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Join us at the ENTAM 2010 Annual Meeting in Terni, Italy. Explore agenda topics like future testing services and budget forecasts. Review TWG activities and test reports. Enhance your knowledge and network with experts in the agricultural machinery industry.
ENTAM The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines 2010 Annual Meeting. Terni (IT) 10, 11 June 2010
Austria Bulgary ٭ Denmark France Germany Germany Greece Hungary Italy Poland Russia ٭ Germany Argentina ٭ F.A.O. Spain Spain Switzerland Members of ENTAM European Network for Testing Agricultural Machinery: Brazil ٭ : ٭ Bulgary, Argentina, Brazil, Russia are Observer Members. FAO is Honorary Member
Agenda of the 2010 ENTAM Meeting - Thursday 10th of June, 2010: state of the art 10.00 Welcome by the Chamber of Commerce Board 10.10 Welcome by the ENTAM Chairman (Krister Persson) 10:20 Welcome by the ENAMA Director (Sandro Liberatori) 10.30 Presentation of the Agenda (Giulio Fancello) 10.40 Presentation of the Activity Report 2009 (Giulio Fancello) 11:40 Coffee Break 12.00 Presentation of the Board of Auditors Report 2009 (Jan Radniecki) 12:30 Statement of the Chairman concerning the activities and the financial situation 12:40 Lunch 14:00 Presentation of the survey “European Funds for the development of ENTAM international activities 14:30 Questions on the survey 14:40 Presentation of the survey “roadmap for ENTAM as a European Economic Interest Grouping – EEIG” 15:10 Questions on the survey 15:00 Question time for the Technical Working Groups, Team of Competences, etc. 16:00 Signature of the ENTAM Agreement (approved on June 16th, 2009) 16:30 Coffee BreakEnd of the first day 18:00 visit of Narni and (20:00) Social Dinner in the Medieval Castle “Rocca degli Albornoz”
Agenda of the 2010 ENTAM Meeting - Friday 11th of June, 2010: ENTAM future 9.00 The results of the inquiry about the possible future ENTAM Testing services 09.30 discussion on the results and possible implementation 10:30 Coffee Break 10:00 open discussion 11:00 Chairman and Board of Auditors election, Choice of the venue for the 2011 ENTAM annual meeting; 11:30 2010 budget forecast. 12:00 Final decisions 12:30 Lunch 13:30 End of the meeting
The 9 Technical Working Groups (“TWG”) now active at ENTAM are listed below:- TWG Plant Protection,- TWG Mineral Fertilizer Spreaders- TWG Mixer Feeder Wagons,- TWG Organic Fertilizer Spreaders- TWG Irrigation machinery and equipment - TWG Soil Tillage and Sowing.- TWG Eco-technologies- TWG Forestry machinery and equipment- TWG Hill side Farming
ThePLANT PROTECTIONTechnical working group.The Technical Working Group Plant Protection is composed by the following experts: JKI, CEMAGREF, CMA, ENAMA, MGI, IAMC, PIMR. During the period considered in this report (second semester 2009, first semester 2010) there were no meetings of the Technical Working Group “Plant Protection”.The next workshop of the Technical Working Group “Plant Protection” is scheduled for week 39 or 40 of 2010.All the documents related to the Common methodologies approved by the TWG are available in the restricted area of the ENTAM web site (username: partner, password: ep20080214).
ThePLANT PROTECTIONTechnical working group. During the period considered in this report (second semester 2009, first semester 2010) there were 16 test recognition during 2009 and 8 during 2010.The ENTAM inquiry was aimed to collect the suggestion of the testing activities improvement related to the implementation of the new Machinery Directive 2009/127/EC and the expectations of the manufacturers on what kind of testing service offers they would expect from ENTAM. A presentation of the results of the inquiry will be showed on Friday.
TheMINERAL FERTILIZERS spreaderstechnical working group. During the period there were no meetings. The Team of Competence Leader is Mr Krister Persson Members of the TWG and ToC are: AU-DAE (formerly DIAS), CEMAGREF, DLG, HIAE, PIMR. The TWG will be invited to take part of a symposium in Palencia (Spain) on autumn 2010. Regarding the ToC activity no requests of ENTAM recognition was submitted by the ENTAM Members. The testing activity on this kind of machines has decreased compared to the previous years. A draft of the common methodology si available in the website
The Mixer Feeder Wagonstechnical working group. During the 2009-2010 there were two different meetings of this TWG, the first took place on July the 10th 2009, in Treviglio, Italy at the testing station of the ENAMA (CRA-ING), the second meeting took place in Wageningen (The Netherlands) on March 15th, 2010. The Team of Competence Leader is Mr Carlo Bisaglia Members who joined the ToC are: ART, DLG, ENAMA, HIAE, PIMR A draft of the common methodology has been updated, merging the ENAMA and the DLG test protocol. Proposal to use near infrared sensor in the test method Proposal for research project on “precision feeding” Proposal for research project on “Automatic feeding system”
The Organic Fertilizer SPREADERS technical working group. It is made is made by CEMAGREF, BLT; DLG; ENAMA (CRA-ING and DEIAFA). The Team of Competence leader is Marc Rousselet (CEMAGREF). The TWG started its activity in 2009, with a meeting in Montoldre (Cemagref testing station) the 29-30 January 2009. During the period (second semester 2009, first semester 2010) there were no meetings of this TWG.
The Organic Fertilizer SPREADERS technical working group. Regarding the TWG activity, looking back at the last meeting, the TWG agreed on the following working program and work assignment: 1- collect all methods on characterization of organics matters (BLT) 2- general process of testing machines : built a check list with different modules (Cemagref) 3- define a standard handbook (Cemagref) 4- proposition of an evolution for future standards based on the EN 13080 (DLG) 5- proposition of technical instructions and recommendations for the environment: new method to reduce the effects of the machine on the environment (DEIAFA) The first three points were accomplished and were shared by the participants. Regarding the ToC activity no requests of ENTAM recognition were submitted by the ENTAM Members. Further information will be provided by Marc Rousselet in the afternoon
The IRRIGATION TWG, first meeting took place on 10th of June 2009 at CEMAGREF laboratories in Aix en Provence with the participation of the Cemagref, EMA - Central Laboratory for Irrigation Equipment and Material Testing, Spain), PIMR – Poland. The first meeting focused on drafting an ENTAM Common Methodology and technical instructions for the test of 1) the sprinkler, checking the flow and pressure curve, and distribution curve, applying the ISO 15886 and ISO 9261) and 2) the sprayer, checking the flow and pressure curve, and distribution curve (mapping system or radial system). A definitive draft still has to be accomplished by the two expert. The ENTAM Office provided a support to the CENTER and CEMAGREF in drafting the methodologies particularly for the layout of the documents and the uniformity of the reports.
The The first meeting of the ECO-TECHNOLOGIES technical working group took place in Paris, on the 25th of February 2010, hosted by the AXEMA, the French professional organisation of manufacturers of tractors and agricultural machines. The Participants were Cemagref, AXEMA, ENAMA, MGI, Giulio Fancello, ENTAM Office. Main issues discussed: efforts to be acknowledged by the respective Ministry of Environment and the EU Commission as key contributors for the ETAP (Environmental Technology Action Plan) and the Environmental Technologies Verification (ETV) scheme in agriculture is being carried out by the Ministry of the Environment investigate which are the present agricultural technologies which are suitable to undergo the ETV scheme assess the interest of manufacturers in the ETV scheme assess the feasibility of proposing the ENTAM network as a verification authority for these new technologies. Further information will be provided by Marc Rousselet in the afternoon
The FORESTRY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT technical working group has the aim to develop a common Test Methodology for the Forestry machinery and equipment. Its establishment was requested during the 2009 ENTAM Annual meeting by the BLT and KWF. The testing activity is on different machines and equipments, but mostly on forest winches. During the second semester of 2009 there were 2 requests of ENTAM recognition, submitted by the BLT and recognized by the ENTAM During the first semester of 2010 there were 6 requests of ENTAM recognition, submitted by the KWF and recognized by the ENTAM
The HILL SIDE FARMING technical working group This TWG had the aim to develop a common Test Methodology for the machines used on hill side farming. The first meeting of the TWG and of the corresponding ToC took place in Feldkirch (Austria) on the on 4th of May, 2010. The agenda was focused on the presentation by the BLT of the work instructions for testing two axle mowers and for testing the transporters. There were 5 requests of ENTAM recognition related to this ToC, all submitted by the BLT. The test were submitted and recognized by the ENTAM Members
The SOIL TILLAGE and SOWING technical working group. Despite several meeting held in the past a Common ENTAM Methodology has not yet been approved The draft of the common methodology available is still published in the ENTAM web site in the restricted area (accessible to the ENTAM Members only with the password) and should be the starting point of the common ENTAM methodology.
ENTAM recognition of test reports Before the 2007 ENTAM meeting (may 2007) the request for ENTAM recognition were 17. Among these 1 was presented by BLT, 16 by ENAMA; 1 was a test report of a forestry lift, 15 test of plant protection machines and equipments, 1 test of tractor tyres.
Before the 2008 Annual meeting (June 2008) the request for ENTAM recognition were 18: 4 presented by BBA, 2 presented by BLT and 12 presented by ENAMA; 10 of these were tests of plant protection machines, 6 tests of nozzles (i.e. plant protection equipments), 2 tests were of two-axle mowers.
Before the 2009 Annual meeting (June 2009) the request for ENTAM recognition were 10: 5 presented by JKI (formerly BBA) and 5 by the ENAMA. Among these tests, 4 tested plant protection machines (air assisted sprayers), 5 test of plant protection equiment (1 crop protection product input device and 4 nozzle tests), 1 rotary harrow test.
ENTAM recognition During the last 12 month the request for ENTAM recognitions were 38, 12 presented by JKI (formerly BBA), 13 by the ENAMA, 7 by the BLT, 6 by the KWF. Among these tests, 8 tested plant protection machines (sprayers), 16 test of plant protection equipment (nozzle tests), 8 forest winches, 3 transporters, 2 two axle mower, 1 stone crusher. All the recognized test as well as the agreement and more information on the ENTAM Members competences and activity can be found at www.entam.net
An example of an ENTAM recognized test taken from the database
In the period May 2009 – April 2010 the average number of visitors per day is approx. 100 people/day with a significant increase (+ 40%) compared to 2009. The average number of Kb downloaded from the server to the visitor’s PC is approx. 1,6 GB in a month (also this data is increasing compared to 2009 and 2008, when it was respectively 1,2 GB and 1,0 GB). The number of people using the ENTAM web site is constantly increasing and, moreover, since an average “load” of an ENTAM test report is approximately 500 Kb, we can assume that people downloaded during the last year approximately 2.000 test reports per month.
Other activities of the ENTAM Network the ENTAM receives several request of candidature for different international research project. The last projects which involved the ENTAM are: The EFFICIENT20, a reasearch project funded by the European Intelligent Energy Agency, started on May the 1st 2010. In the past the SAFETY FIRST,a Leonardo da Vinci Life long learning project involved most of the ENTAM Members. Some Members have agreed on a project proposal presented by the University of Ankara (Turkey) for the transfer of the Safety First project in Turkey. Today the proposal has been submitted to the national agency of the Leonardo da Vinci for its approval.
Other activities of the ENTAM Network A research project opportunity (to be drafted yet) could involve the TWG “Mixer feeder wagons” with a “precision feeding” project aimed to the assessment of the performance, safety, environmental and animal welfare requirements of a new generation of mixer feeder machines. There is also a call for proposal from the EU-funded network ICT-AGRI ERA-NET – Coordination of European Research within ICT and Robotics in Agriculture and related Environmental Issues. The Online submission open (on www.ict-agri.eu) on 15 April 2010 and the deadline for submission of pre-proposals was 31 May 2010. Up today the tests carried out by the ENTAM Members have been focused mainly on the performance of the agricultural machines, then new tests have been recently developed for the safety assessment (safety of the worker/driver). The future could be to evaluate the environmental impact of a certain machine or equipment. These ideas were discussed during the TWG “Ecotechnologies” on February 28th in Paris, during the TWG meeting. The first step that has to be carried out is to check the real interest of manufacturers in the “Ecotechnologies” scheme application to the agricultural machines, than other project proposal could come from