1. 1 Chapter 20Providing a Safe and Healthy Work Environment
2. 2 Safety and Accident Prevention Approximately 8 out of every 100 American employees in the private sector suffer an injury or illness
This is due to hazards in the work environment
Around 3.4 million employees suffered disabling injuries in 2003
In the same year,there were 4,500 deaths
3. 3 Supervisor Responsibility for Safety A successful safety program starts at the top of the organization, but the supervisor is key because of daily contact with employees
The supervisor must see that safety directives are carried out
Supervisors shape safety attitudes
4. 4 Supervisor Responsibility for Safety Supervisor responsibilities:
Listen to employee complaints and suggestions
Investigate and take corrective action
Develop a good relationship with the safety director or engineer
Consult with this person on any safety-related issues that arise
5. 5 Supervisor Responsibility for Safety Safety instruction should be an integral part of orienting and training employees
Supervisors may also be responsible for:
Accident investigation
First aid
Maintenance of safety records
Dissemination of changes in safety regulations and methods
6. 6 The Cost of Accidents The costs of work-related accidents are high
Most costs are related to lost production
Training replacements is a related cost
Insurance and medical costs are increasing due to large accident claims
This includes workers’ compensation, health, accident, and disability insurance
Criminal charges are possible in cases of long-standing poor safety records
7. 7 Workers’ Compensation Workers’ compensation protects the employee from loss of income and extra expenses of work-related injuries
Several states allow payments for job-related anxiety, depression, and mental disorders
Some form of workers’ compensation is available in all 50 states
Coverage, amounts paid, and ease of collecting vary from state to state
8. 8 Health Insurance Health insurance covers such things as:
Hospitalization and outpatient doctor bills
Prescription drugs
Dental, eye, and mental health case
9. 9 Disability Insurance Disability insurance protects the employee during a long-term or permanent disability
A waiting period following the disability is usually required
Benefits are usually calculated as a percentage of wages or salary
Organizations with a good safety and health record pay lower rates
10. 10 Related Costs Employee morale suffers in an unsafe environment
Reactions range from refusal to work to an unconscious slowdown
Organizations with a bad safety reputation may have to pay higher wages
Group harmony may be impaired by the absence of the injured employee
11. 11 Related Costs If employees perceive that management is unconcerned with their welfare, employee-management relations can deteriorate
Safety is often a primary reason for unionizing
12. 12 The Causes of Accidents Accidents are usually a combination of:
Unsafe personal acts
An unsafe physical environment
13. 13 Unsafe Personal Acts Unsafe acts cause up to 80 percent of all workplace accidents
Taking shortcuts
Throwing materials
Operating equipment too fast
Taking unnecessary chances
Failing to wear or use protective equipment
Using improper tools and equipment
14. 14 Unsafe Personal Acts Why do employees commit unsafe acts?
Trying to impress others or project a certain image
Boredom or daydreaming
Poor eyesight
Physical limitations
15. 15 Physical Environment Accidents happen in all types of environments
In order of decreasing frequency, they include:
Wherever heavy, awkward material is handled, using hand trucks, forklifts, cranes, hoists
Around any machinery used to produce something else
Where people walk or climb
Where hand tools are used
Where electricity is used for something other than lighting
16. 16 Physical Environment Physical conditions that result in more accidents
Serious understaffing or not having enough people to do the job safely
Unguarded or improperly guarded machines
Poor housekeeping
Defective equipment and tools
Poor lighting
Poor or improper ventilation
Improper dress
17. 17 Physical Environment Some specific safety hazards:
Slippery floors
Cluttered aisles and stairs
Reading while walking
Power and extension cords
Loose tile, linoleum, or carpeting
Small, loose objects left on the floor
Bottles, cans, and books on the floor or stacked on top of filing cabinets or windowsills
Sharp burrs on edges of material
18. 18 Accident Proneness A tendency to be accident-prone should not be used to justify an accident
Employees who appear to be accident-prone should be identified and given special attention
Under the right circumstances, anyone can be temporarily accident-prone
A “normal” employee who was up all night with a sick child
19. 19 Measuring Safety Frequency and severity are the most widely accepted measures of an organization’s safety record
A frequency rate indicates the frequency with which disabling injuries occur
A severity rate indicates how severe the accidents were and how long the injured were out of work
Disabling (lost time) injuries cause the employee to miss one or more days of work
20. 20 The Safety Program The heart of any safety program is accident prevention and getting employees to “think safety”
The basic elements of a successful safety program:
Support of top and middle management
Safety is a line organization responsibility
A positive attitude toward safety exists and is maintained throughout the organization
One person is in charge of the safety program and is responsible for its operation
21. 21 Strategies for Promoting Safety Make work interesting
Incorporate ergonomics
Establish a safety committee
Feature employee safety contests
Publicize safety statistics
Periodically hold safety training sessions
Use bulletin boards and email
Reward employee participation
22. 22 How Supervisors Can Prevent Accidents Be familiar with organizational policies that relate to safety
Be familiar with the proper procedures for safely accomplishing the work
Know what safety devices and personal protective equipment should be used on each job
