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B Factories: Status and Prospects. CKM: Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CPV: CP Violation. Masashi Hazumi (KEK). March 28, 2007 Flavor in the era of the LHC CERN.
B Factories: Status and Prospects CKM: Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CPV: CP Violation Masashi Hazumi (KEK) March 28, 2007 Flavor in the era of the LHC CERN
It seems all the important results from B factories have already been shown and discussed at this workshop in the last two days. What should I talk about ? CKM: Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CPV: CP Violation Masashi Hazumi (KEK) March 28, 2007 Flavor in the era of the LHC CERN
Outline • Introduction • CPV and CKM • New physics searches • Future prospects All introductory slides are put in the backup part.
Integrated luminosity 1100/fb !! KEKB + PEP-II ~ 1 Billion BB pairs ~710/fb (Jan 07) Triumph in accelerator science ! KEKB for Belle ~400/fb design luminosity PEP-II for BaBar
Achievements at B factories Evidence for D0 mixing Observation of direct CP violation in B gp+p- Exciting results every year ! Evidence for B gtn Observation of b g dg Evidence for direct CPV in B g K+p- Discovery of X(3872) Hint at new physics: CPV in B gfKs Observation of B g K(*)ll Observation of CPV in B meson system
Discovery of CPV in the B meson system (2001) by BaBar and Belle sin2b history (1998-2005)
Mar. 2007 sin2f1 = 0.6780.025 (4% accuracy) World avg. (i.e. with OPAL, ALEPH,CDF) (f1 = 21.3 1.0 deg.) Average with B factories only hep-ex/0703021 PRL 98, 031802 (2007) • B0g J/K0, • (2S)KS, • hcKS, • c1KS, • J/K*0 B0g J/K0
Direct CPV in B0g J/ K0 C = 0.049 ± 0.022 ± 0.017 with all charmonium modes combined C(J/K0)
Systematic uncertainties sin2b C Uncertainties from vertex reconstruction ~ 0.01 OK for present B factories, key for more precise measurements at Super B
b g s tCPV: One of the best new physics probes SUSY as an example Method: Compare S(fK0) with S(J/yK0) SM prediction: DS S(fK0)-S(J/yK0) 0 New CP-violating phase can enter O(1) effect allowed even if SUSY scale is above 2TeV.
Smaller than bgccs in all of 9 modes Theory tends to predict positive shifts (originating from phase in Vts) Mar. 2007: f1 with bgs Penguins Naïve average of all b g s modes sin2beff = 0.53 ± 0.05 2.6 s deviation between penguin and tree (b g s) (b g c) More statistics crucial for mode-by-mode studies
BgffK: ultra-clean mode M. Hazumi, PLB583, 285 (2004) • Interference between B ghc(gff)K and 3-body b g s process • CP violation in the SM ~0, can be ~0.4 if new physics enters b g s • Ultra-clean mode to reconstruct, almost no background Belle observation (hep-ex/0609016) CP asymmetry in hc region:
B0g D+D- hep-ex/0702031 not confirmed by BaBar Evidence for large CPV from Belle Need more data b g ccd another place to study f1
B0 tag f2 (a): B0p +p - hep-ex/0703016 hep-ex/0608035 300 B0 tag 200 Num. of Ev. Num. of Ev. 100 0 +1 Asym. 0 Asym. -1 -5 0 5 Dt (ps) Dt (ps) BaBar 383MBB Belle 535MBB App = +0.55 0.08 0.05 Spp = -0.61 0.10 0.04 Cpp (-App) = -0.21 0.09 0.02 Spp = -0.60 0.11 0.03 Direct CPV @ 5.5s CPV @ 5.5s
f2 (a): B0pp Constraint on f2 Cpp 2.1s Consistency: 2.Xs f2 (deg.) * 1-CL ~ 0 for f2 = 0 f2 = 92+12-10 Spp
f2 (a): B0r 0r 0 hep-ex/0612021 BaBar 384MBB 3.5s
f2 (a): B0rr Brr is not the best mode anymore Constraint on f2 Before 2006 Summer A00 A+-/2 A0+ 2(f2eff – f2) Triangles were squashed With New B.F. of Br0r0, r+r0 f2 (deg.) For further improvement, we need ACP of B0r0r0. f2 = 92 21 deg.
