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Unleash your unique gifts inspired by God's grace. Explore different roles like Giver, Perceiver, Server, Teacher, Exhorter, Administrator, and Mercy. Learn how to use your gifts to serve others and spread positivity. Embrace your divine calling with joy and purpose.
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Romans 11:29 • Ephesians 4:8 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. • Psalm 68:18 18Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.
Romans 12:4-8 4For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: 5So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. 6Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, 1. whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; 2. or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: 3. or he that teacheth, on teaching; 4. or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: 5. he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; 6. he that ruleth, with diligence; 7. he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.
Gifts Giver –one who loves to give time, talent, energy and means to benefitothers and advance the Gospel Perceiver– one whoperceives the will of Godclearly – usedinstead of the wordprophet to avoid confusion Server –one who loves to serve others or workwithhis/her hands a “doer” Dorcas Martha Teacher One who loves to discover and communicate the truth and intensive researcher Exhorter (Encourager)one who loves to encourage others to live a victorious life and extremely positive person Administrator (organiser)-one who loves to organise, lead, delegate or direct, a naturalfacilitator Mercy – Compassion one who shows compassion, love, mercy, care to thosewho are hurting or in need or to anyone.
He had practice all lunchtime Johnny’s eating! I lost my pencil You can use one of mine Please Can I do the roll? Can you read the notices please?
The spilled dessert Oh let me help you clean up That’s what happens when you’re not careful The reason it fell was because it was the handle was loose on one side Don’t feel bad, it could have happened to anyone. Next time let’s serve the dessert with the meal Jim you get the mop, Sue please help pick up the pieces, Mary help fix another dessert I’ll be happy to go to the shop and buy another dessert
What is God trying to say to you through this illness- is there some unconfessed sin in your life? Here’s a little gift – and I brought your mail in and watered your pot plants I was so sorry to hear you were sick. How are you feeling now? I did some research on your illness and I believe I can explain what’s happening How can we use what you’re learning here to help others in the future? Does your insurance cover this illness? Don’t worry about a thing I asked Jill to fill in at Probus and Jane for Meals on Wheels
60% of people coming for counselling are mercyministrygiftings
Giver Gives freely of money, possessions, time energy and love Loves to give without others knowing about it- give quality gifts Wants to feel part of the situations to which they contribute Prays for the needs of others and the salvation of their souls Is delighted when the gift meets is an answer to prayer
Giver Focus on money Overgenerosity More often they neglect families to pursue the almighty dollar. Frugality Workaholism Unpredictable giving
Perceiver Quickly and accurately identifies good and evil and hates evil Sees everything as black orwhite; no gray Easily perceives the character of individuals or groups Encourages repentance that produces good fruit Believes acceptance of problems will produce personal contrition
Perceiver/Prophet 1. The I am right and everyone else is wrong mentality 2. Pride We all have some degree of pride but perceivers are most vulnerable. 3. Criticism and judgmentalism The ability of perceivers to see easily what is wrong (or appears wrong) often causes them to be quick to criticize. 4. Bluntness and tactlessness Perceivers often employ the bull-in-the–china shop approach to interpersonal relationships or suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. 5. Poor self-image Because of their focus on righteousness, tendency to perfectionism keen awareness their own attitudes and behaviour fall short of the ideal perceivers tend to be upset by their imperfections and failures.
Server Easily recognises practical needs and is quick to meet them Especially enjoys manual projects jobs and functions Keeps everything in meticulous order More interested in meeting the needs of others than their own Has a hard time saying no to requests for help and will stay with something until it is completed.
Servers Servers thrive on appreciation. Lack of appreciation is like pulling the rug from under their feet. They feel unnoticed resentful even angry. Critical of others who do not help out with obvious needs. Servers easily see what needs to be done and are highly motivated to do it. Perfectionism Servers like to do everything as perfectly as possible. Lack leadership ability Doing too much Can’t say no.
