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Regular structures in ad-hoc networks

Regular structures in ad-hoc networks. Anders Nickelsen Jens Myrup-Pedersen. [http://car-to-car.org]. Regular structures in ad-hoc networks. Ad-hoc network are networks that are created between mobile nodes – nodes just communicate to its immediate neighbors

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Regular structures in ad-hoc networks

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  1. Regular structures in ad-hoc networks Anders Nickelsen Jens Myrup-Pedersen [http://car-to-car.org]

  2. Regular structures in ad-hoc networks • Ad-hoc network are networks that are created between mobile nodes – nodes just communicate to its immediate neighbors • Dynamic, unreliable, potentially short-lived • Unpredictable in movement • Ad-hoc networks created by cars (car-to-car networking) have node-movement restrictions – due to roads • Still difficult to create efficient algorithms for ad-hoc networks • Regular structures (N2R, cordal rings, ...) are used in fixed networks (e.g. fiber) and have efficient algorithms (broadcasting, routing, fault-tolerance...) • Project: • Use node placement and movement knowledge (or estimates of it) to create regular structures for ad-hoc network • With mobility • Without mobility

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