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Cohesion : Signposting and punctuation. References : Bailey, S. 2011. Academic Writing : A Handbook for International Students . Routledge : Oxon . Swales , J. & Feak , C. 1994. Academic Writing for Graduate Students . The University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor .
Cohesion:Signposting and punctuation References: Bailey, S. 2011. AcademicWriting: A Handbook for International Students. Routledge: Oxon. Swales, J. & Feak, C. 1994. AcademicWriting for GraduateStudents. The University of Michigan Press: AnnArbor. Swan, M. 1995 PracticalEnglishUsage. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press: Oxford Websites: www.uefap.com http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ http://sana.tkk.fi/awe ’
We’vebeentalkingaboutflow… • Language of academicpapers vocabularyshift • Organizing information in a paper paragraphs and sentences • Now, to establish a clearconnection of ideas… • Uselinkingwords and phrases as well as punctuation.
Part 1: Linkingwords and phrases Can help maintainflow and establishclearrelationshipsbetweenideas Canbearrangedaccording to theirfunction and grammaticaluse.
Alsocalled a ’discoursemarker’ Discoursemeans ’pieces of languagelongerthan a sentence’. Somewords and expressionsareused to show howdiscourse is constructed. Theycan show the connectionbetweenwhat a speaker is saying and whathasalreadybeensaidorwhat is going to besaid; theycanindicatewhatspeakersthinkaboutwhattheyaresayingorwhatothershavesaid. (Swan, 1995, p. 159)
More commonly called signposts because they show you the way…
EXAMPLE Independentclause: He washandy.
Whattheyare and whattheydo Formal, academicstyle
Addition Informal: So, Anotherthing is, In any case, Besides,…= notacceptable
Cause and effect Informal: So, Then, … = unacceptable
Additionalinformation UsingEnglish for AcademicPurposes (UEFAP) Rhetoricalfunctions: http://www.uefap.com/writing/writfram.htm OnlineWritingLab (OWL) at PurdueUniversity Writingtransitions: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/574/01/ Transitionaldevices: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/574/02/ AcademicWriting in English (AWE) website Signposts: http://sana.tkk.fi/awe/cohesion/signposts/index.html Bailey, S. (2011) AcademicWriting: A Handbook for International Students Part 2 (pgs. 101-149)
This (these)+ summary word • ESL lecturersknowthatstudentsneed to understand the differencesbetweenformal and informallanguage. However,thisunderstandingcannotusuallybeaquiredquickly. • This = demonstrativepronoun • Refers to the previousphrase (givennew)
Otherpronounpossibilities… • Basics – he, she, it, they, we • Posessive – his, her(s),its, their(s), our (not common in AW) • Objective – her, him, them, us (not common in AW) • Demonstrative – this, that, these, those • Other – the former, the latter, the aforementioned, the abovementioned,
Homework • Readingtextbook • Chapters: • 2.4: Comparisons • 2.9: Problems and solutions • 3.9: Punctuation
Part 2: Punctuation Sentence connectors raise the important issue of punctuation You have to learn the proper use of punctuation in English and in your field We only deal with some punctuation, namely comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:) and dash(-)
Semicolon • Joinstwo (completelyindependent) clauses/phrasesthatarerelatedorconnected to eachother. • Works muchlike a full stop (period) • Air trafficdelaysdue to hightrafficvolumehaveincreasedconsiderablyover the lastdecade; thesedelayshavebecome a majorpublicpolicyissue. • Somearguethatit’sstrongerthancomma and weakerthan a period. • Canbeusedwithsentenceconnectors • Increasing the size of airports is onesolution to trafficcongestion; however, this is a long-termsolutionwhosebenefitsmaynotbeseen for manyyears into the future.
Semicolon • Canbeused to separaterather long items in list : • Some of the solutions to the air trafficdelayproblemincludeincreasing the size of airportsthatroutinelyexperieceflightdelays; overhauling the air trafficcontrolsystemsothatmoreflightscanbesafelyhandled; and increasinglandingfees. • Is usuallyusedif the information is grammaticallycomplex.
Colon and Comma • Weakerstops • Comma (,) separatesitems in a list • Colon (:) introduces a list and explanations • The meetingwaspostponed: the Dean was ill. • Commasusedwithconjunctions (and, but, or) and subordinators (although, if, whereas) • Therearefour main causes of airportcongestion: badweather, excessivevolume, runwayclosures, and equipmentoutages.
Dash • Sometimes a dash is used to introduce a list • Theyareused to intrudeadditionalinformation to a sentence, muchlikebrackets (). • Therearefour main causes of airportcongestion: badweather – such as a snowstorm – maygroundplanes… • Mostly, though, a dash is moreoftenused in informaltexts.