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Greater Manchester & Cheshire Cancer Network Developing a programme of education and training for primary care cancer professionals Dr Petula Chatterjee, Network Medical Director (Primary Care) & Co Chair of Primary Care Cross Cutting Group
Greater Manchester & Cheshire Cancer Network Developing a programme of education and training for primary care cancer professionals Dr Petula Chatterjee, Network Medical Director (Primary Care) & Co Chair of Primary Care Cross Cutting Group Mrs Barbara Hughes, Primary Care Cross Cutting Group Facilitator Greater Manchester & Cheshire Cancer Network, 2nd Floor, Gateway House, Manchester. M60 7LP NHS Introduction Topics covered in 1st ‘wave’ The Greater Manchester & Cheshire Cancer Network is one of the largest cancer networks in England, serving a diverse population of 3.2 million. There are now 11 Primary Care Trusts (PCT’s), 12 Acute Trusts, 12 Hospices, plus the main cancer centre, Christie NHS Foundation Trust. Five PCT’s have been affected by service reconfiguration. The Primary Care Cross Cutting Group (PCCG) membership is made up of PCT cancer leads, lead nurses and cancer managers. The constituent PCT’s were asked to ensure that the appropriate individuals attend the meetings, which at present are held on a quarterly basis. The main objective of the PCCG is to consider the primary care cancer agenda and how that agenda is best delivered within its constituent PCT’s. In 2006 the PCCG held a training and development workshop, facilitated by the Network Assistant Director for Workforce & Development. The workshop identified particular areas of training which would benefit members of the group and enable them to fulfil their roles effectively within each of the 11 PCT’s. A Training & Education Strategy was subsequently developed and agreed by all members. Clear milestones for completion were identified. • Influencing skills • Negotiating skills • Business Planning (including how to present ‘your case’ + the use of business plan templates) • Communication: verbal/non-verbal + body language and how interpret non-verbal behaviour • Presentation skills including use of ‘PowerPoint’ presentations • Managing Meetings (incorporating how to manage aggressive and obstructive conduct) • Information on all six areas covered along with copies of handouts provided at the sessions is available to all staff within the network and can be accessed via the newly developed Network website Evaluation of Sessions: • All six sessions have been well attended • Feedback has been very positive with the following sessions highlighted as being of particular value to members: • Business Planning and use of business plan templates • Presentation Skills • Managing Meetings • All those who attended indicated on evaluation forms that their level of knowledge and skills have been enhanced • The sessions have provided an invaluable opportunity to share experiences and knowledge with colleagues and also to network on other cancer related issues • 3 members of the Network Management Team attended some of the sessions • 4 Service Improvement Facilitators attended all six sessions Aims & Objective • Aims: • Meet the identified training and development needs of members of the group • Focus initially on the ‘managerial’ skills required by the primary care cancer leads/nurses/managers Objective: • Members would be sufficiently enabled to fulfil their roles effectively within their respective PCT’s and the wider network community Proposed programme: 2007-2008 • It is proposed that the next phase of training and development will focus on clinical issues for each tumour site to reflect the anticipated emphasis of the Cancer Reform Strategy (due November 2007) on the role of primary care in the recognition and early diagnosis of those tumours • Joint meetings will be held with each of the network tumour site specific sub groups(CSG’s) and initially these will be: Breast, Colorectal, Lung, Urology • Given that the emphasis is now on what cancer care can be delivered in the primary care sector, it is envisaged that the training programme will focus on: • Prevention and screening programmes • Involvement in the development of tumour site specific care pathways • Adherence to the referral guidelines (Improving Outcome Guidance: IOG) • Appropriate use of referral pathways • Appropriate use of the ‘End of Life’ care pathway • Future developments in areas such as treatment and follow-up Length of training/funding • First ‘wave’ of programme to be run over a period of 6 months • Each education session would be covered on a half-day basis • Sessions would be held at a locally agreed venue • First session commenced in September 2006 with final session undertaken in February 2007 (6 sessions in all) • Full evaluation of each session undertaken • Certificates of Attendance provided for use in CPD portfolios • Each session was designed to be interactive and all members attending were encouraged to contribute effectively • Facilitation of each session was provided by external training agencies • Funding for the programme was obtained from external sources • Any spare places were made available to members of the Network Management Team including Service Improvement Facilitators Printed by Department of Medical Illustration, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Manchester. Tel:0161 446 3305/6. Email: Illustration@physics.cr.man.ac.uk