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Thanks too whoever stole the $150 from my purse last night... Lol #annoyed

Thanks too whoever stole the $150 from my purse last night... Lol #annoyed got my first ticket today, parking in a wrong stop by a couple of inches! #annoyed ! Someone please tell me what is the point homework  #annoyed  x x x Laura Snyder  ‏@ LowwaSnyda

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Thanks too whoever stole the $150 from my purse last night... Lol #annoyed

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  1. Thanks too whoever stole the $150 from my purse last night... Lol#annoyed got my first ticket today, parking in a wrong stop by a couple of inches! #annoyed! Someone please tell me what is the point homework #annoyed x xx Laura Snyder ‏@LowwaSnyda Today's already one of those days #annoyed Erin. ‏@ereano18 When girls make tweets about stuff but wouldn't dare say it to someone's face! #annoyed

  2. Taylor Paige Skover ‏@tskovee my parents think i am such a bad kid. i am a typical teenager, yeah i make mistakes, everyone does. #annoyed Maddie Rice ‏@maddie16_rice what makes you think I'm going to answer you at 3 in the morning?#annoyed Tall people need to realize that their place is in the back when it comes to shows. #annoyed#shortpeopleprobs Bri Edgar ‏@BriAnna_Delain Had to stand in freezing cold for 10 minutes while the cops searched my car. The dogs sniffed out my lunch 😐..... #Annoyed

  3. Gigi Chamberlain ‏@LikeAGeeee6 I swear my brothers don't know how to aim for the toilet.#controlyourD#annoyed Tatted Brunettez ‏@tattedbrunettez Sometimes I wonder if people really think bout what they say...before they say it. #annoyed Can’t believe britney sent Reed home... #annoyed iCandy  ‏@iMinstrel_ Why when you go to overtake someone driving at 60mph do they suddenly speed up to 80mph?? #Annoyed

  4. Amanda Fisher ‏@AmandaFisherrr I can't wait for college. Hate having parents that simply add extra stress to my life. I am a big girl! #annoyed Matthew Osterbur ‏@Matt_Man18 #hintstomysuitemate if you stand about six inches closer to the toilet, you're tinkle sprinkle will not get on the floor. #annoyed miranda ‏@mirandamarie0o2 I need a person who can accually hold a conversation when texting.#annoyed Savannah Starr. ✌ ‏@imsavvy_yo I don't wanna do this essay, I don't wanna read this book, and I deffinitely do not wanna go to English tomorrow. #annoyed

  5. “You are so annoying” Choose not to label Keep trusting in God Choose not to retaliate but to do good Choose to bless, love and pray Ask God to renew your mind

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