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RESCUE Presentation Overview of the RESCUE Project Dr. Sharad Mehrotra Professor of Computer Science Director, RESCUE Project. National Science Foundation Funding: $12.5M NSF ITR award $2M NSF Research Infrastructure award . Agenda. Mission.
RESCUE PresentationOverview of the RESCUE ProjectDr. Sharad MehrotraProfessor of Computer ScienceDirector, RESCUE Project National Science Foundation Funding: $12.5M NSF ITR award $2M NSF Research Infrastructure award
Mission The mission of RESCUE is to enhance the ability of emergency response organizations and the public to mitigate crises, save lives, and prevent secondary and indirect human and economic loss by radically transforming ways in which these organizations gather, process, manage, use and disseminate information during man-made and natural catastrophes.
Approach: Information Technologies for Improved Situational Awareness Observation:Right Information to the Right Person at the Right Time can result in dramatically better response • Response • Effectiveness • lives & property saved • damage prevented • cascades avoided • Quality of • Decisions • first responders • consequence planners • public Quality & Timeliness of Information • Situational • Awareness • incidences • resources • victims • needs
Research Team • Privacy • Security • Trust • Natural Hazards Center • Social Science • Data Management • Security and Trust • Disaster Analysis • Earthquake Engineering • GIS • Civil Engineering • Data Analysis & Mining • Data Management • Middleware & Distributed Systems • Civil Engineering • Transportation Engineering • Computer Vision • Networking • Multimodal Speech • Transporation Modeling • Urban Planning • Privacy • Social Science • Transportation Science • Wireless
Management Organization RESCUE Project PIs UCI - S. Mehrotra, Director UCSD – R. Rao Technical Advisory Committee Chair: TBD Community Advisory Board Chair: Ellis Stanley RESCUE Project Management External Relations Director Debbie Nielsen RESCUE Executive Committee S. Mehrotra, UCI R. Rao, UCSD K. Tierney, CU R. Eguchi, ImageCat RESCUE External Interactions Steering Committee Chair: Peter Chang - UM RESCUE Technology & Artifacts Steering Committee Chair: Nalini Venkatasubramanian - UCI RESCUE Projects Situational Awareness Project Lead: N. Ashish, UCI Extreme Networking Project Lead: B.S. Manoj, UCSD Privacy Project Lead: S. Mehrotra, UCI Sharing Project Lead: M. Winslett, UIUC Dissemination Project Lead: N. Venkatasubramanian, UCI
External Interactions Steering Committee • Mission: • To explore opportunities, sustain, and lead RESCUE outreach and education efforts to the external community of scientists, first-responders, government and industrial partners, and the community at large • Objectives: • Test and deploy RESCUE technologies and artifacts within the emergency management domain • Engage government and industrial partners in testbeds • Promote RESCUE to the larger community through demos, seminars, articles, etc. • Outreach to the research world through workshops • Advise Technology & Artifacts committee on artifact selection and deployment opportunities
Technology & Artifacts Steering Committee • Mission: • To focus and direct RESCUE research into substantive interdisciplinary projects that have potential for significant impact on crisis response and “big science” breakthroughs • Objectives: • Identification of cross-disciplinary research opportunities that can lead to “big science” • Focus and consolidate system artifacts • Guide RESCUE to become well known in respective disciplinary research communities • Work with External Interactions steering committee to identify opportunities to test technologies
CAB Objectives • To enhance the value and efficacy of the research being conducted by ensuring that the research and project artifacts have direct relevance in mitigating the effects of natural and man-made disasters • To provide feedback and input into research priorities based on the criteria implied above • To maintain liaison with RESCUE Project Leads • To serve as a resource for identifying qualified, potential academic, government and industrial partners • To recommend strategies that will complement and continue the research beyond the funding in 2008 • To credit the competency of RESCUE interns within their firm and to leaders fo other firms in government and industry
CAB Principal Duties and Responsibilities • To know and understand the roles and responsibilities of the advisory committee. • To contribute foresight/insight on industry trends and needs to help ensure that the research focus is current, relevant, and topical. • To attend and participate in regular/special meetings of the advisory board,. • To participate in NSF Site Visit review meetings when requested. • To participate in RESCUE’s Annual All-Hands On meeting. • To review RESCUE’s annual report to NSF to ensure that research activities are directed towards solving real-world, emergency management issues or problems. • To have a commitment to and understanding of the purpose of the research and benefits to the 1st responder community. • To interpret and promote the philosophy of Project RESCUE, to increase understanding and support of Project RESCUE. • To know the community, be familiar with community resources, and be aware of changing community trends and needs, i.e. technology adoption.
Building Blocks for Continuity Explain ………… Asdf Asdf Asdf Asdf External Funding Explain ………… Asdf Asdf Asdf Asdf Industrial Affiliates Program Creating a Center Explain ………… Asdf Asdf Asdf Asdf
Post-RESCUE conference Purpose: CAB’s Role:
First Responders • Initial Engagement, • Establish the Need, • Proposal, • Community Advisory Board (CAB) Formation • Strategic Partnerships Drills, Internships, Testbeds, Validation RESCUE Project Research • Scientific Achievements • Broader Impact First Responder & Industrial Collaborations Industry • Strategic Partnerships Continuity Research Collaboration, Technology Transfer
Maximizing Outreach Community Advisory Board • Initial Engagement, • Establish the Need, • Proposal, • Board Formation Community Advisory Board • Re-engage • Validate • Continuity Planning The RESCUE Project Continuity & National Impact RESCUE Technology Development
Social & Disaster Science context, model & understanding of process, organizational structure, needs Engineering & Transportation validation platform for role of IT research Security, Privacy& Trust Cross cutting issue at every level Information Centric Computing enhanced situational awareness Networking & Computing systems Computing, communication, & storage systems under extreme situations RESCUE Research • Social Science • context and understanding of crisis domain • Information Technology • infrastructure & tools to enhance flow of information & situational awareness • Engineering • platform for realization, real-world physical constraints that help test, and validate IT solutions
Risk Communication System Robust Networking Solution Policy Engine Real-time Alert System Smart Reconnaissance System Enterprise Service Bus Integrated Information Dashboard Internet-based Loss Estimation System FUTURE TESTBEDS CHAMPAIGN CAMAS GLQ METASIM Policy-driven Information Sharing Privacy Situation Awareness Robust Networking Customized Dissemination Project Structure INFORMATION ANALYSIS RESCUE Thrust Areas INFORMATION SHARING INFORMATION COLLECTION INFORMATION DISSEMINATION Integrative Artifacts Testbeds RESCUE Research Projects
NBC Building Testbeds MetaSim: An integrated plug-and-play micro/macro simulation environment for diverse crisis response situations. Built in hooks for technology validation CAMAS/Responsphere, UCI (incident-level response) MetaSim Simulator (regional response) CAMAS: A instrumented multisensor smartspace at UCI implementing & monitoring response activities Different testbeds model information flow conditions under diverse types of crisis situations Champaign Testbed (data sharing) Gas Lamp Quarter, SD (robust infrastructure) GLQ : Infrastructure to test robustness of network deployments via live experiments in real setting Champaign: City EmergencyOperations Center to serve as a testbed for Data Sharing Applications
List of RESCUE Artifacts • A smart reconnaissance system (ImageCat lead) • realizes the “humans-as-sensors” concept from multimodal human-generated input • An integrated information dashboard (UCI lead) • supports monitoring and analysis of dynamic & evolving large-scale crisis activities • A robust networking solution for use at crisis sites (UCSD lead) • RESCUE enterprise service bus (ESB) (UCSD lead) • supports loosely coupled data sharing environments • Policy-engine (UIUC lead) • specifying and enforcing organizational policies for secure information sharing • Scalable real-time alert system (UCI lead) • exploits a peer-based infrastructure for rapid delivery of short-term warnings • Customized risk communications system (UCI lead) • serves diverse populations by adapting message content and delivery channels based on context and recipient characteristics.
RESCUE Objectives • Develop technologies to dramatically improve situational awareness of first-responders, response organizations, and the public by providing them with timely access to accurate, reliable and actionable information about the disaster. • Develop technologies that enable seamless information sharing and collective decision making across highly dynamic virtual organizations consisting of diverse entities (government, private sector, NGOs, individuals). • Develop robust communication systems that continue to operate in crisis situations despite partial/total failure of infrastructure and increased communication demands. • Develop technologies that can be used for timely and customized dissemination of crisis information that inform the public at large thus enhancing the abilities of the affected populations to take appropriate self-protective actions. • Explore the privacy challenges that emerge as a result of infusing technology to improve information flow in crisis response networks and the public. • Promote interdisciplinary education at all levels (graduate, undergraduate, K-12) and across diverse student groups to expose the future community of citizens to issues in emergency management and homeland security – an area of global and national importance.
Structure RESCUE research to focus on a small set of problem-focused, multidisciplinary research projects driven by RESCUE objectives Create living laboratories and simulations that serve as open testbeds which mimic “real-world” conditions for regional and incident-level crises. Develop integrative artifacts that are derivatives of multidisciplinary research projects of direct relevance to response organizations Key Strategies • Purpose • Creates opportunities for groundbreaking scientific explorations • Advances socio-technical approaches to complex, crisis response issues • Exploration of social, organizational and cultural context in which technology is adopted • Purpose • IT assessment in crisis context • Opportunities for focused interactions with end-use community • Platform for demonstrations • Framework for collaboration • Within RESCUE team • With Industry and Academia • Purpose • Legacy of the RESCUE project • Natural conduits for technology transfer • Engage input from the user community in all phases of research: • Design, prioritization, testing and validation • Concrete mechanism to create and sustain collaborations amongst PIs
Research Projects • SAMI: Situational Awareness from Multi-Modal Input (Project Lead: N. Ashish, UCI) • PISA: Policy-driven Information Sharing Architecture(Project Lead: M. Winslett, UIUC) • Customized Dissemination in the Large(Project Lead: N. Venkatasubramanian, UCI) • Privacy Implications of Technology Adoption(Project Lead: S. Mehrotra, UCI) • Robust Networking and Information Collection(Project Lead: BS Manoj, UCSD)
Project 1: Situational Awareness from Multimodal Inputs (SAMI) • Grand Challenge • Principled approach to creating “situational awareness” from multimodal inputs to provide decision-makers access to timely, accurate, reliable and actionable information about disasters • Situation: people, incidents, resources Awareness: past, present, future • information spread across different modalities, human generated inputs, uncertainty and imprecision in data, scale to large events • Research Contributions • SA technologies with “events” as a unifying abstraction • next-generation DBMS for representing & reasoning about crisis situations • An integrated approach to event extraction, fusion & synthesis that exploits multimodality, context, and semantics (ingest) • Presentation framework for situational analysis & visualization End-User Deliverables A smart reconnaissance system to create awareness from multimodal human-generated input (“humans-as-sensors”) An integrated “event-centric” information awareness & analysis dashboard for dynamic & evolving large-scale crisis activities. Hurricane Portal Portal for EOC for the city of Ontario
SAMI • Progress so far • Progress in research and technology development in several areas • Semantic information extraction from text and audio, video surveillance, multi—microphone speech processing, and analysis techniques such as graph analysis, GIS and predictive modeling • Community/Industry/Responder engagements • City of Ontario, Orange County Fire Authority, VDT • Anticipated achievements • Further progress in all research areas above • Includes realization of (demonstratable) prototypes where applicable, publications, and (where applicable) infusion into artifacts or demos • Realization of EOC Whiteboard over CAMAS environment • Progress towards site visit demos and artifacts
Project 2: Robust Networking and Information Collection • Grand Challenge • Restore computing, communication, and higher layer services at a crisis site in a manner that is focused on the needs and opportunities that arise proximate to the crisis • Designed to serve the dynamically evolving situation at the crisis site • Research Contributions • Architectural design, protocol stack and control algorithms for hybrid wireless networks • Address tradeoffs of timeliness, accuracy and cost and reliability in data collection from crisis sites • Cross-layer techniques to deal with surge demands & infrastructure failures • Approaches to obtain low-level network data (e.g., user location) to enable novel applications useful for crisis response (e.g., occupancy analysis) • End-User Deliverables • Hybrid wireless networking system to support operations at a crisis site • Programmable hardware platforms for rapid transitioning of new research solutions to the field
Project 2: Robust Networking and Information Collection • Achievements made so far • Developed ENS, Extreme Networking System, a hybrid wireless networking architecture for supporting communication and computing during disaster sites • Developed research solutions for making today’s network respond to adapt to human behavior patterns • Developed early simulation platforms for studying the communication challenges during crises situations • Developed a new traffic notification and customized information collection and dissemination system • Developed a cellular phone based location tracking system • Deployed the GLQ test bed in down town San Diego • Anticipated Achievements in the next few months • Development of programmable network modules for hybrid wireless mesh networks and enabling the wireless network infrastructure with cognitive capabilities • Development of analytical models for studying the cellular and hybrid wireless network traffic for first response applications • Development of a fully functional peer-to-peer community based information collection and dissemination system for traffic notification and crises response • Integration of cell phone-based location tracking system with an emergency response web portal
