-of-sale functionality on a tablet • Starts with essential Mobile POS features and extends to full capabilities • Support for iPad/iPad Mini but architected for cross-platform • Rich user experience targeted for the iPad platform

  20. Assisted Selling • Leverages online features to provide a more immersive shopping experience in the store • A native iOS application that runs on an iPad • Enables Commerce Anywhere order fulfillment from in-store, warehouse and nearby store inventory • Pre-integrated with Mobile POS services for key functions • Enables sales associates to process both in-store and online transactions with a single credit card swipe

  21. Converged Commerce

  22. Converged Commerce Vision Call Center Mobile shopper Converged Commerce describes the Oracle vision for a unified retail shopping experienceand the applications, tools and platform needed to support and deliver that experience Web Store Kiosk Catalog Store Manager Converged Commerce Shopping Cart Inventory Manager Mobile Manager Checkout Station Self Checkout Mobile Checkout

  23. Converged Commerce is intended to: Enable shoppers to have a seamless, cohesive, relevant experience across all touch points Enable retailers to design and deliver that experience using common data and services Enable retailers to leverage a common commerce platform between the online environment and the in-store systems Enable retailers to significantly reduce the cost to operate and maintain their business across all channels and touch points Converged Commerce Vision

  24. Roadmap

  25. Oracle Retail StoresStatement of Direction Execute on our vision to continue to enable retailers to consistently deliver an exceptional shopping experience and build lasting relationships with their customers Drive to delivery of true connected experiences that allow customers and employees to interact and transact anywhere and on any device in the store Enable Retailers to deliver true No-Disappointment Retailing with precise visibility to inventory available for commerce Enhance our standards-based, architectural foundations to support local growth, international expansion, regulatory changes, and advances in technology Enable innovation and routes to market by leveraging the platform for base & 3rd party development Improve solution usability, configurability and flexibility for faster, lighter deployments

  26. Oracle Retail Stores • Connected Interactions • Extend Support for Commerce Anywhere Ordering • Enhanced In-Store Order Fulfillment • Mobile Application Enhancements • Actionable Insight • Enhanced Dashboard • Optimized Operations • Improved Usability • Enhanced Price/Promotion Integration • Enhanced Product Track & Trace • Enhanced Inventory Management • Agile Platform • Enhanced Commerce Services • Additional Inventory Services • Additional Globalization Support • Performance & Security Enhancements • Oracle Technology Enhancements

  27. Graphic Section Divider

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