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WP9 ITS Mechanics and Cooling. 01 September 2014. Corrado Gargiulo. IB stave. Stave connectors. status Connectors are in production (quantity for half barrel ) 30 staves (24+6 spare ). Delivery foreseen this week. FM Space frame Dimensional accuracy. o n going
WP9 ITS Mechanics and Cooling 01 September 2014 Corrado Gargiulo
IB stave Stave connectors status Connectors are in production (quantity for half barrel) 30 staves (24+6 spare). Delivery foreseen this week FM Space frame Dimensional accuracy on going Spacecrames using new mould, final accuracy, are beingproduced and measured Master- jig status Jig to glue the connectorsto the spaceframe is in production (quantity 2). Delivery foreseen end of September Sergey Optimization of the production process parameter is ongoing,… Working on increasingstaveplanarity, new samples ready to be measured (EN-MME CERN)
IB Peripheral cooling status Thermal test First sample has shown to handle a power dissipation up to 0.02W/cm2 with a thermal gradient along the stave of ~10°C Manuel on going New samples have been produced last week. The test on the new samples and FE analysis will be finalized by the end of September simulation material budget Sergey Andrea
IB end wheels moulds status End-wheels and moulds production drawings are ready. The drawings of the moulds will be released for production by the end of September status Ruby pads are in production 30 staves (24+6 spare) Delivery foreseen this week service IB-EW jig TBD with WP6 on going The drawings of the jig will be released for production by the end of September
OB stave Space frame and Cold plate ongoing ongoing Test: Finalthermal test on going Mould: The production drawings for 1.5m mould are ready. Preliminary time for production is estimated to be 3 months. (ID=2.05mm) Produced n,. 3 coldplate 1.5m produced (1 for Marco, 2 for Silvia) To be produced n.2 coldplates for Silvia Produced n.1 space frame 1.5 m Space frame( for Silvia) To be produced n.1 for Silvia+n.1 for Marco Under discussion with WP7-8 (meeting with Silvia-INFN-TO, last week; phonecall with Marco-NIKHEFthisweek) Master- jig Space frame and cold plate connectors ongoing The drawings of the moulds will be sent out for production mid of September status Connectors are in production (quantity for 10 STAVE) Delivery foreseen this week
OB end wheels Ruby pads status Ruby pads are in production (quantity for 10 STAVE). Delivery foreseen this week OB-EW-jig Service on going Study on service routing . Different options and proposal under study on going Design of OB-EW-Jig to glue ruby pads Design of OB-assembly Jig to guide the insertion/extraction of staves Needservice pigtaildefinition OB-assembly-jig Need FPC extension and connectordefinition Need Bus definition Need DC-DC converterdefinition TBD with WP7-8 INFN-PADOVA M. Benettoni INFN-PADOVA M. Benettoni
Cage absorber C-side BP flange on going absorber Study on cage openings to acces C-side BP flange, during cage/beam pipe installation . Verification the principle idea of beingable to connect the centralbeampipeto the Front absorberwithoutmoving the TPC
NEXT • STAVE • CHARACTERIZATION • THERMAL IB no pipe option evaluation • MECHANICAL IB and OB dimensional and mechanicalcharacterization on new accurate prototypes • (OB full lenghtmechanical proto to be produced) • LAYERS, BARRELS • ASSEMBLY JIGS IB and OB Jig for connector gluing production • IB end-wheelsmould/jigproduction, needinteraction with WP6 • OB end-wheelsneedinteraction with WP7-8 • INTEGRATION IN ALICE • BP checkingthe effecton the beampipe temperature of 'a fewW/m' powerdissipationin the beampipedue to • impedance @ HL-LHC • ITS/MFT/BP INTERFACE ITS/ MFT Interface detail, BP support cones detail • SERVICE BARRELS/CAGE rails in/out definition, BP flange access