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Anh Dang Sam Karimi. Instrumental Variables ISQS 5349. Endogenous variable and inconsistency in OLS estimation Instrumental variable (IV) Two stage least square (2SLS) Identification Weak instruments R implementation. Outline. Demand = β 0 + β 1 Price +
Anh Dang Sam Karimi Instrumental VariablesISQS 5349
Endogenous variable and inconsistency in OLS estimation • Instrumental variable (IV) • Two stage least square (2SLS) • Identification • Weak instruments • R implementation. Outline
Demand = β0 + β1Price + • Wages = β0 + β1Education + • Medical Expenses = β0 + β1Health Insurance + Source: Instrumental Variables by Collin Cameron http://espin086.wordpress.com/2010/08/02/hausman-test-for-endogeneity-parents-education-as-iv-for-offspring-education-transmission-of-inate-ability/ QUESTIONABLE CAUSAL CLAIMS
Conditional distribution model: Y = β0 + β1X + plimn-> σ̂xy/ σ̂2x = β1 (Theorem 3) • Causal model: Y = 0 + 1X + where X = X1and = 2X2 + 3X3 + …. + kXk + ’ plimn-> σ̂xy/ σ̂2x = 1 + σx/ σ2x (Theorem 5) Source: http://courses.ttu.edu/isqs5349-westfall/images/5349/inst_var.pdf Inconsistency in OLS Estimator
Def: Regressor correlated with the error term . x y • Y = 0 + 1X + where X = X1and = 2X2 + 3X3 + …. + kXk + ’ Cov(X, ) 0 Endogenous Regressor
Omitted variable bias. • Simultaneous causality bias. • Measurement error. CAUSES OF ENDOGENEITY
z x y Z is a valid instrumental variable if: • Z is correlated with X (Relevance) ( Cov(Z, X) 0 ) • Z is uncorrelated with (Exogeneity) ( Cov(Z, ) = 0 ) Source: Instrumental Variables by Collin Cameron Instrumental Variable
Source: http://eml.berkeley.edu/users/cle/e250a_f13/mroz-paper.pdf http://espin086.wordpress.com/2010/08/02/hausman-test-for-endogeneity-parents-education-as-iv-for-offspring-education-transmission-of-inate-ability/ Instrumental Variable - example Fathers’ Education Education Wages Mothers’ Education
Regress X on Z using OLS Xi = 0 + 1 i + i Compute X̂i,where X̂i= ̂0 + ̂1 i . Replace Xi by X̂iin the regression of interest Y = β0 + β1X̂i + i Source: http://www2.dse.unibo.it/golinelli/teaching/corsi/corsi_ea/ea_aq/SWc12.pdf Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS)
First regression: education = 0 + 1experience + 2experience2 + 3fathers’ education + 4mothers’ education + Second regression: lwages = β0 + β1 + β2experience + β3experience2 + Source: http://espin086.wordpress.com/2010/08/02/hausman-test-for-endogeneity-parents-education-as-iv-for-offspring-education-transmission-of-inate-ability/ EXAMPLE- One endogenous variable and one iv
Yi = β0 + β1X1i +…+ βkXki + βk+1W1i +…+ βk+rWri + i Yi : dependent variable X1i ,X2i,...,Xki: endogenous variables W1i ,W2i,...,Wri: included exogenous variables β0 ,β1,...,βk+r: unknown regression coefficients 1i ,2i,...,mi: IVs Source:http://www2.dse.unibo.it/golinelli/teaching/corsi/corsi_ea/ea_aq/SWc12.pdf The general IV regression model
The coefficients β0 ,β1,...,βk are: Exactly identified if m = k Overidentified if m > k Underidentified if m < k Identification
Weak Cov (,X) • Bias towards OLS estimate. • Use the most relevant IVs. • Find additional IVs. Weak instruments
Estimating the causal effect of Health insurance on Medical expenses
http://courses.ttu.edu/isqs5349-westfall/images/5349/inst_var.pdfhttp://courses.ttu.edu/isqs5349-westfall/images/5349/inst_var.pdf • http://cameron.econ.ucdavis.edu/e240a/ch04iv.pdf • http://homepage.univie.ac.at/Christine.Zulehner/iv.pdf • http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/staff/academic/waldinger/teaching/ec9a8/slides/lecture_2_-_iv.pdf • http://www2.dse.unibo.it/golinelli/teaching/corsi/corsi_ea/ea_aq/SWc12.pdf • http://eml.berkeley.edu/users/cle/e250a_f13/mroz-paper.pdf references