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Institute for Research on World-Systems Department of Sociology

Explore the evolving institutional structure of global governance and the historical context of US hegemony. Delve into the integral components, formal institutions, and geopolitical shifts that have shaped international affairs.

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Institute for Research on World-Systems Department of Sociology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Global Governance and US Hegemony:A Historical Trajectory Alexis Álvarez Institute for Research on World-Systems Department of Sociology University of California, Riverside IROWS

  2. History & Conceptualization What constitutes global governance? Institutional Precursors: Monotheism, trans-continental empires, Magna Carta, capitalism, secularism, socialism, decolonization, modernity, universal suffrage, globalization. Globalization in its economic, material, linguistic, and other social dimensions is not global governance per se, though its fruition foreshadows its inevitable, cybernetic/legislative consequences. Integral Components: An interstate system (established during the Treaty of Westphalia), international organizations, and a geopolitical climate mediated by a hegemonic cycle.

  3. Functionalist Institutional Lens kinship religion economy education politics law

  4. Kinship Ec L Ed P R The Formalization of Institutions Formal Institutions

  5. Institutions in Agrarian Societies Religion Polity Law Economy Education Kinship

  6. Institutions during Early Capitalism Polity Law Economy Religion Education Kinship

  7. Institutions under Transnational Capitalism Economy Law Polity Religion Education Kinship

  8. Prostitution K Ec Gambling Ed R L P Institutions under Transnational Capitalism Sports Science Medicine Media

  9. Prostitution L K Drugs Sports Ec Ed R P Recreation Internet

  10. Bases of Power Tributary model of systemic power Symbolic Systemic Primacy Coercive Population Empire Size Administrative Material

  11. A historical trajectory of the developing institutional structure of global governance, not scaled Proliferation of Transnational Social Movements and Global Governance Institutions CIA1947 – Scope of transportation and communication technology United Nations1945 – World War II1939 – 1945 Treaty of Westphalia1648 Prevalence of Global Governance in International Affairs Concert of Europe1815 League of Nations1919 – 1946 Core Institutional Differentiation World War I1914 – 1918 American & French Revolutions1776 & 1789 Maritime Colonialism Continent-wide Colonialism Tributary Empires Transnational Capitalism Early Capitalism Secularization Abolition Decolonization

  12. Hegemony and Global Governance geopolitical goals External Internal Sovereignty Hegemony Hierarchy Legitimacy

  13. League of Nations Expenditures, Swiss Francs World War II1939 – 1945

  14. US GDP as % of Global GDP and Total UN Expenditures Iraq War I Iraq War II Fall of USSR Viet Nam War Millions, USD Korean War Fall of Apartheid Israel

  15. Pearson’s r = -0.859

  16. Pearson’s r = -0.859

  17. World Values Survey 2005: World Citizenship and Confidence in the United Nations

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