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The IPV Energy Companies

The IPV Energy Companies. A leading investment opportunity in the energy sector…. A WELCOME FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. IPV Energy Companies. Globa l Capital Introductions, LLC.

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The IPV Energy Companies

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  1. The IPV Energy Companies A leading investment opportunity in the energy sector…

  2. A WELCOME FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS IPV Energy Companies Global Capital Introductions, LLC. I want to welcome you to the IPV Energy Companies financial products presentation for investors and their advisors. This information is calculated to share a truly unique opportunity in the field of renewable energy generation. The international team that comprises GCI is pleased to be a part of this program and appreciates this opportunity to share with you and your advisors an overview of what this energy company is poised to accomplish in the 21st Century. I think you will find is both remarkable and intriguing in an economic climate that has seen its share of financial challenges. T. Craig Eschrich Chairman & CEO Michelle Merceri Chairman & CEO I am very pleased to be part of the presentation process that will introduce you to an investment opportunity. I am confident you will find both secure and lucrative. In today’s economy it is increasingly difficult for the discriminating investor to find opportunities like what you will see in this presentation. The staff of all the IPV Energy Companies worldwide as well as the staff of our global financial partner, GCI, have taken great care to insure the highest standards of performance, financial accountability and investor security. If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me directly or Michelle Merceri, Representative of GCI.

  3. Agenda • What exactly do the IPV Energy Companies do? • Cash Cycle and the Security • What are my financial options? • Legal Notices • What’s my Next Step to becoming a Client?

  4. What exactly do the IPV Energy Companies do? IPV Energy companies operate globally building, operating and maintaining green/renewable electricity generating facilities for industry, commercial clients, governmental and residential communities. Adaptations of our power generating facilities include being able to treat sewage at the same time as we produce electricity. This technique saves a significant amount of cost since conventional waste treatment facilities do not need to be expanded with growth and new communities can avoid costly traditional waste treatment designs. One of the by-products of our program is both the creation of fertilizers using our solid waste treatment protocol and the removal of dissolved solids from the liquid waste stream. This yields tons of revenue generating fertilizer and the dissolved solids yield revenue generating chemicals that can be commercially marketed, also in the tons. Some municipal facilities like Clark County, Nevada (Las Vegas), as an example, can yield as much as 50 tons per day in commercially saleable chemicals. IPV Energy Companies represent a fundamental commodity in the 21st Century. Domestically or internationally, energy is an essential component of economic growth. Internationally, energy is the number one national security concern followed by water and food. IPV is global energy provider and addresses that critical need at a time when jobs and growth are sorely needed. What we offer is ESSENTIAL. Our renewable facilities worldwide will have the lowest electricity generating costs of any technology in the marketplace. From a revenue generating perspective, a sampling of IPV Energy projects had the following performance profile:

  5. Projects booked, with Power Purchase Agreements ready to be finalized, total 150 with 3 sets of projects having a total of 350 phases spanning at least 10-years (2022). All projects are capable of starting in 2012 or within the first half of 2013; completion dates vary due to logistics and weather conditions. Billings for electrical service are all based on a 20-year take-or-pay contracts and the cost per KWh is fixed for the same period of time. Payments are made to an IPV Energy Clearing House Account via wire transfer and the investors are paid monthly or quarterly depending on the size of the investor pool in a particular project. All payments are made directly from the Clearing House Account to investors pursuant to previously provided instructions. Investment terms range from 5, 7.5 and up to 10-years depending on the preference of the investor. There is no cap on the size of the investment, but the minimum threshold amount is $100,000.00 unless arranged otherwise in advance with GCI which handles all deal structuring for IPV Energy Companies.

  6. Cash Cycle and the Security The purpose of this presentation is to provide prospective clients of all IPV Energy Companies an explanation of the banking process we utilize in collecting accounts, crediting payments for utility clients, paying bank charges and landing funds for distribution to the client. This process is routine and is, in our case, calculated to provide all clients absolute security that their payments will be handled in a timely manner. At no time does any individual working for any of the IPV Energy Companies handle the money belonging to clients in the above process. Funds are all wire transferred to the IPV Energy Heavy Industries Corporation Clearing House Account following receipt of the billing for utility services being provided by any one of the utility companies that are part of the IPV Energy network of companies worldwide. The Clearing House Bank then, pursuant to pre-arranged instructions from IPV Energy Heavy Industries, transfers payments via wire transfer to the client’s designated bank account. IPV Energy Heavy Industries management licenses each and every affiliate of the IPV Energy network; and as a part of such licensing, the standards for financial accountability are set forth. Not only accountability between the licensor and licensee, but also accountability that the clients of the IPV Energy Companies can count on is set down. While none of the IPV Energy companies are public companies, we paid close attention to the emerging “Sarbanes-Oxley Act” legislation and took note of the concern of investors. As a result, we adopted the principals of Sarbanes-Oxley in our financial accountability to licensee’s and clients.

  7. What Opportunities exist for IPV Clients? Example Using $100,000 Investment *(Contact a representative for all the details of any investment)

  8. Legal Notices Please refer to the Investment Package located at www.ipvenergy.com at the “Investor” Tab for additional details about this or any other IPV investment opportunity. All IPV Energy Operating Companies, Licensees and Affiliates subscribe to a voluntary version of Sarbanes-Oxley financial accountability. Safe Harbor Statement Statements made in this and other Agreements or documents are based upon current expectations that are subject to risk and uncertainty. IPV Energy Companies and Global Capital Introductions, LLC do not undertake to update forward-looking statements in such documents to reflect actual results of and changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such forward-looking information. The actual future plans and results of the company could differ significantly from such forward-looking statements.

  9. What’s my Next Step to Becoming a Client? Once you have reviewed the Investment opportunity and would like to proceed please contact an IPV representative in order to help you fill in the specific information on the investment contract. (See www.ipvenergy.com “Investor” Tab for a listing.) -OR-

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