f2 (a): B0(rp)0 Dalitz Analysis hep-ex/0701015 hep-ex/0703008 f2 (deg.) Dalitz + Pentagon Analysis f2 (deg.) Belle 449MBB BaBar 375MBB 68 < f2 < 95 with other allowed regions
+5 -19 aGlobal Fit = [ 98 ] º a/f2 = [93 ] +11 - 9 DPF/JPS2006: BaBar(pp/rp/rr) + Belle(pp/rr) consistent with a global fit w/o a/f2 Bgrp to be included • Solution around 0/180deg. is eliminated if • Br(Bs g K+K-) + SU(3) is used for pp. (see talk by M.Ciuchini)
s u c s V*ub + d + d B B l3 D0 fCOM c K+ b b W W u Vus Vcs K+ _ V*cb u u fCOM D0 l3 u u Direct CP violation and f3 (g) VtdV*tb f2 VudV*ub f3 B g D(*)K(*) f1 VcdV*cb Color suppressed Color allowed Choice of fCOM very important !
g/f3 = [62 ] +38 -24 f3 Summary fCOM Improvements with more statistics expected in the near future
HQE (Heavy Quark Expansion) Vub Vud Decay rate with expansion in series of 1/mb, non-perturbative parameters extracted from shape information Vus THEORY METHOD Inclusive semileptonic B decays: B g Xcln Vcs Vcb Vcd Vtb 3 independent parameters EXPERIMENT • El: lepton energy • q2: lepton-neutrino mass squared • Mx: hadronic mass Vtd Vts
Vub Vud 1% accuracy** Vus Inclusive semileptonic B decays: B g Xcln RESULTS Vcs Vcb Inputs: decay rates and moments (shape) from BaBar, Belle, CDF, CLEO, DELPHI Vcd Vtb B g Xsg Eg spectrum also used as an input Vtd Vts ** B g D(*)ln (exclusive) with LQCD ~4% accuracy
|Vub| = (4.490.190.27)x10-3 ~7% accuracy** Vub Vud Vus Method Inclusive semileptonic B decays: B g Xuln Vcs Vcb Vcd large bgc background EXPERIMENT Vtb • theory uncertainties (shape function) • several different schemes Vtd Vts ** B gpln (exclusive) with LQCD ~12% accuracy
Vub Vud Vus Vcs Vcb Vcd Vtb Vtd Vts Summary of |Vcb|, |Vub| *P. Urquijo, CKM2006 other numbers from C. Schwanda, Lathuile2007
Vub Vud Vus Cannot be measured from top semileptonic decays ... Loop diagrams METHOD1 Vcs Vcb Vcd Light Cone Sum Rules Belle BaBar+Belle(10-6) Vtb Inclusive BF(B g Xsg) for Eg>1.6GeV |Vts| with ~7% accuracy Mbc(GeV/c2) B Vtd Vts Vts s,d Caveat: This assumes the unitarity.
Vub Vud Vus METHOD2 Box diagrams Vcs Vcb LQCD Vcd (Okamoto, hep-lat/0510113) CDF ~0.7% accuracy Limits precision on |Vtd|, |Vts| to ~ 10% BaBar+Belle ~1% accuracy Vtb Vtd Vts |Vtd| = (7.4 0.8) x 10-3 BaBar (PDG2006)
Vub Vud Vus Box diagrams METHOD2 Vcs Vcb Vcd (~4% accuracy) Vtb Vtd Vts CDF (2006)
CKM Global Fit Good overall agreement. O(1) new physics unlikely. Need to be able to detect O(0.1) effects as the next step. Kobayashi-Maskawa model of CP violation has been firmly established, just like Newtonian mechanics was established.
Comment on |Vub| tension (1) M. Neubert Moriond EW 2007
T. Iijima Comment on |Vub| tension (2) -3 |Vub| [x10 ] |Vub| from CKM fit (direct meas. not included) -3 -4 Br(tn) [x10 ] |Vub| from SL SM formula w/ f B = 0.216 +/- 0.022 GeV Br(Bgtn) |Vub|2 Belle result Br=(1.79 +0.72 -0.71 )x10 -4 Improved Br(B gtn) meas. important to disentangle possible origins of the “Vub tension”
Direct CPV in B0g K+p- (established in 2004) hep-ex/0608049 • Direct CPV already observed in K decays. Important to see it in B decays ? Yes ! There are well-motivated “B-superweak” models. • e.g. Superstring-inspired “B-superweak” model that also allows SUSY EW baryogenesis [M. Brhlik et al., PRL 84, 3041 (2000)]. (5.5 s) K+π-: -0.093±0.018±0.008 (4.7σ) hep-ex/0703016
ACP(Kp) puzzle ? ACP(K+p0) = +0.047 0.026 ACP(K+p-) = -0.093 0.015 deviation: 0.14/0.03 > 4.6s New physics ?
