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Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? . Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons. Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472).
Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons Leon Battista Alberti(1404 - 1472) Strategy 2.Direct (example of Alberti) This initial screen leads to many more choices, which arise as one proceeds. Web-site Leon Battista Alberti(1404 - 1472) Leon Battista Alberti(1404 - 1472) Leon Battista Alberti(1404 - 1472) Year Title Title Year Author:Leon Battista Alberti Title: De pictura praestantissima, et nunquam satis laudata arte libri tres absolutissimi PubPlace:Basel Publisher: Bartholomaeus Westheimer [] PubYear: 1540 Edition:1 Location: NUC 7 232, Rome Bibl. naz. Notes: The 1540 is generally recognized as the editio princeps although there may have been an earlier edition in 1511. Author:Leon Battista Alberti Title:De pictura Location:Rome, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana Codex Ottoboniani latini 1424, fol. 1r-25v PubYear: 14__ Notes: Alberti probably wrote De pictura in 1434 followed by a translation into Italian as Della pittura in 1435. Cf. Spencer, 1956, 33. Some claim that the work was written between 1435-1436.E.g. http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/a/alberti/ Some associate this also with a Della prospettiva which is attributed to Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Leon Battista Alberti(1404 - 1472) 1568 - Le vite de 'piu eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori, scritte da G. Vasari, con … 1751 - Rerum italicarum scriptores 1884 - 1887 Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometrie 1887 - Leon Battista Alberti, Kleinere kunsttheoretische Schriften 1895 - Per Leon Battista Alberti 1914 - 1915 Das perspektivische Verfahren Leone Battista Albertis 1930 - Un idéal humain au XVe siècle: La pensée de Leon Battista Alberti 1938 - The rationalization of sight 1953 - Studi su Leon Battista Alberti 1964 - L.B. Alberti's costruzione legittina 1964 - Studi su la dolce prospettiva 1965 - Alberti's optics 1966 - Alberti's perspective: a new discovery and a new evaluation 1967 - Sul significato degli Elementi di pittura di L. B. Alberti (1968) - The text of Alberti's De pictura 1968 - La descriptio urbis Romae di L. B. Alberti 1969 - The sources of Leon Battista Alberti's theory of painting 1969 - Alberti's color theory: a mediaeval bottle without renaissance wine 1971 - On Alberti's treatises on art and their chronological relationship 1972 - Il modo optimo dell'Alberti per la costruzione prospettica 1972 - Lo studio di Roma negli scritti albertiani 1972 - Nuovi ricerche sugli Elementa picturae Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Books Architettura 1565 - Della prospettiva 1849 - Kleinere kunstheoretische Schriften 1877 - Opera completa 1980 - Opera inedita et pauca separatim impressa 1890 - Opere volgari per la piu parte inedite 1843 - 1849 Opuscoli morali 1568 – Manuscripts De pictura 14__ - Elementa picturae 14__ - Trattato di prospettiva 14__? - • Author • Variants: • Alberti, Leon • Alberti, Leon Battisti • Albertus noster • Baptista[e] • Leo Noster Now you are able to change strategy. To finish Tutorial 2 click Clicking on one of this gives us all titles of that bibliographyclick to continue Clicking on Topic, Goal, Strategy or Level we can change them. Alberti is best known for the first extant treatise on perspective, On Painting (De pictura, 1434), translated into Italian as Della pittura (1435). Seven Latin and two Italian manuscripts are known. Alberti also wrote Elementa picturae of which there are six extant manuscripts. Some authors (e.g. Bonucci) have attributed to Alberti the manuscript Della prospettiva (Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, n. 2110). Vagnetti (1979) mentioned a lost Trattato di prospettiva. Some of the literature has been biographical and has only touched on Alberti's technical writings. The first to do so was Vasari (1568) who mentioned that Alberti developed a perspective instrument in 1557. Loria (1895), Michel (1930, 162-163, 176-179), Galantic (1969). Gilbert (1943-1945) considered Alberti's theoretical stance and explored its models in Antiquity. Borsi (1975) provided a useful bibliography. Many recent articles have been general and will not be mentioned here. Much of the literature on Alberti's perspective relates to whether he used the legitimate construction or the distance point construction. Muratori's (1751) edition of an anonymous Life of L. B. Alberti, which was also one of the first serious attempts at a biography, mentioned Alberti'sexperiments with perspective boxes. Janitschek (1877, 231-232) in his edition of On Painting claimed that Alberti had known the distane point. Wiener (1884, I, 12) in his Textbook of descriptive geometry accepted this. SUMS System for Universal Media Searching Year Person Title PATH HISTORY Topic: Perspective Goal: Education Strategy: Direct Level: Titles Year Location Language Edition 1778 J.E. Scheibel Zehntes Stück. Erster Abschnitt. Vierte chronologische mathe... 1805 Friedrich Wilhelm August Murhard Biblioteca mathematica. Tomus V Continens scripta de scienti... 1973 Hermann Schüling Theorien der malerischen Linear-Perspektive vor 1601 1979 Luigi Vagnetti De naturali et artificiali perspettiva: bibliografia ragiona... 2003 Kim Veltman Bibliography of the sources and literature of perspective 1511 Nürnberg Latin 1540 Basel Latin 1 1547 Venice Italian 1565 Monte Regale Italian 1568 Venice Italian 1649 Amsterdam Latin 1651 Paris Italian 1733 Naples Italian Up - back See path Topic Choices LevelsRefresh Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Leo Noster Leon Battista Alberti Then click Enter Let’s type Leo Noster The introductory screen for Alberti gives his dates and a survey of the literature on him. Let us begin with Who. For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti. Click 1568 Click Life of Alberti The path button allows us to recall where we are. Pressing any point on this path takes us back to that level. Click See path… When we wish to make a new set of queries we press the Refresh button and/or Home. click to start Clicking on 1568 Vite by Vasari leads again to a new choice web Site. Clicking on this leads to full contents of Vasari’s Life of Alberti. Clicking on Literature from this page or initial page leads to secondary literature If we choose editions and then 1540 we get details about the official first edition Clicking on Books gives us the following choices. If we choose De pictura we get details re: this standard title Clicking on Standard Titles gives all perspective books by Alberti as Standard Titles Clicking on Editions lists known editions etc. Clicking on Bibliographies we see which bibliographies cite this edition The little box then offers a number of other alternatives. The little box gives two choices: Books and Literature. Click De pictura Click Direct Click Back Click Books Click 1540 SEARCH STRATEGY 1. Guided Choice 2. Direct 3. Personal Terms 4. Database Field Terms 5. Subject Headings 6. Standard Classification 7. Multiple Classification 8. Comparative Ontologies BOOKS: Leon Battista Alberti 1. All Books 2. Standard Titles 3. Variant Titles 4. Languages 5. Manuscripts 6. Locations 7. Literature SEARCH STRATEGY 1. Guided Choice 2. Direct 3. Personal Terms 4. Database Field Terms 5. Subject Headings 6. Standard Classification 7. Multiple Classification 8. Comparative Ontologies WHO: Leon Battista Alberti 1. Books 2. Literature BOOK: 1. All books 2. Standard Title 3. Manuscripts 4. Editions 5. Translations 6. Variant Titles 7. Partial Contents 8. Full Contents 9. Bibliographies 10. Web-site BOOK: 1. All books 2. Standard Title 3. Manuscripts 4. Editions 5. Translations 6. Variant Titles 7. Partial Contents 8. Full Contents 9. Bibliographies SUMS 1. Sources 2. Literature 3. Primary Literature 4. SecondaryLiterature 5. Both 6. Earlier Bibliographies BOOKS: Leon Battista Alberti 1. All Books 2. Standard Titles 3. Variant Titles 4. Languages 5. Manuscripts 6. Locations 7. Literature Click Standard Titles Click Editions Click Literature Click Bibliographies Click Web-site Click Refresh
The end. For additional information, visit our web-sitehttp://www.sumscorp.com/ Maastricht 12-13 March 2004.