Know what safety-related reports and records are required
Get to know the employees
Know when and where to make safety inspections
23. 23 How Supervisors Can Prevent Accidents Learn to take the advice of the safety director and the safety committee
Know what to do in case of an accident
Know the proper procedures for investigating an accident and determining how it could have been prevented
Always set a good example with regard to safety
24. 24 Violence in the Workplace Violence in the workplace is becoming an increasing concern
Violence accounts for 11 percent of all fatal work injuries
Violence is the second leading cause of workplace fatalities for women and the third for all employees
In 18 percent of all violent crimes, the victims are at work
The threat of terrorism in the workplace has become a reality
25. 25 Deterring Workplace Violence Hire carefully, but realistically
Draw up a plan and involve employees in it
As part of the plan, adopt a “zero tolerance” policy
Enlist the aid of professionals—with an eye on the cost
26. 26 Warning Signs of Violence Making threats or being threatened
Being terminated or anticipating a lay off
Having serious problems at home
Chemical dependency
Showing signs of paranoia
A fascination with weapons
Getting into fights and/or demonstrating open conflict
Demonstrating a loner mentality
Making fatalistic statements
27. 27 Occupational Safety and Health Act The purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is “to assure, so far as possible, every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources
It is enforced by a division of the U.S. Dept. of Labor, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
This act covers nearly all businesses with one or more employees
28. 28 Occupational Safety and Health Act Worker rights under OSHA:
You may tell your employer or OSHA about workplace hazards
You may request an OSHA inspection
You can file a complaint with OSHA if your employer has discriminated against you for exercising your rights under the OSHA act
The right to see OSHA citations issued to your employer
29. 29 Occupational Safety and Health Act Worker rights under OSHA:
Your employer must correct workplace hazards and certify that the hazards have been reduced or eliminated
The right to copies of your medical records or records of your exposure to toxic and harmful substances
Your OSHA rights must be posted in your workplace
30. 30 Occupational Safety and Health Act Under OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration:
Encourages employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards and to implement new (or improve existing) safety and health management programs
Develops mandatory job safety and health standards and enforces them through worksite inspections, employer assistance, by imposing citations and/or penalties
31. 31 Occupational Safety and Health Act Promotes safe, healthful work environments through cooperative programs, partnerships, and alliances
Establishes responsibilities and rights for employers and employees
Supports the development of innovative ways of dealing with workplace hazards
Maintains a reporting and record-keeping system to monitor job-related injuries/illnesses
32. 32 Occupational Safety and Health Act Establishes training programs for occupational safety and health personnel
Provides technical and compliance assistance, training, and education to help employers reduce worker accidents and injuries
Partners with states that operate their own occupational safety and health programs
33. 33 Occupational Safety and Health Act Few people question the intent of OSHA, but many criticize the way in which it is implemented
The volume of regulations is staggering
Many regulations have vague wording
Some regulations are seen as petty
Consequently, legislation has softened or eliminated some OSHA requirements
Regardless, OSHA has been effective; occupational fatality rates have dropped by 62%
34. 34 The Supervisor and OSHA Employers of 11 or more persons must maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses as they occur
This includes all:
Occupational illnesses, regardless of severity
Injuries resulting in death, lost workdays, restriction of work or motion, loss of consciousness, transfer to another job, or medical treatment other than first aid
This record keeping and reporting responsibility generally falls on the supervisor
35. 35 OSHA Forms Currently required OSHA forms:
Form 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Form 301, Injury and Illness Incident Report
These forms are maintained on a calendar-year basis
They must be retained for five years and be available for inspection
36. 36 OSHA Inspections Supervisors are often asked to accompany OSHA officials during facility inspections
It is in the organization’s best interests to be cooperative
Being uncooperative can result in stricter enforcement and stiffer penalties
Become familiar with the OSHA regulations affecting your department and be constantly on the lookout for violations
37. 37 Hazard Communications Standard Millions of U.S. employees arepotentially exposed to chemical hazards in the workplace
To protect them, OSHA established a Hazard Communications Standard (right to know rule)
It attempts to ensure that employees know what chemical hazards exist in the workplace and how to protect themselves against them
38. 38 Hazard Communications Standard This standard has three requirements:
Hazard determination
Hazard communication
Employee training
Identifying the hazards posed by a particular chemical rests with the manufacturer
Employers using the chemicals are responsible for meeting hazard communication standards and for teaching employees to use them safely
39. 39 Hazard Communications Standard Material Safety Data Sheets
Provide information on the nature of hazards, including appropriate handling methods and remedies for unexpected exposure
May be prepared by employers, manufacturers, or importers of the hazardous material
Are often maintained electronically, which makes it easier to keep them current