ACP(Kp) puzzle ? • Naive expectation, ACP(K+p0) ~ ACP(K+p-), is too crude and is not adequate for new physics search. • Large color-suppressed tree may exist. • “Sum rule” offers more precise tests. D. Atwood, A. Soni, PRD58 (1998) 036005 M. Gronau, PLB627 (2005) 82 A(K0p0) = -0.160.04 (from sum rule) A(K0p0) = -0.120.11 (tCPV meas.) (as of Aug.2006)
Summary of CPV and CKM • Kobayashi-Maskawa model of CP violation has been established, just like Newtonian mechanics was established. • Yet there are several inconsistencies that are uncomfortable for the Standard Model. • b g s tCPV (2.6s) • Vub tension (2.9s if you think b g s tCPV anomaly is a statistical fluctuation and use combined sin2f1) • Only more data will tell us the truth. At the same time, theoretical improvements are also important.
B Decays w/ “Missing E(>1n)” SM : B decay constant Lattice QCD BSM : sensitive to New Physics from H W. S. Hou, PRD48, 2342 (1993)
Full Reconstruction Method • Fully reconstruct one of the B’s to tag • B production • B flavor/charge • B momentum Equivalent to “single B meson beam” ! Decays of interests BXu l n, BK n n BDtn, tn B e- (8GeV) e+(3.5GeV) Υ(4S) p full (0.1~0.3%) reconstruction BDp etc. B Powerful tools for B decays w/ neutrinos
B gtn results Belle BaBar PRL97, 251802 (2006). hep-ex/0608019 Belle Hadronic tag D l n tag e+nn (3.6%) m+nn (2.4%) p+n (4.9%)p+p0n(2.0%) pppn (0.8%) t+ e+nn (eff: 4.1%), m+nn (2.4%), p+n (4.9%), p+p0n (1.2%) No clear signal First evidence, 3.5 s
Constraints on H mass Use known fB and |Vub |Ratio to the SM BF. W. S. Hou, PRD48, 2342 (1993) excluded rH=1.130.51 excluded 449M
Other searches with B decays AFB(B g K*ll) • Br(b g sg): best NP killer so far • B0g Ksp0g tCPV Extreme NP scenarios are already excluded.
Tau LFV summary J. Yi, Moriond QCD 2007
tgmg 535/fb • Dominant background: tmnn + ISR (90%) • Small contamination of mm BG in DE>0
(Near) future prospect PDG2006 Belle Babar • Possible sensitivity at 5ab-1 based on eff. and NBG of most sensitive analysis Estimated upper limit range of Br
Evidence for D0 mixing hep-ex/0703020 384/fb K. Flood at Moriond EW 2007 * No CPV is seen
Evidence for D0 mixing hep-ex/0703036 Belle Preliminary Presented at Moriond EW 540/fb (* No CP violation seen)
Prediction is disfavored data Fit BG Prediction Br(Y(1S)invisble)=0.6% Search for light dark matter on Upsilon(3S) PRL 98, 132001 (2007) Y(3S) runs : 2.9 fb-1 (Feb, 2006 : 4days) better sensitivity than ~7year Y(4S) data Y(3S) g Y(1S)p+p- Br(Y(1S)invisible) < 2.5x10-3 (90%C.L.) B. McElrath, PRD 72, 103508 (2005) Nsignal = 38 ± 39 Y(1S) DM DM
Efforts for improvements never stop ! Oide’s talk • ~2/ab from BaBar+Belle by the end of 2008 • BaBar will end in 2008 • Belle proposing a major upgrade (= SuperKEKB) • part of the “Japanese HEP master plan” • luminosity goal : 8 x 1035/cm2/s (peak), 50/ab (integrated) Cosmic-ray m in newly-installed BaBar LST sextants (Nov.06) better m detection efficiency Crab cavities installed (Jan.07) luminosity goal = 3 x 1034/cm2/s