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The People Side of Organizational Improvement

The People Side of Organizational Improvement. Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC Executive Coach/Leadership Development. “Success in business is 15% technical ability while 85% is the ability to deal with and impact people.”. Dale Carnegie. People and Change. Why People Resist Change

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The People Side of Organizational Improvement

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  1. The People Side of Organizational Improvement Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC Executive Coach/Leadership Development

  2. “Success in business is 15% technical ability while 85% is the ability to deal with and impact people.” Dale Carnegie

  3. People and Change • Why People Resist Change • Critical Leadership Skills for Dealing with People • Best Practices

  4. About Change • The natural reaction to change, even in the best circumstances, is to resist • People go through the change process in stages • People go through these stages as individuals Change Management: The People Side of Change: Hiatt and Creasey

  5. Self-actualization Importance Belonging Security Survival

  6. “Try to honestly see things from the other person’s point of view” Dale Carnegie Human Relations Principle

  7. WIIFM? “People support a process that helps them succeed” Leadership Training for Managers: Dale Carnegie

  8. Not understanding the need for change Not knowing what is in it for them Fear of unknown – job security/loss of status Not being consulted Peer pressures Non-reinforcing reward systems Limited skills and training Climate of mistrust Poor communication of what new process and expectations will be Politics Not understanding difference between change and transition Lack of people skills of leaders Poor timing Perceived as temporary fad Too much change in short time period Why People Resist Change

  9. The Power of Why “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And if you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.” Simon Sinek

  10. Why Before What Why? Messages about the business today (shared during the earliest stages of the change) •The business issues or drivers that create a need for change • Competition or changes in the marketplace including customer issues • Financial issues or trends • What might happen if a change is not made (the risk of not making the change) What? Messages about the change (shared after people understand the business situation and business reasons for change)

  11. Change Situational Concrete External Ending Transition Psychological Diverse Internal Starts with end Change versus Transition “Successful change is dependent upon a successful transition” Managing Transitions – William Bridges

  12. It’s like being between 2 trapezes Endings Neutral Zone New Beginnings

  13. About Endings The biggest mistake leaders make is the failure to think through who will have to let go of what when change occurs

  14. Managing Endings • Make it clear why the ending was necessary • Identify who is losing what • Acknowledge losses openly, with empathy • Expect signs of loss • Mark endings

  15. "Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have – and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up." James Belasco and Ralph Stayer Flight of the Buffalo (1994)

  16. About the Neutral Zone Both challenging and opportune place and is at the core of the transition process It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer “There is nothing to hang onto”

  17. About The Neutral Zone • Anxiety and emotions rise • Motivation falls and productivity decreases • Systems are in flux • People tend to polarize • Confusion

  18. Managing the Neutral Zone • Let people know this is natural – train them on Transition • Develop a transition team - communicate and listen • Be clear on vision and the “why” • Provide focus • Set short term goals – avoid overambitious targets • Strengthen intra-group connections

  19. About New Beginnings • People make the new beginning only if they first made an ending, and spent time in the neutral zone • Most organizations start at the beginning • Frequently on the road to getting better, things first get a little worse

  20. “People support a world they help create” Leadership Training for Managers: Dale Carnegie

  21. Managing the New Beginning • Picture – what does the new look like? • Transition plan • Give people a part • Ensure quick wins • Celebrate successes – rewards reinforce the new

  22. Leading Change To lead effectively, you must be able to connect and communicate your agenda to others.

  23. Most Critical Leadership Skills for Dealing with People Ken Blanchard Companies Studies

  24. Best Practices What works for you when dealing with The People Side of Organizational Improvement?

  25. The People Side of Organizational Improvement Pam Solberg-Tapper MHSA, PCC Executive Coach/Leadership Development

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