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KP CWG 17/18 Survey Results

Gain insights into the views and priorities of King Philip Community working groups and stakeholders. Understand trends, success areas, improvement suggestions, and concerns highlighted in the survey results.

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KP CWG 17/18 Survey Results

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  1. KP CWG 17/18 Survey Results Background • During the 2017/2018 school year, the KP Community Working Groups and the KP Administration developed surveys targeted at various stakeholder groups to gain insight into their views and priorities • Surveys were released to the three stakeholder groups: • Community Members • King Philip Teachers and Staff • King Philip Students • Participation in the survey was excellent with good representation across the three towns and all demographics • This presentation highlights the major trends and outcomes from the survey

  2. Survey Participants We saw a high level of participation in the Community, Staff and Student surveys • 768 Respondents for the Community Survey • 463 parents of KP students completed the survey • 61% of our KP student population participated • 52% of the teachers and staff participated

  3. Understanding the Data The Stop-Light Scale was Used to Represent the Results Example • 75% strongly agree • 5% strongly disagree • Respondents responded with a 60% “performance” rating Performance Current performance rating

  4. KP CWG 17/18 Survey Results Areas of Success Areas of Improvement Areas or Concern Quality education Class Size Technology Teacher quality Funding Course variety Academic Challenge Discipline • Co-Extra Curricular • Athletics • Music • Clubs Teacher to Student Feedback Students connection to school and their peers/culture Safety

  5. Areas of Success Quality Education Teacher Quality Academic Challenge • Co-Extra Curricular • Athletics • Music • Clubs

  6. I Believe KP Provides a Quality Education The majority of respondents agree that KP students are getting a quality education • 75% of this population believes KP is providing a quality education • Former parents rated this significantly lower (59%) than current parents (73%) • Data aggregated community and staff respondents

  7. Teacher Quality & Retention/Academic Challenge KP gets high marks in the area of Teacher Quality & Academic Challenge, retention of Quality Teachers is a concern Importance & Performance Teacher Quality • 99% of parents rated this important • 67% of parents rated this great/good Academic Challenge • 97% of parents rated this important • 78% of parents rated this great/good Retention of Quality Teachers • 58% of the Community rated this as Strongly Agree/Agree

  8. Clubs, Athletics and Music Clubs, Athletics and Music received very high performance ratings. Importance & Performance Clubs • 78% of parents rated this important • 89% of parents rated this great/good Athletics • 65% of parents rated this important • 86% of parents rated this important Music • 64% of parents rated this important • 96% of parents rated this important

  9. Areas of Improvement Class Size Course Variety

  10. Class Size Class size is important to parents & teachers, however performance expectations are not being met Importance & Performance • Both parents and staff believe class size is important • Staff agree that class sizes of 24 and under are optimal • 56% of staff and 62% of parents believe the current performance is sufficient

  11. Top Areas for More Course Variety • Engineering/Robotics, Coding/Computer Programing, and Business class offerings rank in the top four • Followed closely by Science and Math • Consistent responses between community and students

  12. Areas of Concern Technology Funding Discipline Teacher to Student Feedback Students connection to school and their peers/culture Safety

  13. Technology Use of technology to teach and learn is rated as important Should be Given Additional Funding Essential to Students’ Daily Curriculum for Future Success • More than 80% of all respondents agree on the importance of technology in learning • Consistent rating among current and former parents • 87% of respondents believe technology should be given additional funding

  14. Technology • Top priorities in technology were improving wireless access and replacing aging computers • Teachers indicated time and training were important to using technology in the classroom

  15. KP is Adequately Funded Relative to Surrounding Districts Adequate funding for KP is a concern • Only 30% of respondents agree that KP is adequately funded

  16. Discipline Discipline is a concern across all parents, students and staff Importance & Performance • The importance of maintaining discipline is clear for parents (85%) and staff alike (94%) • 48% of parents and 73% of staff rated this as fair/poor • Only 42% of parents feel that KP is adequately funded for discipline

  17. Teacher to Student Feedback Feedback is a priority for parents, students and staff Importance & Performance • Students rate teacher/student feedback as important • 44% of students give Teacher Feedback a great/good performance rating

  18. I Feel a Positive Connection to My School A low percentage of students feel a strong positive connection to the school • 42% of Middle School students agree/strongly agree that they have a positive connection to their school • 22% of High School students agree/strongly agree that they have a positive connection to their school

  19. Student Well-Being and School Environment • Students rate safety as their highest in importance and 50% rate performance as good/great • 70% of students rated a clean environment as fair/poor 19

  20. KP CWG 17/18 Survey Results Areas of Success Areas of Improvement Areas or Concern Quality education Class Size Technology Teacher quality Funding Course variety Academic Challenge Discipline • Co-Extra Curricular • Athletics • Music • Clubs Teacher to Student Feedback Students connection to school and their peers/culture Safety

  21. Next Steps Xxx

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