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Domotica – 7y750 - Domotics. What it means and its anticipated results. Domotics. includes all appliances and infrastructures in and around dwellings that use electronic information for monitoring, programming and managing of functions on behalf of dwelling users and suppliers of services.
Domotica – 7y750 - Domotics What it means and its anticipated results JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Domotics includes all appliances and infrastructures in and around dwellings that • use electronic information for monitoring, programming and managing of functions • on behalf of dwelling users and suppliers of services Source: www.domoticaplatform.nl JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
What’s in the Name Building Services Technical Systems in the context of the built environment Maintenance/Housekeeping Facility Management Intelligent User Interfaces Services User Support F. Franchimon, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Source: http://www.who.org/aboutwho/en/definition.html JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
What user-driven technology can do for you • Enhancement & Satisfaction of Persons • Prevention & Engagement of Hazards • Compensation & Assistance of Persons • Care Support & Care Organisation Source: Gerontechnology 2(2):169-172; 2002 JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Guest Speakers on Domotics • Enhancement & Satisfaction of Persons • Don Bouwhuis [TU/e], René Kamphuis [ECN], Teddy Mccalley [TU/e], Jos Smeets [TU/e], Bauke de Vries [TU/e] • Prevention & Engagement of Hazards • Ad van Berlo [Smart Homes], Chiel Boonstra [DHV Bouw en Industrie] • Compensation & Assistance of Persons • Boudijn Uythof [Domotica Platform Nederland] • Care Support & Care Organisation • Jan van Alsté [Universiteit Twente], Leo Bakker [TNO Bouw], Helianthe Kort [Hogeschool van Utrecht], Bas Molenaar [TU/e] • Experience in design and industry • Peter Eggens [Kropman], Peter Luscuere [TU Delft] JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
A Smart Home Environment(SHE) is a home environment that adapts itself to the dweller. A SHE forms an invisible, intelligent, self-learning part of our daily life, combining functions pertaining to demand-driven comfort, domestic tasks, personal care, quality of life, and professional care Source: Bronswijk et al. 2005: De Intelligente Thuisomgeving. In: Handboek Zorg Thuis. Amsterdam: Elsevier JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
SHE • Enhances satisfaction in communication • Comfort (thermal, lighting, acoustic, olfactory, communication, energy management) • Risk proof • Safety, security, disease prevention (burglary, fire, other accidents, cancer, allergy, hyperreactivity, infections) • Supports / compensates human functions • Supportive technology (mobility, communication, daily work and domestic activities, stimulating independence) • Delivers and supports Care • Care technology (communication, monitoring, telemedicine, telecare, empowerment of frail elderly, care management) JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Ambient Intelligence= Building Services in development Presence Flow Privacy Trust Choice Health Dwelling Needs Pollutants Learning Humanware Interactivity Objects Adaptivity Spaces Buildings Computing Platforms Networks Software Hardware JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
From Domotics to SHE A sensitive, adaptive, responsive, normal dwelling JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Positioning in the Knowledge Landscape TU/e Interdepartmental Research Program Ambient Intelligence NL Research School Bouw (TUDelft coordinator) Industry Chair Health Technology for Buildings Knowledge bank for Smart Home Environments (SHE) & Companies EU Joint Graduate School USO-Built (User-oriented Built Environments) Hogeschool van Utrecht Lectorate Demand-driven Care JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Dedicated MSc Programs Technische Universiteit Eindhoven MSc in Building Services MSc in Human-Technology Interaction Universiteit Twente MSc in Health Care Technology Track: Biomedical Engineering Track: Industrial Engineering & Management JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Examination • Use StudyWeb for communication, reading material, and feedback • Select a Domotics Projects from the list • Evaluate its Technology Choices + Photographs - 0 / 2 points; deadline: January 10, 2005 • Evaluate the experience of the Installation and Service engineers - 0 / 3 points; deadline: January 24, 2005 • Evaluate User Experiences - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 points: Deadline: February 7, 2005 Your evaluations should show knowledge acquired by attending class and studying reading material! JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
dr.ir. Ad van Berlo[Stichting Smart Homes] 10 Years of Domotics experience in the Netherlands JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
dr. René (I.G.) Kamphuis [ECN] Domotics and energy conservation JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
prof.dr. Don G. Bouwhuis Interactions with smart rooms in the home domain JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
dr.ir. Jan van Alsté[Universiteit Twente] Domotics for Cure and Care JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
drs. Jos J.A.M. Smeets Domotics and Social Housing JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
ing. Leo Bakker [TNO Bouw] Care City, one worries less JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
prof.dr.ir. Bauke de Vries Researching user demands and capabilities in virtual environments to support domotics design JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
dr. Teddy Mccalley The human-home interaction JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
prof. ir. Bas Molenaar Care technology for homes JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
prof.dr.ir. Peter G. Luscuere [TU Delft] Integrating Building Services and Architectural Design in the Domotics concept JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
dr. Helianthe S.M. Kort [Hogeschool van Utrecht] Demand-driven care and technology for independently living older persons JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
drs. Boudijn Uythof[Invenit / Domotica Platform Nederland] Can we realise life-span independent housing with domotics? JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
ir. Chiel (J.M.) Boonstra[DHV Bouw en Industrie] European Perspectives of Domotics JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
ing. Peter Eggens [Kropman] Domotics and the real world JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
prof.ir. Wim Zeiler The Living Environment of 2015 and a meta-analysis of students’ evaluation of domotics projects JEMH van Bronswijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven