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Russell Tribunal on Apartheid: Voices for Justice

A conference in South Africa featuring renowned international figures discussing the apartheid regime, human rights violations, and the Palestinian struggle.

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Russell Tribunal on Apartheid: Voices for Justice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session on apartheid - November 2011 in South Africa

  2. Jury of the Russell Tribunal

  3. District Six Museum in Cape Town

  4. Mairead Corrigan Maguire – Nobel peace prize laureate Northern Ireland Ronnie Kasrils – former South African minister and ANC activist

  5. Allan Boesak – South African church cleric and former ANC activist Leila Shahid – PLO representative to EU

  6. John Dugard – South African prof. international law and former UN rapporteur on Palestine

  7. Jamal Juma'a – Stop The Wall, Palestine

  8. Haneen Zoabi – Palestinian member of Knesset (Israeli parliament)

  9. Jeff Halper – Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

  10. Letter to South African government

  11. Press conference

  12. Zwelinzima Vavi – secretary general of Congress of South African Trade Unions

  13. Pierre Galand – former secretary general of Oxfam and member of parliament Belgium Stéphane Hessel – ambassadeur of France and former diplomat Michael Mansfield – UK’s most well known lawyer and professor of law

  14. Stéphane Hessel – ambassadeur of France and former diplomat

  15. Raji Sourani – Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

  16. Desmond Tutu – South African archbishop and Nobel peace prize laureate

  17. Cynthia McKinney – former member of the US Congress

  18. Emily Schaeffer – American-Israeli human rights lawyer

  19. Luciana Coconi – jurist and human rights author, Spain

  20. Alice Walker – American author and Pulitzer prize winner Mohammed Khatib – Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, Palestine

  21. José Antonio Martin Pallin – Judge of supreme court in Spain Rafaelle Maison – French professor of international law

  22. Yasmin Sooka – South African human rights lawyer and former judge and UN commissioner Aminata Traoré – author and former minister of Mali Lea Tsemel – Israeli lawyer with Public Committee Against Torture in Israel Jazi Abu Kaf – Council for unrecognized Bedouin villages in Israel Mahmoud Hassan – Addameer prisoner human rights organisation, Palestine Rafeef Ziadah – Palestinian Boycott National Committee Shawqi Issa – Ensan Center for Democracy and Human Rights, Palestine Ingrid Jaradat – Badil human rights organisation and BNC, Palestine Shawan Jabarin – Al-Haq human rights organisation, Palestine Max du Plessis – South African associate professor of international law Ran Greenstein – South African associate professor of sociology François Dubuisson – Belgian professor of international law Marianne Blume – Belgian philologist who worked 10 years in Gaza David Keane – Irish lecturer of international law Joseph Schechla – HIC Housing and Land Rights Network

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