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DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING IN BALANCING RENEWABLE ENERGY INVESTMENT. Cem Keskin * Ass. Prof. Dr. Gülgün Kayakutlu ** *ITU Energy Institute **ITU Industrial Engineering Department. Content. Objective of the Study Literature Survey Methodology Application Results and Discussions
DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING IN BALANCING RENEWABLE ENERGY INVESTMENT CemKeskin* Ass. Prof. Dr. GülgünKayakutlu** *ITU Energy Institute **ITU Industrial Engineering Department
Content • Objective of the Study • Literature Survey • Methodology • Application • Results and Discussions • Conclusion and Suggestions YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Objective of the Study Helping decision makers for small renewable energy investments in terms of: • Considering time dependent factors • Data of renewable resources • Consumption • Investment costs • Power conversion efficiency • Evaluate the alternatives YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Literature Review Dynamic programming in energy fields is used for: • Both renewable and conventional energy resources (Liu et al., 1999) • Energy resources management (O’keefe & Markel, 2006) • Optimum utilization of multireservoir resources (Ferrero et al.,1998) • Energy systems performance prediction (Chaabene & Annabi, 1996) • Sizing optimization and systems expansion planning (Park et al., 1998) YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Contribution of the Study • Used for a small scale investment • Used for a time dependent investment planning • States are determined in terms of technology combinations • Fewer parameters than widely accepted methods YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Methodology: Dynamic Programming • Determination of stages • Determination of states for each stage • Definition of decision function • Definition of recursion function YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Model: Determination of Stages Stage1 Stage1 Stagen YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Model: Determination of States Stage1 Stage1 Stagen State1 State1 State1 Staten Staten Staten YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Model: Decisions Stage1 Stage1 Stagen State1 State1 State1 Staten Staten Staten YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Model: RecursionFonction Stage1 Stage1 Stagen State1 State1 State1 Staten Staten Staten YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Problem Definiton A site in Muğla, Bodrum is wanted to be launched grid integrated renewable energy system while net electrical energy (production minus consumption) should be bigger than zero for every month. It has a similar electricity consumption profile to Turkey’s 2008 profile and increase in demand is known. A long term plan (20 year) is need to meet the demand with renewable resources where the potential data are availablein related maps of General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EİE). Variations in efficiency and cost of related technologies should be considered. YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Application Data 1 YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Application Data 2 YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Application Data 3 Solar EnergypotentialMap of General Directorate of Electrical PowerResourcesSurveyand DevelopmentAdministration (EİE)
Application Data 4 WindEnergyPotential Data of General Directorate of ElectricalPower ResourcesSurveyandDevelopmentAdministration (EİE) YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Energy Technologies 1 POWER CHARACTERISTICS Power: 5kw Diameter: 5,5m Height: 12m Cost: 13500$ YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Energy Technologies 2 Model: STP280 Type: Polycrystalline MaxPower: 280W Efficiency: %14,5 EfficiencyLoss : %1/year YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Energy Technologies 3 YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Mathematical Model • Tx= number of technology module x • Mx= Investment cost of technology module x • Pxi = potential of technology x in month i(per module) • = (monthly potential of resource)x(conversion efficiency)x(efficiency loss) • Di = electric power demand in month i • S= Electricity selling price Min Z = (T1 x M1)+……+(Tx x Mx) – S x {∑i=1[(T1 x P1i)+…..+(Tx x Pxi) – Di ]} • ST • ∑X=1 (TxxPxi) ≥ Di for vi TX, PXi, Di , S, Mi≥ 0 YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Determination of States: Stage4 ( T1x P1i ) + ( T2x P2i ) ≥ Diforvi (x=1 forwindturbine & x=2 for solar panel) YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
DecisionforStates: Stage4 Min Z = (T1 x M1)+(T2 x M2) – S x {∑i=1[(T1 x P1i) +(T2 x P2i) – Di]} YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
RecursionFunction fi = Ci + fi+5 • fi : Total cost at year i • Ci : Cost of investment in year i • fi+5: Total cost of nextstage (fiveyearlater) YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Solution YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Solution YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Results & Discussions YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu
Conclusion & Suggestions • Dynamic programming is easy to use for small investments planning • Time dependent investment is observed in different stages • Optimum solution is obtained with fewer parameters • Updated resourse potential data is needed for more precise results • Computerized version will allow a larger set of alternatives • A more detailed cost function is planned YAEM2010 Cem Keskin Gülgün Kayakutlu