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Basic training on Municipal Solid Waste Management for Urban Local Bodies – Rules & Guidelines. Lack of awareness , motivation and communication. lack of effective legal instruments. negative attitude. Segregation of recyclable waste. Compliance with MSW Rules (2000).
Basic training on Municipal Solid Waste Managementfor Urban LocalBodies – Rules & Guidelines Lack ofawareness, motivationandcommunication lack ofeffective legal instruments negative attitude Segregation ofrecyclablewaste Compliance with MSW Rules (2000) lack ofunderstanding in ULB lack ofunderstandinghowtouse separate bins lack offinancesto promote segregation lack ofknowledge lack ofsupervisionthrough ULB unavailabilityofcollectionvehiclesandequipment lack ofawarenessandmotivation insufficientresponsefromcitizens, difficultytomotivate Doorstepcollection lack ofunderstanding in ULB lack ofpersonnelfordoor-to-doorcollection lack offinancialresources Lack ofsuitablecontainers
Basic training on Municipal Solid Waste Managementfor Urban LocalBodies – Rules & Guidelines excessiveleave / absenceofsanitaryworkers lack offinancialresources Daily sweepingofstreets unavailabilityofworkers on Sundaysandpublicholidays Compliance with MSW Rules (2000) lack ofsupervisionthrough ULB unpavedroads shortageofcontainers lack offinancialresources lack ofsufficientspace / inaccessibilityofareas / lanes Abolition of open stroragedepots lack ofunderstanding in ULB lack ofpolitical will lack ofplanningforstoragedepots
Basic training on Municipal Solid Waste Managementfor Urban LocalBodies – Rules & Guidelines Transportation vehicles not wellmaintained oldvehicles, difficulttoreplace lack offinancialresources Compliance with MSW Rules (2000) unavailabilityofappropriateland lack ofpolitical will lack ofskilledpersonnel lack ofinstitutionalcapacities Processing lack oftechnicalknow-how lack offinancialresources unavailabilityofappropriateland lack ofpolitical will lack oftechnicalknowhow lack ofinstitutionalcapacities Disposal lack oftechnicalpersonnel lack offinancialresources