Teacher Presents truth in a logical systematic way – checks out the facts Loves to study and do research Is more objective than subjective. Upset if scripture is used out of context Feels truth should be established in every situation
Teacher Questioning everything. Teacher gifts need to know there is a solid foundation for what they believe. Legalism and dogmatism Correcting others Getting easily sidetracked Pride in intellectual ability
Exhorter Loves to encourage others Prefers to apply truth rather than research it Loves to give set steps of action to help personal growth Focuses on working with people – loves to do personal counselling Views trials as opportunities for growth
Exhorter Interruptiveness Overtalkativeness Stretching the truth Outspokenly opinionated Giving advice
Organiser/Administrator Highly motivated to organise things they’re responsible for Good at communicating ideas and organisation A visionary person with a broad perspective Has real enthusiasm for whatever they are involved in Will endure criticism in order to see the task is completed
Administrator Bossiness As administrators write out their to do lists they think who can I get to do this? Doing too much Administrators love to be involved Neglecting routine work Addicted to calendars Procrastination Forgetfulness
Mercy/Compassion Tremendous capacity to show love Always looks for the good in people Is attracted to people who are hurting or in distress Loves to do thoughtful things for others Takes care with words or actions to avoid hurting others.
Mercy Indecisiveness Compromise – want to get along with everyone Peacemakers at any price Slowness – They take their time, Hurry not in their vocab Supersensitivity Illogical and emotional.
Live according to knowledge Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. 1 Peter 3:7 4And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 5Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; 6Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heartEphesians 6:4
Servants be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. 1 Peter 2:18
Giver Husband Giver Wife Both enjoy offering help as well as gifts • Their frugality can turn to stinginess 1
Giver Husband Perceiver Wife Both are very honest • He resents her telling him not to trust in business relationships 2
Giver Husband Server Wife Both are easy going • She is upset when he gives away things without consulting her 3
Giver Husband Teacher Wife Both operate diligently • His focus on business conflicts with her interest in educational things 4
Giver Husband Exhorter Wife He is a good provider freeing her to help others with their problems • He feels she wastes too much time on the phone socialising 5
Giver Husband Administrator Wife They can work together in business but only if she submits to his authority • He resents her telling him what to do, especially in business matters 6
Giver Husband Mercy Wife Both enjoy building interpersonal relationships • He is frustrated over her lack of industriousness and punctuality 7
Perceiver Husband Giver Wife They have joint intercessory power • He controls her ability to give 8
Perceiver Husband Perceiver Wife Both have high standards • Conflicts over who is right 9
Perceiver Husband Server Wife He is honest and loyal to her • He is bossy and treats her like a servant 10
Perceiver Husband Teacher Wife Both love to study the world • He is threatened by her opinions 11
Perceiver Husband Exhorter Wife Her outgoing, friend making nature, modifies his reclusiveness • He is irritated by her talkativeness 12
Perceiver Husband Administrator Wife Her practical organised approach balances his idealism • He intimidates and squelches her leadership potential 13
Perceiver Husband Mercy Wife Both are sensitive to the needs of others • He has a tendency to hurt her feelings 14
Server Husband Giver Wife They are helpful to each other and everyone around them • Their need to do and feel appreciated makes both partners insecure 15
Server Husband Perceiver Wife Both are perfectionists in their own way • He tends to feel overwhelmed by her strong personality 16
Server Husband Server Wife Work exceptionally well as a team • Both try to outdo each other at serving becoming competitive 17
Server Husband Teacher Wife Opposite traits of doing (Husband) and thinking (wife) balance each other • He resents her lack of practical helpfulness 18
Server Husband Exhorter Wife She helps draw him into social activities he would otherwise miss • His interest in things conflicts with her interest in people 19
Server Husband Administrator Wife He is able to carry out projects she initiates • He feels threatened by her leadership ability 20
Server Husband Mercy Wife Both are gentle in spirit • His high energy level conflicts with her slowness and tardiness 21
Teacher Husband Giver Wife She helps him be more practical and down to earth • He is threatened by her better business ability 22
Teacher Husband Perceiver Wife Both are highly analytical • He is frustrated over her mood swings 23