Project 3: Policy-based Information Sharing Architecture (PISA) • Completed scenario development – June 2006 • Derailment with chemical spill in Champaign • Driver for research, research integration, demos • Led to new PISA subproject: family reunification portal based on info integration techniques, new privacy approach • Sociologists’ focus groups in Champaign – August 2006 • Results being analyzed • Grand Challenge • Design, develop, and evaluate a policy-driven architecture for information sharing across diverse entities and organizations involved in a disaster • Scalable: many users, policies, data sources; heavy load • Flexible: policy specification, user-friendly policy management • Resilient: under attack • Research Contributions • Understanding policy needs in specific usage scenarios • Inter-agency sharing during mock crisis events • Techniques for secure and scalable policy management • Attack defense for attribute based authorization • Middleware for information sharing across dynamic virtual coalitions • End-User Deliverables • RESCUE enterprise service bus (ESB) for loosely coupled data sharing environments • A policy engine for specifying and enforcing organizational policies for secure information sharing • Design and evaluation in close collaboration with City of Champaign • Robust, scalable authorization servers research under way: dissertation project • PhD prelim exam – November 2006 • Lowering the barriers to joining a virtual organization: authentication research under way • Master’s thesis project • Planned extension to DMIS • Planned family reunification authentication technique • TrustBuilder 2 designed, built: flexible runtime system for trust establishment • PhD preliminary exam – • November 2006 • Planned extension to DMIS Completed • Embodied in TrustBuilder2 • Using policies from derailment scenario • Novel policy engine architecture intended to support policy analysis more effectively
Project 4: Customized Dissemination in the Large • Grand Challenge • Next generation warning systems that customize risk communications based on various factors resulting in appropriate level of response (not under or over response) • Variability in warning times, characteristics of recipient populations, diversity of delivery mechanisms (social and technological), size of impacted population • Research Contributions • Understanding dissemination context in specific scenarios • Two case studies at different ends of warning time spectrum and geographical context • IT for customization • Accuracy of targeting, prioritization, location, language, and social contexts • IT for delivery • Scalability, reliability, message urgency, heterogeneity of delivery mechanisms • End-User Deliverables • A system for real-time seismic alert to schools in California • Collaboration with State of California, OES; School Broadcasting Company • Builds on RAPID: a flash dissemination system developed in collaboration with LA city • Longer term risk communications system for informing public through all phases of response • A peer-based portal for hurricanes • An emergency information portal for City of Ontario
Project 5: Privacy Challenges in Technology Adoption Grand Challenge Explore if IT can be designed with “knobs” that can be used to control disclosure of information amongst entities (individuals, organizations, government) with the objective of empowering technology adopters to fit the technology into existing (and possibly dynamically evolving) societal and cultural expectations with respect to privacy. • Research Contributions • Understanding privacy concerns • Field studies for 4 technologies usage scenarios • Privacy technologies • Policy specification, anonymization, perturbations techniques for dynamic spatio-temporal data • Privacy Preserving Observation Systems • Demonstration through privacy preserving video surveillance • End-User Deliverables • Insights into impediments in technology adoption • A set of “best practices” to limit/eliminate privacy concerns in technology adoption • A shared common vocabulary to express privacy concerns
Milestones Year 3 – 5 Strategic Plan Expanded Government Participation Year 1 - 5 Research Plan NSF Year 2 Review NSF Year 4 Review RESCUE Government and Industry Conference Develop Outreach Plan RESCUE Project Completion Plan Establish TAC Form Ext. Interactions and Tech. & Artifacts Committees IndustryAffiliates Program Establish CAB Testbed Development Artifact Development Benchmark Studies Validation Studies Annual PI Mtgs.
Today’s Demo (Sample Rescue SA and Simulation Technologies) Inlet: a platform for testing and validating information technology and social science research within the context of regional crisis response. . Percent Damaged Buildings: Moderate - Industrial The purpose of the IT-Social Sciences component is to develop methodologies and tools that will allow for more rapid evaluation of damage in large disasters, for better communication of data and information between critical response organizations (e.g., first responders, decision-makers) and the public. The ultimate goal of these technologies is to mitigate the secondary impacts of large regional disasters (i.e., preventing cascading failures or incidents).
Disaster Portal Practical applications of RESCUE research projects providing disaster-oriented situational awareness to the general public Information from many sources Transformed by RESCUE research Into actionable situational awareness for the public • WebEOCs • Government Agencies • Public Officials Official Information Sources rapid dissemination privacy video processing • USGS • Cameras • Roadway Sensors • People Counters data cleaning Sensor Networks extraction • Single page situation summary • Alerts and Announcements • Aid & shelter info • Family reunification • Donation / volunteer management • Infrastructure / traffic reporting and prediction • Disaster-specific web search modeling & prediction • News Reports • Evacuee Databases • Eyewitness Accounts Web Content sensor stream scalability disambiguation
Disaster Portal: Situation Summary Web Search/Analysis Official Announcements Evacuee Reunification Sensors (CAMAS) Emergency Shelters Traffic Prediction & People Tracking Donation Management Alert Dissemination Sensors (CAMAS) Incident Tracking