1 / 4 Introduction to Perl – Session 1 Introduction to Perl – Session 1. introductory slide very short list of things that you will cover if it doesn’t fit, shorten the list until include things such as purpose of today’s session things audience will learn applications of today’s concepts.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Perl – Session 1 • introductory slide • very short list of things that you will cover • if it doesn’t fit, shorten the list until • include things such as • purpose of today’s session • things audience will learn • applications of today’s concepts - Introduction to Perl - Variables

  2. Each Slide Has a Capitalized Title a horse of course • If you have multiple points • use the bullets • for as many levels • as you need • But if you have only one point per slide and a large image, do not use a bullet • see next slide for an example • The first bullet of the text is Helvetica Neue LightCondensed 18pt. • next bullet is 16 pty • then 14 pt • then 12 pt • and 12 pt thereafter Figure. Images should be flushed right on the page with plenty of padding. The title of the image should be in Adobe Carlson Small Caps. - Introduction to Perl - Variables

  3. Including Code • Code should be set in Lucida Console 10pt with a grey background. • Use these icons to indicate special items • flush the icons left of all text use LWP::Simple; my $url = “http://www.mdc-berlin.de/ratgenome/data/MDC-Map-15.html”; my $html = get($url); margin notes should be in light grey small text - Introduction to Perl - Variables

  4. Introduction to Perl – Session 1 • summarize main points here • if it doesn’t fit, shorten the summary • include things such as • “take home” messages • critical definitions and concepts - Introduction to Perl - Variables

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