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Empowering Believers: Lessons from Acts 1:1-11 Easter Retreat 2019

Delve into the powerful message of Acts 1:1-11, focusing on the Holy Spirit's empowerment for evangelism, discipleship, and overcoming obstacles to fulfill Christ's mission. Explore the relevance of seeking the Holy Ghost's power and preparing for Christ's return.

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Empowering Believers: Lessons from Acts 1:1-11 Easter Retreat 2019

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  2. INTRODUCTION Discipling A Whole Nation (DAWN) is an ongoing venture. The book of Acts shows us the Holy Spirit at work: empowering believers to evangelise the world, build the Church, heal the sick and deliver the oppressed. He enabled the disciples to overcome obstacles, spread the gospel and achieve remarkable results. This opening chapter launches us into the heartbeat of the Lord, who took away His disciples from every distraction and focused them on His life-mission for them: soul-winning. It is a lesson we all must embrace.

  3. PERTINENT PURPOSE OF HIS GRACIOUS COMMANDMENTActs 1:1-5; Luke 24:19,45-49 Luke captures Christ’s miracles, messages, deeds, doctrine, works and words – “all that Jesus began both to do and teach”. The entire Church were to continue Christ’s mission. For this reason, Christ showed Himself to them as the risen Lord “by many infallible proofs” before He was eventually “taken up” (Acts 1:2,9,11,22). He commanded them to wait for “power from on high” (Luke 24:49). They obeyed and waited; we also must obey the command to tarry. • QUESTION 1: Why is it important for believers to seek the power of the Holy Ghost? – Acts 1:8; John 16:7,8; 1 Corinthians 4:20

  4. PROMISED POWER FOR THE GREAT COMMISSION Acts 1:6-8; Micah 3:8; 1 Corinthians 2:4,5 The disciples got distracted by questions about an earthly kingdom (Acts 1:6; John 21:21). Curiosity can hinder our spirituality and duty. Christ has a mandate for us: no distraction must be allowed. DAWN demands we should avoid issues that do not concern God’s Kingdom and seek the indispensable power of the Holy Ghost to do exploits for God’s Kingdom. Great talents and intensive training without spiritual power will prove ineffective in this great work of eternal consequence. • QUESTION 2: Mention some distractions to the Great Commission today – 1 Kings 20:39,40; Luke 19:20,21; Acts 1:6; 2 Timothy 2:14

  5. PROPHETIC PROCLAMATION OF HIS GLORIOUS COMING Acts 1:9-11; Mark 16:19; Luke 24:50,51; John 14:1-3; Luke 19:10,13 As soon as Jesus had commissioned and blessed His disciples, He was “taken up into heaven” (Acts 1:9,11,22). Angelic proclamation followed: “This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.” It assured them of Christ’s Second Coming. The Rapture of the Church is certain; Christ’s Second Coming is sure; His return to reign on earth is guaranteed. Instead of idly standing by, we should pray, receive power and preach. “Occupy till I come”. • QUESTION 3: What is the best preparation for Christ’s return? – Matthew 24:44-46; Acts 1:8; Luke 19:13; 1 John 3:1-3.


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