1. Cross-Curricular Maths
2. Charter
3. Aims To discuss why it is important to embed Maths in other curriculum areas
To discuss ways to embed maths in other areas.
To explore how to develop mathematical vocabulary through other curriculum areas
To use ICT to support embedding Maths across the curriculum e.g use of ITPs, digital images.
4. Bell work On a post it write down your answer to these 2 questions and then share with your table.
Why do we need to embed maths in other areas ?
How often do we need to do it ?
5. Why embed maths into other subjects ? Childrens learning and progress in many subjects often depends on what they know and understand and can do in mathematics.
At the same time, these subjects provide a rich source of stimulus and motivation for pupils improving their mathematics skills.
Learning is enhanced in both subjects.
6. QCA Why embed mathematics across other subjects Children learn maths skills best at the point when they are needed, in meaningful, relevant contexts.
Alongside specific skills, more general skills in mathematical thinking are important.
Embedding the skills in other subjects makes a real difference to learning. Lessons are more interesting and enjoyable, and children are more motivated and can see relevance of their learning across the curriculum.
7. How do I embed maths in other subjects ? Build on existing plans
Choose powerful connections
Reconsider the sequence of units
Use the content from the foundation stage subject units to teach mathematics
Consider the impact of maths in other subjects on pupils learning This will need discussion, with a few suggestions for each stage
.This will need discussion, with a few suggestions for each stage
8. Maths and Science Look at AT1 for Maths and AT1 Science.
As a table highlight all the matches.
What key areas can we cover ?
What links can you make ?
9. Numeracy Framework- Making Links to Other Subjects. pg 17. Almost every scientific investigation or experiment is likely to require one or more of the mathematical skills of classifying, counting, measuring, calculating, estimating and recording in tables and graphs. In Science pupils will, for example order numbers, including decimals, calculate means and percentages, use negative numbers when taking temperatures, decide whether it is more appropriate to use a line graph or bar chart, and plot, interpret and predict from graphs.
Use my science and ITp notes to support discussion.Use my science and ITp notes to support discussion.
10. Activity In year groups. Consider the Science QCA unit on your table.
What maths skills do the children need in order to access the science ?
How might you change your maths planning to cater for this ?
11. Key Message To teach the skills in Numeracy and then use in Science lessons.
Use real situations to get children to apply these skills.
To make clear links with place value, measures and data handling.
12. Use of ITPs to develop the skills of reading scales and graphs ..\..\..\ITPS 05\measuringCylinder_1_2.exe
13. Data Handling and Science Reading and Interpreting tables, charts and graphs
Decision trees - use of branching databases.
Reading measuring equipment e.g cylinders, weighing scale,newton meters, rulers.
Control equipment
14. Use of data loggers Watch the video of a Year 5 class.
What links are made between maths and science ?
Are they explicit ? If not how could they be made explicit ?
15. How can we develop mathematical language through the use of images ?
16. Gallery Walk around the room and look at the images.
Which subject area could they link to ?
What mathematical vocabulary could you draw from them ?
17. Art and Maths As you watch the video clip consider
What links are made to maths ? How could this be developed further ?
18. Links to History Problem solving
Data Handling
19. Links to Geography Problem solving
20. QCA units 12 and 20 locality and traffic issuesCase Study.Children had completed surveys on local opinions and traffic issues.Children looked at a series of maps to locate the areas of congestion and discuss why there might be traffic issues.Task was to analyse the data they had collected but only using questions that people had answered yes to.Children used a range of data handling programmes to analyse the information. Excellence and Enjoyment : Case Study for Geography.
21. Effective Use of ICT in Subject Teaching.
22. Learning and Teaching Using ICT
23. Where to find resources to support staff ? www.qca.org.uk/schemes3
BECTA advice www.ictadvice.org.uk
Learning and Teaching using ICT example materials ( blue box)
Excellence and Enjoyment : learning and teaching in the primary years blue book, Planning and assessment for learning.