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Roman Vocabulary Challenge

Roman Vocabulary Challenge. Respectfully Submitted C. Stephen Ingraham 2009. Roman Vocabulary Challenge. The social class of people made up of farmers, workers, merchants, and craftworkers , whose families came to Rome later. a) Consuls b) Plebeians c) Tribunes d) Patricians.

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Roman Vocabulary Challenge

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  1. Roman VocabularyChallenge Respectfully Submitted C. Stephen Ingraham 2009

  2. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The social class of people made up of farmers, workers, merchants, and craftworkers, whose families came to Rome later. a) Consuls b) Plebeians c) Tribunes d) Patricians.

  3. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The two members of the senate elected each year to run the daily affairs of Rome. • Consuls b) Plebeians c) Tribunes d) Patricians.

  4. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The ten special officials elected by the plebeians, who could veto any law they didn’t agree with. • Consuls b) Plebeians c) Tribunes d) Patricians.

  5. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A type of government when citizens elect leaders to make allthe decisions. a) Dictatorship b) Monarchy c) Empire d) Republic.

  6. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A ruler of a monarchy a) King b) Emperor • Pharoah d) Dictator

  7. Roman Vocabulary Challenge An absolute ruler of many conquered lands and peoples • King b) Emperor c) Pharoah d) Dictator

  8. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A council of representatives elected by the Patricians to make laws • Apostles b) Gladiators c) Census d) Senate

  9. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A count of the people of a county or empire a) Apostles b) Gladiators c) Census d) Senate

  10. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The self governing regions ruled by a Roman governor a) Apostles b) Gladiators c) Census d) Provinces

  11. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The twelve trusted followers of Jesus a) Apostles b) Gladiators c) Census d) Provinces

  12. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The slaves or prisoners who were forced to fight, often to the death a) Apostles b) Gladiators c) Census d) Provinces

  13. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The plans or ideas of a leader or political figure • Gospels b) Basilicas c) Legions d) Policies

  14. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The name for huge marble government buildings • Gospels b) Basilicas c) Legions d) Policies

  15. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The “Good News” about Jesus’s life written by his followers after his death. • Gospels b) Basilicas c) Legions d) Policies

  16. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The people who suffer or die for their beliefs • Gospels b) Basilicas c) Legions d) Martyrs.

  17. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A large group of well-trained soldiers (as many as 6,000 men). • Gospels b) Basilicas c) Legions d) Martyrs.

  18. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The second part of the Christian Bible telling of Jesus’s teachings and about his followers. a) Old Testament b) New Testament c) Crucifixion d) Forum.

  19. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A type of execution involving being nailed to a cross and left to die. a) Old Testament b) New Testament c) Crucifixion d) Forum.

  20. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The first part of the Bible and the same as the Jewish Bible. a) Old Testament b) New Testament c) Crucifixion d) Forum.

  21. Roman Vocabulary Challenge Another name for a public square in Rome. a) Old Testament b) New Testament c) Crucifixion d) Forum.

  22. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The right to refuse to approve a) Aqueduct b) Messiah c) Veto d) Forum.

  23. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A bridge-like canal which the Romans used to carry water from far off rivers • Aqueduct b) Messiah c) Veto d) Forum.

  24. Roman Vocabulary Challenge A wise, Jewish leader who would establish god’s kingdom on earth • Aqueduct b) Messiah c) Veto d) Forum.

  25. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The religion of the followers of Jesus who believed he was the messiah a) Buddhism b) Hinduism c) Christianity d) Judaism.

  26. Roman Vocabulary Challenge The social class of people who were the descendants of Rome’s earliest settlers • Consuls b) Plebeians c) Tribunes d) Patricians.

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