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Ed Riddick, October 6, 2013

Three Essentials Spiritual Leaders Can’t Do Without - Prayer Series: New Testament, Spiritual Leadership. Ed Riddick, October 6, 2013. Luke 22:27. What NT Spiritual Leadership Is Not…. Not gender specific Not connected to personality type Not race specific L imited by but not tied to age

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Ed Riddick, October 6, 2013

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  1. Three Essentials Spiritual Leaders Can’t Do Without - PrayerSeries: New Testament, Spiritual Leadership Ed Riddick, October 6, 2013

  2. Luke 22:27

  3. What NT Spiritual Leadership Is Not… • Not gender specific • Not connected to personality type • Not race specific • Limited by but not tied to age • Limited by but not tied to level of intelligence • Not leading from behind = manipulation

  4. What NT Spiritual Leadership Is… • Answering the call of God • Stepping up - personal responsibility • Stepping out - taking initiative • Learning the Word of God • Listening to the voice of God • Relying on the Spirit of God

  5. Three Essentialsof NT Spiritual Leadership • Building on the Foundation of God’s Word • Living in the power of the Spirit of God • Living from the center of prayer

  6. Prayer The Spirit God’s Word(The only foundation for clear thinking)

  7. Story about access Ephesians 2:17-18 “He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.”

  8. III. You must learn to live from the center of prayer • Acts 1:4 • Acts 1:14 • Acts 2:42 • 3:1 • 4:23-31 • 6:1-6

  9. III. You must learn to live from the center of prayer • Acts 10:2-4 • Acts 12:1-12

  10. A Theology of Prayer from Acts 1. Part of the fabric of the Christian life and the life of the church • Both corporate and personal • Not only the inner, conscious conversation…but specific, quiet places of focused prayer in the presence of God. • Required a personal decision of commitment • It is true that we come to God, through the blood of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. But, it is also true that we can talk to Jesus and I assume we can also talk to the HS.

  11. A Theology of Prayer from Acts • In times of great need and important decisions • Not only the prayers of God’s people but the prayers ofgenuine seekers! Acts 10:2-4 • Grappling with the meaning of God’s Word and with discerning the voice of God. • Crying out to God in emergencies - Acts 12:12 • Worship and prayer was the way they dealt with personal trials Acts 16:25-26

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