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FEATS PROJECT. Uganda: Draft Terms of Reference for Second Phase Research Study
FEATS PROJECT Uganda: Draft Terms of Reference for Second Phase Research Study A Policy Study of the Linkages between Agricultural Productivity and Rural Livelihoods on the one hand and Trade in Agricultural and Trade Facilitation on the Other: Recommendations for Poverty Reduction and Development for a Landlocked Country like Uganda. By Mwmbutsya Ndebesa Dept. of History & Dev. Studies Makerere University, Uganda ndebesam@yahoo.com
INTRODUCTION • Brief economic, trade and social profile of the agriculture sector in Uganda: trends in total and main crop-wise production, agricultural exports and imports, formal and informal employment in agriculture, rural poverty, and land tenure system. (Annual time series for the last ten years or so) • Trends in agricultural productivity: developments in the productivity of main crops in the last ten years. Trends in livelihood status: poverty levels and indicators, nutrition and food security status, and human development index in the last ten years. • Landlockedness and trade facilitation issues: identification of main physical, infrastructural and institutional constraints due to landlockedness and under-developed trade facilitation measures particularly as they relate to agricultural sector; description of key corridor projects • Policy framework: key features of development, trade, agriculture and trade facilitation policies and their linkages
ANALYSIS Agricultural productivity, trade and livelihoods • Questions: • What is the relationship between agricultural productivity and agriculture trade performance? • What is the relationship between agricultural trade performance and rural livelihoods and employment? • What is the relationship between agricultural price changes and rural productivity? • How do inequalities (access to land, income distribution, gender, etc) affect agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods. • What are the constraints to rural farmers in accessing domestic urban markets?
ANALYSIS cont… Landlockedness, trade facilitation, and trade in agriculture • Questions: • What are the main constraints for trade in agriculture resulting from land lockedness? • What are the transaction costs to exporters of agricultural commodities? • What are the past, present, and planned trade facilitation measures that attempt to address the identified constraints? • What are the main corridor schemes and how do they address the identified constraints?
ANALYSIS cont… National, regional and international policy dimensions, and the role of stakeholders Questions: • What are the key features of national policies and programmes related to agriculture, trade and trade facilitation? • What has been the impact of agricultural trade liberalisation policy on agricultural productivity? • What is the impact of regional (e.g., EAC) and international (under the WTO) rights and obligations on national policies on trade, agriculture and trade facilitation? • Who are the main domestic stakeholders? What is the level of their respective capacities and involvement in relevant policy making and implementation? • What is the role of international donors with focus on agricultural productivity and corridors development?
ANALYSIS cont… Synthesis of linkages • Questions: • What are the existing positive and negative linkages among agricultural productivity, trade in agriculture, trade facilitation and landlockedness, and rural livelihoods? • How well are these linkages understood? How can the understanding of these linkages be improved among policy makers and relevant stakeholders? • How do the relevant policies (e.g., related to agriculture, trade, and trade facilitation) take these linkages into account? What are the gaps? • What are the positive and negative impacts of regional and international commitments under the relevant trade agreements? • How can the positive linkages be strengthened and negative linkages addressed? What can be a holistic framework for comprehensive analysis and coherent responses? • What are the main capacity building needs?
METHODOLOGY • To visit the Ministries of Agriculture, Trade, Finance etc, to collect primary data in their respective reports • To visit some research institutions, eg, CBR, EPRC, MISR to collect both primary and secondary data. • To visit the various relevant websites • To collect some primary data from trade and farmers associations • The researcher will also have some consultations with experts from universities, research institutes and relevant statutory bodies such as the Export Promotion Board • Draft findings to be presented to the National Stakeholders’ Dialogue for validation.
RECOMMENDATIONS • Recommendations to the government particularly the National Planning Authority (NPA) • Recommendations to the development partners • Recommendations to the CSOs, particularly farmers organizations • Recommendations to the private sector and business organizations • Recommendations to research institutes and universities