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Holographic optical trapping for live cell structuring ECEN 2010 Robert McLeod, 4/5/13

Holographic optical trapping for live cell structuring ECEN 2010 Robert McLeod, 4/5/13. Question. Porous scaffold design for tissue engineering , Scott J. Hollister, Nature Materials 4, 518 - 524 (2005). http://www.memsjournal.com/2010/07/mems-for-neuroscience-research-applications.html.

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Holographic optical trapping for live cell structuring ECEN 2010 Robert McLeod, 4/5/13

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  1. Holographic optical trapping for live cell structuring ECEN 2010 Robert McLeod, 4/5/13

  2. Question Porous scaffold design for tissue engineering, Scott J. Hollister, Nature Materials 4, 518 - 524 (2005) http://www.memsjournal.com/2010/07/mems-for-neuroscience-research-applications.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ-on-a-chip http://www.nextnature.net/2007/01/how-to-print-an-organ/ Engineered 'jellyfish' Nature 487, 408 (26 July 2012) Can we add living tissue to 3D printing?

  3. Optical momentum as a micromanipulator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_tweezers

  4. Trapping forces in the Rayleigh limit http://www.unc.edu/jacoblab/optical%20tweezers.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stokes%27_law

  5. 3 iterations, 8 ms compute/load time 5 iterations, 13 ms compute/load time Iterative trap calculation on GPU mirror 10 iterations, 27 ms compute/load time 20 iterations, 54 ms compute/load time Dynamic holographic optical tweezers, Curtis et al., 2002 SLM: High-speed phase, dielectric mirror l 1550 nm Algorithm: Weighted Gerchberg Saxton Language: C++, CUDA GPU: Quadro FX 5600 Bus: PCIe Target : 5x5 grid, D = 32 pixels

  6. What it looks like

  7. 3D printed living muscle stem cells

  8. Living neural networks – prior art

  9. Live cell pick-and-place http://optics.fjfi.cvut.cz/?q=en/node/529

  10. Fabrication process steps 1. Create polymer micro-fluidic chip (electrodes and covers not shown) 2. Inject neurons in growth solution 3. Optically pick and place neurons in electrodes 4. Neuron processes extend down ECM-coated channels 5. Final network structure

  11. Network layout Device Layout Copper Polymer Neuron electrode

  12. Neuron confinement and electrical interface Electroplated Copper Polymer

  13. Fabricated neuron electrode

  14. Larger view with interconnect channels

  15. Manual test of holographic trapping system for cell placement Neuron well Electrode + constraint Bead insertion in electrode Neuron precursor cell in channel Trap Trap Electrode + constraint PC12 cell Bead Wall Wall Channel

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