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/* Life runs on code */

/* Life runs on code */. Introduction to Windows Phone. Introduction to Windows Phone – Training by Kamalakannan Annamalai. Nalanda Hall 10/24/2013: 11.00am – 12.00pm. Kamalakannan Annamalai Windows Phone Developer Ilink Systems Twitter : kanal_7 Email : kamalwp7@hotmail.com.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. /* Life runs on code */ /* Life runs on code */

  2. Introduction to Windows Phone Introduction to Windows Phone – Training by Kamalakannan Annamalai. Nalanda Hall 10/24/2013: 11.00am – 12.00pm Kamalakannan Annamalai Windows Phone Developer Ilink Systems Twitter : kanal_7 Email : kamalwp7@hotmail.com

  3. What we are going to discuss about for next one hour? History about Windows Mobile. What is Windows Phone? Market share for Windows Phone. Get Started with Windows Phone. Hello Windows Phone 8.

  4. History about Windows Mobile.- Pocket PC Pocket PC 2000 Pocket PC 2002 Pocket PC 2003

  5. History about Windows Mobile. – Windows Mobile Windows Mobile 6.1 Windows Mobile 6.5 Windows Mobile 6.0 Windows Mobile 5.0

  6. What is Windows Phone? What do you think about Windows Phone? How does Windows Phone differ from other Smart Phones? What is Metro Style?

  7. Market share for Windows Phone.

  8. Market share for Windows Phone.

  9. Market share for Windows Phone.

  10. Get Started with Windows Phone. Minimum Software & Hardware Requirements SDK Link : https://dev.windowsphone.com/

  11. Get Started with Windows Phone. – 2 Orientation in Windows Phone Landscape Portrait

  12. Get Started with Windows Phone. – 3 Resolutions in Windows Phone

  13. Get Started with Windows Phone. • Architecture of Windows Phone Operating System. • Life Cycle of Windows Phone Application. • 3 important UI Controls. • Launchers & Choosers. • Walkthrough on top 5 Windows Phone 8 features.

  14. Get Started with Windows Phone. Windows Phone OS Architecture

  15. Get Started with Windows Phone- Windows Phone Application Life Cycle Dormant state De-activating Running state Launching Tombstone state Activating Closing

  16. Get Started with Windows Phone- Windows Phone UI Controls • Application Bar • Panorama • Pivot

  17. Get Started with Windows Phone– Application Bar Application Icon Application Bar Application Menu Item

  18. Get Started with Windows Phone- Panorama Page

  19. Get Started with Windows Phone– Pivot Page

  20. Get Started with Windows Phone– Launchers & Choosers • Bing Map Task. • Bing Map Direction Task. • Email Compose Task. • SMS Compose Task. • Web Browser Task. • Share Status Task. • Share media Task. • Share Link Task. • Search Task. • Market Place Review Task. • Market Place Detail Task. • Market Place Search Task. • Phone Call Task. • Media Player Launcher Task • Address Chooser Task. • Photo Chooser Task. • Phone Number Chooser Task. • Email Address Chooser Task. • Save Ring Tone Task. • Save Contact Task. • Save Email Task. • Save Phone Number Task. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/ff769550(v=vs.105).aspx

  21. Get Started with Windows Phone– Windows Phone 8 top 5 Features • Tile Templates & Tile Sizes • Lock Screen on Windows Phone 8. • Voice Command Definition. • Wallet. • NFC. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/ff769550(v=vs.105).aspx

  22. Get Started with Windows Phone – Tile Templates & Tile Sizes

  23. Get Started with Windows Phone – Lock Screen on Windows Phone 8.

  24. Get Started with Windows Phone – VCD on Windows Phone 8. Do you know? Windows Phone can also respond to your voice command.

  25. Get Started with Windows Phone – Wallet on Windows Phone 8.

  26. Get Started with Windows Phone – NFC on Windows Phone 8. Do you know? Windows Phone & Windows 8 devices can communicate each other by just tapping each other using NFC.

  27. Demo App

  28. Queries?

  29. Thank you /* Life runs on code */

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